Does Ferrari Do Background Checks?

Nowadays, having money doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to purchase a Ferrari for yourself. It takes a little more work than you may think to own one of these Italian sports vehicles.

You can’t just drive away with a Ferrari from your favorite exotic vehicle dealership, even if your wallet is deep enough to support one.

A thorough background check must be passed before you are allowed to purchase one of these Italian masterpieces. Ferrari wants to make sure that only the appropriate individuals are allowed to drive their cars, thus to achieve this goal, they investigate every potential owner’s life in detail to make sure that they meet their specified criteria.

Only if you pass a background check and are accepted into the Ferrari family will you be able to purchase your ideal vehicle.

Some of the obstacles preventing someone from acquiring a Ferrari can appear pointless. But it’s reasonable to say that they’ve been quite effective since up to this point, these regulations have helped preserve the Ferrari name at the absolute top of the auto industry.

You must follow these guidelines.

Believe twice if you think you can enter a Ferrari dealership and barter for a cheaper price like you would with a Toyota or even a Porsche. If you desire one of these stunning sports vehicles from Ferrari, there are many hoops to jump through, and failing in even one means you might never possess one. A background investigation is the first step.

According to Autoevolution, the Italian car manufacturer checks to determine if you have a pattern of driving “incidents.” You’ll probably get turned down if you do. Additionally, it’s said that Ferrari favors men over the age of 40; but, if you match the requirements, being female or younger than that magical age range is in no way a barrier to obtaining one.

Additionally, you can’t own a Lamborghini and be a car collector. If you possess a car from the Prancing Horse’s rival, you’ll undoubtedly end up on its no-buy list because of their storied rivalry.

If money isn’t enough, what precisely is Ferrari seeking for in owners? Instead of status seekers, the company wants true automobile enthusiasts who will keep and use its vehicles. This leads to specific requirements that you must follow after you acquire ownership.

Kardashian hasn’t been seen driving a completely modified Ferrari, but she might have done something else to annoy the Italian automaker.

According to Auto Evolution, Ferrari does thorough background checks and may refuse to sell you one of their vehicles if they learn that you own a Lamborghini, as Kim does.

A collection of Kim’s favorite vehicles, including a Rolls-Royce, a Maybach, and a Lamborghini, can be seen during a tour of her home that Vogue taped and uploaded on YouTube on February 18th, 2022.

They would have sufficient grounds to deny the Kardashian family access to their limited-edition vehicles if they learned that they back the company’s longtime adversary.

In addition, the vehicles she displayed were all painted grey and appeared to have been specially modified by the multibillionaire founder of SKKN.

She states in the video before revealing that she also painted the Maybach sedan grey, “My Lamborghini Urus, which has this kit on the front of it so it looks a little different, my Rolls-Royce is grey too.

Kim was once given a Ferrari 458 Italia in 2011 by a Malaysian businessman who wanted to wish her well in her marriage to Kris Humphries. In 2012, Kim was also observed driving a brand-new Ferrari, however it’s possible that it belonged to her ex-husband Kanye West at the time.

buying a brand-new Ferrari

A new Ferrari is more difficult to purchase than a regular automobile. For instance, you cannot simply enter a Ferrari showroom, choose a vehicle, and leave holding the keys to a brand-new vehicle. Instead, purchasing a Ferrari is a considerably longer and more challenging process. A year or more was sometimes required for new Ferrari owners to eventually get behind the wheel.

In the first place, Ferrari does not allow anyone to buy a new model. Every Ferrari is a one-of-a-kind work of art. As a result, Ferrari employees go to tremendous efforts to guarantee that only drivers who can properly appreciate this car will be able to possess one. This means that we take the time to thoroughly investigate everyone who is interested in buying a new model.

To ensure that all prospective customers can afford the automobile, the majority of dealerships will do a credit check on each of them. Ferrari wants to make sure that you can afford it, but they also want to know that you value the company’s products. Ferrari has a history of turning down sales to prominent public figures. Therefore, simply having enough money won’t get you one of these pricey cars. Instead, before being permitted to buy a new Ferrari, the majority of owners had already purchased a number of used Ferrari models.

Thinking of purchasing a supercar like a Ferrari? It turns out that it’s not at all as simple as you might have thought.

Many people would put buying a fast and costly car at the top of their list of things to do if they won the lottery or received another large fortune. However, even while it would appear to be a simple task, it’s much easier said than done.

You see, automakers like Ferrari, who produce the most well-known sports cars in the world, make a huge deal out of the uniqueness of their vehicles. This implies that Ferrari must select you rather than you selecting a new Ferrari.

It is very much the definition of first-world issues, yet many Ferrari enthusiasts who could easily afford one of the brand’s cars can be left feeling resentful and ignored by the manufacturer. We’ve previously written about the little-known downsides of purchasing and owning a supercar.

Before letting buyers purchase one of its regular vehicles, Ferrari will frequently ask to examine a history of previous owners. If you’ve never had a Ferrari, your chances of driving away with a brand-new vehicle are small, and many dealers won’t consider dealing with anyone under the age of forty.

