How To Visit Ferrari Factory?

First, we’d like to draw your attention to the Ferrari factory tour: only customers who have scheduled a visit with a dealer are permitted to tour the facilities, including the manufacturing lines. Therefore, the Ferrari factory tour that is offered to tourists is an engaging guided tour that is completed while seated on a small bus that transports you through the “Cittadella” (little city), as the Ferrari Factory Italy is known locally. The guide will lead you through the main departments and buildings, including the renowned Wind Tunnel, constructed by Renzo Piano, where the aerodynamical parts of the cars are tested, the Development Department, a cutting-edge and contemporary building, and the location of Enzo Ferrari’s office. You will see where Enzo Ferrari’s office was located by entering the original and historical entrance of the Factory, situated precisely in front of the famous restaurant “Cavallino,” where Enzo Ferrari used to dine with his friends. The tour ends at the Fiorano Track, a private track that is coveted by all pilots worldwide. If you’re lucky, you might catch a glimpse of a Ferrari car in action!

Should we go to the Ferrari factory?

Unfortunately, only owners of Ferrari vehicles who have made a direct reservation with Ferrari management are permitted to tour the plant. There is a factory ground tour available to the general public, which is conducted in a Ferrari shuttle bus.

What location is the primary Ferrari factory?

It should come as no surprise that your new Ferrari is built in the same location every Ferrari has been made because Ferraris are known as much for their legacy as their power and elegance: Italy’s Maranello

At the Ferrari facility, are drivers permitted?

You may schedule your supercar test drives on this page; they are held in Maranello right outside the Ferrari museum. The length of the test drives might range from 30 minutes to roughly 2 hours. Test drives in Lamborghinis and the opportunity to operate a Ferrari F430 on the Modena track are also available. Booking fees are included in prices.

All driving is done on a public road while being accompanied by an instructor co-pilot; however, track driving is an option for some automobiles.

Drivers from the EU must be at least 21 years old, have a current driver’s license, and have held their license for at least three years.

Drivers from outside the EU will also need an international driving license, which can be obtained from their country’s licensing authority.

Loss of payment will result from failure to provide sufficient documents on the day of the test drive.

track evaluations:

Drivers must be at least 18 years old and possess a valid driver’s license in order to participate in a track test drive.

Track Test Drives: We respectfully ask that you be flexible with the time of the experience due to the strong demand for test track driving. You’ll be given a time slot in the morning or the afternoon. This condition will apply to all reservations.

Only the driver and the teacher can sit in the majority of the automobiles available because they are two-seaters. The Ferrari California is the best option if you wish to bring a friend or family member along.

Please be aware that test drives are subject to Terms & Conditions, including insurance waivers. These terms will be highlighted on the contract that you must sign on the day.

Which Ferrari Museum should you go to?

The Enzo Ferrari Museum, as I’ve already indicated, concentrates on the life of the guy who founded the company. However, it’s not the only museum dedicated to Ferrari in the Motor Valley of Emilia-Romagna.

Additionally, a mere 20 kilometers away in Maranello is the Ferrari Museum. This one puts a lot more emphasis on the vehicles themselves.

As a result, the Maranello Ferrari Museum contains a wealth of technical data about the design of the vehicles, including illustrations of the development of the engine.

There is also a strong focus on the racing aspect of Ferrari’s history, with stories about great drivers like Michael Schumacher and Formula One cars.

The simplest answer to the question of which Ferrari museum is better when deciding whether to visit is: whichever piques your curiosity more.

I’d advise visiting the Ferrari Museum in Maranello if you’re interested in the racing and engineering aspects of the automobile industry. The Enzo Ferrari Museum would be a better choice if you’re interested in the background and personality of the brand.

Nearby to the Enzo Ferrari Museum, in Maranello, lies the Ferrari Museum. The two Ferrari museums are connected by a shuttle bus.

The registered address is Via Dino Ferrari 43, Maranello, 41053. This map will show you where it is.

It costs EUR17 for an adult, EUR15 for a concession, and EUR7 for a child to enter the Ferrari Museum in Maranello. However, a ticket that includes admission to both museums may be purchased for EUR24 for an adult and EUR10 for a child.

The alternative is to take a tour that includes both Ferrari attractions and some of the other top attractions in the area, especially its cuisine. It’s a fantastic method to fit a lot into a short amount of time!

If you’re staying nearby, there is a fantastic Ferrari and cuisine tour that departs from Bologna.

If you’re only visiting for the day, you can also consider the following:

Ferrari undoubtedly has a unique quality that appeals to more people than just its devotees. Even someone like me can appreciate the brand’s history and the dedication to quality that it represents.

“No one recalls who took second place and that will never be me,” Enzo Ferrari once declared.

It wasn’t arrogance (okay, maybe a little), but rather a desire to always advance, concentrate on quality, and provide the best possible product. Whether designing a vehicle or competing in a race.

It has to do with the sense of beauty that Ferrari supporters experience when their team wins.

You can see how the worshippers can grow to be so devoted. It spreads like a disease.

Is the Ferrari factory a public facility?

The Ferrari Museums in Maranello and Modena are now open to visitors without requiring them to provide a basic or advanced Green Pass in accordance with current laws.

Certain anti-Covid 19 regulations are still in effect, such as the advised wearing of PPE (such as surgical masks) throughout the entirety of your visit.

