What Fuel Does The Toyota Mirai Used

A new era of zero-emission mobility fueled by hydrogen has arrived with the Mirai.

The Japanese word for Mirai is “future,” yet in order for our innovative Toyota Fuel Cell System technology to be a success, it must be appealing to and available to people now. Despite having a cutting-edge drivetrain and utilizing a novel fuel, the Mirai is a typical mid-size, four-door sedan that is just as useful, secure, and simple to operate as a conventionally powered family car.

On a full tank of hydrogen, it will travel as far as a comparable-sized gasoline vehicle, and filling up from empty takes between three and five minutes. The benefits include a quiet, comfortable ride, high performance, and only water vapor emissions from the exhaust.

A interaction between hydrogen and oxygen generates energy in the Toyota Fuel Cell System seen in the Mirai.

In the same way that you purchase gasoline or diesel at a filling station, you refuel with hydrogen fuel. The fuel is kept in high-pressure tanks and pumped into a fuel cell stack, where the air’s hydrogen and oxygen interact to produce electricity.

Similar to a gasoline-electric hybrid, the voltage of the electricity is increased to power the electric motor. Every time the car brakes or slows down, more energy is stored in a battery, which results in even improved fuel efficiency.

We are the first company in the world to provide a system with a power density of 3.1 kW per liter thanks to our decades of research and development in hybrid electric technology.

A Toyota Mirai runs on gas or electricity.

The 2022 Mirai is Toyota’s premium zero emission, rear-wheel drive fuel-cell electric vehicle. It was named one of Ward’s Automotive’s 10 Best Engine and Propulsion Systems winners for 2021, and it has a starting price of $49,500*. (FCEV).

What is the price of a gallon of hydrogen fuel?

Although hydrogen fuel is four times more expensive than gasoline and about $16 per gallon, it is far more efficient than gasoline.

Does hydrogen cost less than gasoline?

Cheaper than other gases, hydrogen burns only to make water (no CO2). Compared to the same amount of gasoline, it generates three times as much energy.

Why is fuel made of hydrogen so expensive?

The majority of hydrogen utilized in the United States is generated on-site or nearby, often at sizable industrial facilities. It is still necessary to build the infrastructure for supplying hydrogen to the vast national network of fuelling stations needed for the widespread deployment of fuel cell electric vehicles. Building out these distribution networks is the primary objective of the initial rollout for vehicles and stations, which is predominantly done in southern and northern California.

Currently, there are three ways to deliver hydrogen:

Pipeline: This method is the least expensive for delivering large amounts of hydrogen, but it has a limited capacity due to the fact that there are only 1,600 miles of hydrogen transport pipes in the United States at the moment. These pipelines are situated close to significant chemical and petroleum refineries in Illinois, California, and the Gulf Coast.

High-Pressure Tube Trailers: High-Pressure Tube Trailers are expensive and are often used for transporting compressed hydrogen gas over lengths of 200 miles or fewer by truck, railway, ship, or barge.

Cryogenic liquefaction is a technique that cools hydrogen to a temperature where it turns into a liquid, producing liquefied hydrogen tankers. Despite the cost of the liquefaction process, hydrogen may be delivered by truck, railcar, ship, or barge over larger distances more effectively than using high-pressure tube trailers. If the rate of consumption of the liquefied hydrogen is insufficient, it will boil out (or evaporate) from its containment vessels. The distribution and consumption rates of hydrogen must be precisely coordinated as a result.

There are numerous difficulties in developing an infrastructure for hydrogen transport and distribution to thousands of individual fuelling stations in the future. Hydrogen is more expensive to transport, store, and deliver to the place of use than all other fuels because it has a lower energy density per unit volume than all other fuels. The initial capital expenses of constructing a new hydrogen pipeline network are considerable, and the properties of hydrogen create special difficulties in the design of compressors and pipeline materials. However, as hydrogen can be created from a wide range of resources, regional or even local hydrogen production can make the best use of available resources while reducing distribution issues.

Between centralized and distributed production, there are trade-offs to take into account. Centralized generation of hydrogen in sizable plants lowers production costs but raises delivery expenses. For instance, producing hydrogen at filling stations reduces distribution costs but raises production costs due to the expense of setting up on-site production facilities.

Research and development initiatives by the government and business are removing the obstacles to effective hydrogen delivery. The Office of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies has more information about hydrogen delivery.

Can I refuel my automobile with hydrogen at home?

