How To Reset Oil Change Light On Toyota 4Runner

When it’s time for an oil change, the Toyota 4Runner will notify you with a ‘Maintenance Required’ warning on the instrument panel. Once the car has driven 4,500 miles since the last reset, this alert will appear.

Following service, follow these instructions to reset the maintenance light.

  • The car’s ignition should be turned to “On.” Press the Engine Start button twice on push-button vehicles. Never start the car.
  • To switch the display to show the mileage for Trip A, press the “Odometer/Trip stem button” on the instrument panel.
  • “Off” the ignition, please.
  • the “Odometer/Trip stem button” firmly depress and hold.
  • Hold the “Odometer/Trip button down while turning the key in the ignition. Press the Engine Start button twice on push-button vehicles without holding the brake. Never start the car.
  • The maintenance light has been reset once the odometer reads zero mileage.

This guide is applicable to all 20102021 Toyota 4Runner model years.

How frequently should a 2019 4runner have its oil changed?

One of the most essential and crucial procedures for your car is an oil change. Every 3,000 to 5,000 miles is the recommended frequency for changing the oil and filter in your 2019 Toyota 4Runner, but it’s best to check your owner’s handbook and with your dealer to determine the intervals that work best for your vehicle.

How can you turn off the Toyota Tacoma’s maintenance-needed light?

The convenience of having a car-savvy family member must be incredible! Yes, you can manually reset your light as you are aware that your car is in good condition.

Turn off your vehicle, then push and hold the odometer reset button to turn off the maintenance light on a Toyota Tacoma. Odo/Trip is the typical label for this button. Hold the button down as you restart the ignition of your car.

Your maintenance light ought to be back on now! By starting your car as usual and waiting a few seconds, you can ensure that the light remains off. Visit a professional to ensure that your automobile and your sensors are in good working order if the light does indeed come back on.

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On a 2014 Toyota RAV4, how do you turn the maintenance light back on?

How to Extinguish the Toyota RAV4’s Maintenance Light

  • Put the ignition on with your key. Turn the key to the first position.
  • On the dashboard, press the reset trip meter button. Hold it down for a couple of seconds.
  • Hold the odometer button down for another five or so seconds.
  • Release the odometer button after it is off.

After an oil change, how do I turn off the maintenance light?

In order to start the car, turn the ignition to position one after inserting your key. Turn your key to position two after pressing and holding the trip meter reset button on the dashboard. Hold the odometer button down for a further ten seconds. The light should then begin to flash and potentially beep before turning off.

How is the mileage reset after an oil change?

Get behind the wheel of a pre-2005 GM vehicle, shut the door, turn the ignition to the auxiliary power position, wait for the lights to come on, then quickly depress the accelerator three times within five seconds after turning the key. When the counter has been reset, the oil light should flash.

Use this process on a GM model from 2006 or later, however keep in mind that some cars have slightly different button locations to hit to reset.

Turn the key to the auxiliary power position while sitting behind the wheel and with all the doors closed. After finding the oil life message by scrolling through the options on the Driver Information Center (DIC), press and hold the enter key for one second before letting go. There will be a reset notice on the DIC.

Why does my maintenance light come on after I change the oil?

  • Verify that the odometer’s (ODO) total mileage displaytypically the ‘A’ displayis on.
  • Now the light will read “MAINT REQD.”
  • Release the ODO button once it starts to show zeros, then flip the key back to the “off” position.
  • Turn the key in the ignition while maintaining pressure on the ODO button. till the dash lights turn on. Avoid starting the car.
  • If the car is on, turn it off.
  • The ODO display will briefly flash before beginning to display only zeros.
  • Press and hold the ODO reset / readout button while the engine is off.

What ‘MAINT REQD’ Means

Within 5000 miles of the last reset, the “MAINT REQD” indicator illuminates. It is merely a mileage counter meant to serve as a reminder to the user that an oil change is required and in no way indicates any system failure. If a specialist has always performed maintenance on your Toyota, they reset it after each oil change. It should be noted that the recommended oil change interval is not always 5000 miles. To find out how frequently the oil in your Camry needs to be changed, consult the owner’s manual and your usual technician.

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The amount of oil that a 2007 Toyota 4runner needs.

6.5 quarts of 5W-30 motor oil should be added to the engine. To assist avoid spillage, steady the funnel with one hand. If you believe your operating circumstances require a different oil viscosity, see your owner’s manual.