For Ferrari’s limited-edition models, it frequently doesn’t matter if you’ve had one Ferrari or 20, as web designer Bill Ceno, 55, discovered.

Despite owning four limited-edition Ferraris, all of which he purchased used and paid roughly twice the original sticker price for, Ceno admitted in an interview with the Wall Street Journal that he has long since accepted the fact that he won’t be purchasing the new LaFerrari Aperta, the hypercar’s convertible variant.

He gave no explanation when asked why, just saying he “can’t be bothered” and that he preferred buying secondhand automobiles over having to deal with the “politics” of getting a limited-edition Ferrari.

It’s not simple to obtain a vehicle like the LaFerrari Aperta; at the very least, you need to have a long history of working with a Ferrari dealer. Even if it will assist if you’re a superstar, it’s another negative mark against you if you’ve never gone to the Ferrari facility in Maranello.

Can you be sued by Ferrari?

Yep. Ferrari filed a lawsuit against the Purosangue Foundation and prevailed in the legal battle. When the supercar manufacturer sought to utilize the Purosangue moniker (“thoroughbred” or “full-blooded” in Italian) for its future SUV, it first approached the charity that supports health and fitness. After the negotiations fell through, the Purosangue Foundation filed a lawsuit to prevent Ferrari from registering the name as a trademark in Europe. Ferrari responded by starting legal action, asserting that the foundation hadn’t used “Purosangue” for commercial purposes enough since registering it in 2013. “Why do we have to get go of who we are? Ferrari ought to have simply done its homework.” The Purosangue Foundation’s Max Monteforte spoke to the Financial Times in the UK. “There is a ton of proof of what we’ve been doing lately.” No thanks.

Can you take a Ferrari test drive?

You may schedule your supercar test drives on this page; they are held in Maranello right outside the Ferrari museum. The length of the test drives might range from 30 minutes to roughly 2 hours. Test drives in Lamborghinis and the opportunity to operate a Ferrari F430 on the Modena track are also available. Booking fees are included in prices.

All driving is done on a public road while being accompanied by an instructor co-pilot; however, track driving is an option for some automobiles.

Drivers from the EU must be at least 21 years old, have a current driver’s license, and have held their license for at least three years.

Drivers from outside the EU will also need an international driving license, which can be obtained from their country’s licensing authority.

Loss of payment will result from failure to provide sufficient documents on the day of the test drive.

track evaluations:

Drivers must be at least 18 years old and possess a valid driver’s license in order to participate in a track test drive.

Track Test Drives: We respectfully ask that you be flexible with the time of the experience due to the strong demand for test track driving. You’ll be given a time slot in the morning or the afternoon. This condition will apply to all reservations.

Only the driver and the teacher can sit in the majority of the automobiles available because they are two-seaters. The Ferrari California is the best option if you wish to bring a friend or family member along.

Please be aware that test drives are subject to Terms & Conditions, including insurance waivers. These terms will be highlighted on the contract that you must sign on the day.

Are Ferraris trustworthy?

Are you trying to find the Ferrari of your dreams to buy? Reliability is one thing you should be worried about. After all, nobody wants to pay top dollar for a Ferrari supercar and then spend more to maintain it. How dependable are Ferrari automobiles? In this essay, let’s learn more.

As dependable as any other high-performance vehicle on the market today is the modern Ferrari. They can remain in good shape for a very long time if they are driven frequently and kept up properly. Although pricey, maintenance is limited to standard procedures like brake replacements and oil changes.

Major issues necessitating extensive repairs are rare and can be avoided if your Ferrari is routinely serviced.

Why won’t Ferrari allow you to customize their vehicles?

Pop star Justin Bieber reportedly won’t be able to buy another new Ferrari after allegedly breaking the Italian company’s modification rules. The Prancing Horse disapproved of the Canadian singer’s decision to repaint his 2011 Ferrari F458 Italia electric blue and modify it with a Liberty Walk widebody kit, according to Milan-based tabloid Il Giornale.

The investigation found that the 28-year-old did not adhere to the moral standards for maintaining and operating vehicles. Ferrari automobiles are not subject to unauthorized alterations, and owners are not entitled to sell their vehicles without first notifying the business. Bieber sold the customized car at auction in 2017.

According to a story in the newspaper, Fabio Barone, director of the largest Ferrari drivers’ organization in the world, said: “A Ferrari is a work of art, therefore it’s appropriate the company communicates the message that it must be conserved.”

If the allegations are confirmed, Bieber will no longer be qualified to buy a brand-new Ferrari, although the Prancing Horse has not yet issued an official statement on the subject. If accurate, it wouldn’t have a significant impact on the singer’s style given that he owns high-end vehicles including a Lamborghini, Bugatti, Rolls-Royce, and Porsche.

Celebrities including reality TV star Kim Kardashian, singer 50 Cent, and Hollywood legend Nicolas Cage, who was forced to sell his Ferrari Enzo in 2003 due to bankruptcy, have all been blacklisted by Ferrari in the past.