A three-car garage-sized space and nearly a million dollars’ worth of equipment would be needed to fill up a hydrogen car at home. Or, you could simply plug an electric vehicle into a power socket.

Where can a Toyota Mirai get fuel?

Only Solution. A fueling station for the Mirai must adhere to the most recent Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) hydrogen fueling interface protocol standards or regulations that may replace such SAE requirements. The Mirai is a hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicle.

What is the price to fill up a Mirai?

In a perfect world, refueling a hydrogen car should take about the same amount of time as refueling a gasoline or diesel vehicle. Since the fuel is under pressure (up to 10,000 psi), you must lock the nozzle in place, but after you do that, you should be good to go. The pressure at the station, however, may really drop off momentarily if there are multiple automobiles waiting in line for hydrogen, slowing down everyone. If multiple cars use it in a sequence, the nozzle may also freeze, adhering to the cars and making removal more difficult until it thaws out.

Currently, it can be expensive to fill up a car with hydrogen, in part due to the lack of infrastructure. For instance, refueling the Mirai would run you roughly $90 per throw if you had to pay for it (by the kilogram). However, if all goes according to plan, you can drive around releasing only water, which is a pleasant perk.

Watch Tommy’s video below for additional information on the Mirai and what it’s like to live with it:

How much does hydrogen fuel cost?

The cost of the fuel isn’t low because the business is still in its early stages and is still learning how to store and transport hydrogen gas effectively. The price of one kilogram of hydrogen gas is roughly $16.

A Toyota Mirai oil change is necessary?

The Mirai undergoes routine maintenance every 5,000 miles, exactly like a conventional car, but because there is no need to change the oil, the majority of these intervals are made up of inspections to make sure your Mirai is staying in excellent shape.

How long is the Mirai battery good for?

How frequently should a 2022 Toyota Mirai battery be changed? Every 3 to 5 years, however, you should have your battery checked regularly for sharp voltage drops to ensure it’s performing at a reliable level. Unless you have a high-performance battery, car batteries typically carry 12 to 13 volts.

Where can hydrogen automobiles be refueled?

Hydrogen, the most prevalent element in the universe, is one of the cleanest and greenest fuels for motor vehicles. This is made possible by modern fuel cell technology, which utilizes compressed hydrogen gas in electric automobiles. Hydrogen reacts electrochemically in a fuel cell to create electricity that powers the vehicle. Water vapor is the only waste material.

Fueling is Easy and Fast

On a full tank of hydrogen, fuel cell electric vehicles typically have a range of 300 miles or more, and they can refuel in 3 to 5 minutes. Fueling with hydrogen takes no longer or requires less effort than fueling a regular car. See how fuel cells are unique from other forms of electric vehicles.

The majority of hydrogen refueling stations are situated inside of already-existing gas stations and use dispensers with a similar appearance but a different nozzle and hose.

California has more than 40 hydrogen stations as of October 2019, and more stations are being built. The network is growing, but the stations that are now available are mostly concentrated in key markets and in places that would facilitate statewide and vacation travel.

Fueling Costs

Fuel cells are roughly 2.5 times more efficient than gasoline engines, despite the fact that hydrogen is currently more expensive than gasoline. The majority of fuel cell car manufacturers also give three years’ worth of free fuel with a vehicle as an added incentive.

Hydrogen Production

Since hydrogen is always bound to other elements, using it in a fuel cell requires separating and purifying the hydrogen through a procedure. This has numerous alternatives, and there are numerous sources of hydrogen, many of which are renewable and low- to zero-carbon.

In the current market, industrial gas businesses that make hydrogen from natural gas are the main suppliers of hydrogen. No of the technology utilized to produce hydrogen, fuel cells are so much more efficient than gasoline-powered engines that the overall greenhouse gas emissions are significantly reduced (at least by half).

California is a global leader in the production of hydrogen fuel that is 100% renewable, and there are numerous efforts in place to help with this goal.


Electric vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells are eligible for numerous fantastic customer incentives. The biggest standard reimbursement offered by the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project for fuel cell electric vehicles is $5,000. Additionally eligible for the Clean Air Vehicle decal allowing solo access to carpool lanes are fuel cell vehicles. Find further advantages for electric vehicle owners in California.

Is buying Mirai worthwhile?

The Mirai has a luxuriously smooth ride, a tastefully finished interior, and a sturdy construction. Because of its rear-wheel-drive design and superior weight distribution, it drives through curves with remarkable composure. The Mirai is slightly more expensive than its rivals, and both passenger and cargo space are constrained.