The public can visit the Ferrari Museums in Maranello and Modena seven days a week as usual. In order to guarantee availability on the day you select to visit, we advise making reservations and purchasing tickets online in advance.

Healthcare professionals will continue to have free admission to the Museums throughout the entire year of 2022, and their family members will also get a discount on admission.

How long is a factory tour of Ferrari?

A unique tour of the Ferrari facility in Maranello that includes the Fiorano racetrack and Viale Enzo Ferrari

A unique factory tour of Ferrari is offered at the factory’s original location in Maranello, Italy’s Motor Valley.

The Ferrari factory tour along the major road that passes the facility at Maranello and the Fiorano track will be appreciated by the most ardent admirers of the “Pricing horse” for giving them this exceptional opportunity to walk inside the factory.

Fans will learn about the history, numerous features of the Ferrari Fiorano track, and all buildings created by the most renowned architects in the world during this 45-minute shuttle bus trip. Not to mention the perfectly restored historic section of the Maranello facility that dates back to World War Two. Please be aware that this Ferrari factory tour in Maranello only takes you inside the factory and not any other buildings. Visitors must always stay on the shuttle bus. This tour is distinct from the Ferrari factory tour for owners, which is organized by Ferrari with dealers directly.

There are no limits for the Ferrari museum visit, however the Ferrari factory trip is subject to Ferrari factory availability. Only those who sign up for MotorStars tours are given access to the Ferrari factory and museum trips from Bologna and Modena in Italy.

Where can you take a Ferrari test drive in Italy?

Spend a day immersed in Ferrari automobiles by visiting the Ferrari Museum in Maranello. A one-hour test drive in an F430 Ferrari serves as the beginning of the seven-hour excursion. As you learn how to control the car’s rumbling engine, sit next to a co-pilot. After visiting the museum and enjoying a meal at a restaurant frequented by the neighborhood Ferrari test drivers, visit a vinegar factory in Modena to try the city’s tart red wine vinegar.

How long is the tour of the Ferrari Museum?

At a very unique price, the Ferrari Museums are giving tourists the opportunity to visit both the Ferrari Museum in Maranello and the Museo Enzo Ferrari in Modena. In fact, tourists can enter both museums with a single ticket costing 30 euros when they acquire the new Ferrari Museums Pass. Those under 19 who are traveling with relatives will also receive a discounted cost of 12 euros.

Please be sure to include the day and hour of your visits to each museum when ordering your combined tickets for Modena and Maranello. The two museums must be visited simultaneously within a 48-hour period.

With the Ferrari Museums Pass, it’s simpler than ever to learn about the legend’s origins, tour the incredibly immersive Enzo Ferrari museum, and experience the Prancing Horse dream by delving into the Maranello Museum’s past, present, and future.

Semi-professional simulator: 10 minutes, 7 of which are spent driving while using the racing-style gearbox, seat, and steering wheel controls with the help of a specialist. Examine the rule.

Exclusive shuttle bus visits to the Fiorano racetrack and down Viale Enzo Ferrari in the Ferrari plant complex are also available to guests of the Ferrari Museum in Maranello. Visitors are taken on a 45-minute bus tour of the Ferrari factory, the Fiorano racetrack, and the company facilities.

The Discover Ferrari & Pavarotti Land tour passport grants holders access to all three museums, including the Pavarotti, the Ferrari in Maranello, and the Enzo Ferrari in Modena, as well as the opportunity to schedule additional exciting visits and tastings and benefit from shopping discounts at participating stores.

By completing the relevant form, travel agencies and tour operators can request more details about the conditions and deals that are reserved for them.

Do you have access to a Ferrari in Maranello?

Gean has lived in Italy for nine years and is a racing driver. Visitors visiting Maranello will be able to experience something special while riding in a Ferrari. Gean has already driven the Ferraris in TV appearances. Talk to Gean if you want to experience the rush of accelerating these amazing automobiles on the streets of Maranello. He will be more than pleased to help you, especially when he sees the pleasure on your face after the test drive. View our TripAdvisor reviews.

How far is the Ferrari Museum from Florence?

Ferrari, and you probably shouldn’t say anything else. A visit to the Museum of the Little Horse will satisfy anyone who enjoys driving and engines in general. The passion and the sensation of someone who has dedicated his life to chasing the goal….. and has succeeded will be carried within you by thrusters as ravenous for gas as camels in the desert and numerous other items, first and foremost automobiles and Formula 1 Sport Production!

Fortunately, Maranello, the town home to the Ferrari plant and museum, is close to Florence and can be reached in under two hours. For those that choose to do this excursion and demonstrate a different range of interests, crossing the Apennine Alps allows you to take in some absolutely stunning views. The music performed once in Maranello is quite different. Everywhere in this place, the thunderous boom of the Ferrari engines can be heard. Children pass by fancy cars costing a hundred thousand euros in front of the school. Red is obviously the most common color in this community. However, not just any red—a Ferrari Red! A museum with a large collection of vintage Formula One, Sport Production Championship, and Mille Miglia vehicles is located next to the facility. In addition to admiring complete automotive pieces, the museum also offers a variety of gadgets for sale. The Fiorano test track is located across from the museum, where Ferrari conducts its own exclusive testing. Although the track is off limits to the general public, there is a spot where you may peek inside to see what’s going on. Additionally, there is a Test Test available for anyone with a valid driver’s license in the plaza outside the museum if you don’t want to buy a Ferrari but still want to drive one. There is nothing left to hope for, so enjoy yourself!