How To Jump Start A 2017 Toyota Highlander

No one is flawless, on that much we can all agree. Even though it might take a lot, your 2020 Toyota Highlander’s battery can nonetheless become discharged. A detailed instruction manual on how to jump start a 2020 Toyota Highlander has been produced.

Make sure you have a set of jumper wires and your key fob in your pocket before attempting to jumpstart your Highlander Hybrid.

Connect the positive jumper cable clamp to your car in the dedicated jump-starting connector. The second vehicle should then be connected to the other positive end. The negative on your vehicle’s end should be connected to a stationary, unpainted metallic point far from any moving parts, and the negative to the second vehicle.

Start the second vehicle’s engine after everything is connected, then raise the speed a little. For five minutes, keep the engine running at this pace to recharge your car.

It’s time to put your Toyota Highlander through its paces once the second car has been operating for five minutes. Before you do anything, double-check that all of your doors are closed. Once everything is in place, drive the second car at a constant speed while turning on the power. See if the “READY” indication illuminates.

Once your hybrid system has started, disconnect your jumper cables in the opposite sequence.

Make sure to get your Highlander Hybrid checked out if something still feels weird.

How long ought a Toyota Highlander 2017 battery to last?

The battery life of your 2017 Toyota Highlander will typically range from 3 to 5 years, although it can vary significantly based on the battery’s type, size, environment, driving habits, and other factors. Even yet, a battery’s performance may not be at its peak even if it isn’t fully dead.

Is a specific battery required for a 2017 Highlander?

Some Toyota Highlander models from 2017 to 2019 come with an engine Stop & Start function. If you need to replace the battery in these cars, make sure you use the P/N 28800-31550 battery.

No recommended Truestart battery is suitable for Stop & Start Highlander vehicles, claims Toyota. The battery with Stop & Start is specifically developed for deep discharges. The pattern is known as EFB (enhanced flooded battery). EFB-type batteries have the capacity to discharge and recharge quickly.

Use the battery tester with the “enhanced flooded” or “EFB battery type for evaluating batteries for Highlanders with Stop & Start capabilities. There are various ways to determine if the Highlander has Stop & Start if you are unsure. Vehicles with the Stop & Start feature have a button on the dash that may be pressed to temporarily disable the function. On the V6 Highlander LE Plus, XLE, SE, and Limited variants, Stop & Start is standard equipment.

By looking at the battery label, which should carry the part number 28800-31550, you may easily determine which battery is the right one. On the battery’s front in raised letters and on the battery label, the battery’s manufacturer, “GS Yuasa,” is visible. Also included are screw-type vent caps rather than press-in vent caps.

With a dead battery, how do you start a hybrid vehicle?

  • Avoid overusing your hybrid vehicle’s jumper cables on other vehicles as this can harm the electrical system.
  • Turn off your headlights and inside lights, then engage your parking brake.
  • Disconnect the hybrid system and take your key off.
  • Fuse block cover, hood, and special jump-starting terminal cover should all be opened.
  • The exclusive jump-starting terminal should receive the positive clamp (red) jumper cable.
  • Connect the vehicle’s discharged battery’s negative clamp (black) to a stable, solid, unpainted metallic point.
  • Make sure all unneeded lights are turned off and that the vehicles are not touching if the booster battery is put in another vehicle.
  • When boosting a car, always utilize a battery that is the same or better in quality.
  • Allow the jumper cables to be attached and the discharged battery to rest for five minutes. Then, with the gas pedal barely depressed, run the engine of the car that is boosting at roughly 2,000 RPM.
  • Make sure the “ready light is on” before starting the hybrid system.
  • After the negative cable, disconnect the positive cable.

Can you safely jump start a hybrid vehicle?

When your hybrid car’s battery dies, you might be thinking, “Can you jump-start a hybrid car? Yes is the clear-cut response. This is one of the instances where hybrid cars and regular gas-powered cars have similarities. It’s crucial to understand how to jump-start a hybrid because the procedure isn’t exactly the same as it is for other vehicles. It might be quite harmful for you and your car if something goes wrong.

Make sure you know what you’re doing if you need to jump-start your hybrid in a pinch to get it going again. First, switch off both vehicles as well as everything else that uses power, including your air conditioner, radio, and any GPS equipment you may have. Any of those that are left on while getting a jump start run the danger of being damaged by the electrical surge.

Open the hoods of both vehicles as you would for any normal jump-start after making sure everything is off. Next, connect the positive terminal on your hybrid with one end of your jumper cables, and the terminal with the same color on the other car. From that point on, things change a little. One end of the additional cable will be attached to the negative terminal in the operational vehicle. Consult your owner’s manual to find the proper location as it will depend on the model of your hybrid.

You need to start the functioning car and let it run for a while after the cables are securely linked. You can start your hybrid after a little delay, and everything should function normally. Make sure you unplug the cords in the reverse direction from how you connected them.

Can you jump start a Toyota hybrid?

Jump-starting a Prius or another Toyota hybrid is quite similar to jump-starting a gas-powered car. Jumper cables, a helping vehicle, and a solid metallic point are all required to jump a Prius.

How many times can a car battery be jumped?

According to Pep Boys, if a dead automobile won’t start, you can jump-start its battery with another vehicle once, but you shouldn’t try to crank it more than three or four times in a succession. If the dead automobile won’t start, it might require longer charging time. But if you’ve tried to charge it for a long time without success, it’s possible that the dead car’s battery is entirely dead and needs to be replaced.

In my experience, the aftermarket alarm that was installed on the car causes a parasitic draw that causes my car to need a jump start many times a week. In the summer, the battery typically holds a charge just fine for a week. But as soon as the temperature drops, I hear the dreaded “approximately every other day, click, click, click. It’s a good thing I have my trusty Shell portable jump starter to give my car the boost it needs to get going again. Even at single-digit temperatures, it functions.

But I can see how repeatedly jump-starting the battery may be bad for the battery, if not some other components of the car. As reported by Axle Addict, “Simply put, 12-volt batteries lack the strength to seriously harm electronic parts. Although this is a comfort, it is still safer to jumpstart the automobile as little as possible or only once.

Where is the Highlander Hybrid’s 12 volt battery located?

Yes, the hybrid’s illusive 12 volt battery has baffled many people. You’ll actually need to check your car’s trunk if you need to replace the 12v battery in a Toyota Highlander Hybrid.

How to find the battery

  • Unlock the trunk.
  • The side panel with the two tabs should be found.
  • In front of the side panel, fold the interior of the trunk back.
  • Utilizing the tabs, remove the side panel. The 12 volt battery is there.

Make sure the new battery you choose is the right model for your hybrid.

When you’re prepared to swap out the battery for a new one, take the following actions:

  • Using a ratchet, remove the brace holding the battery to the car.
  • Remove the negative terminal (the one nearest to the bumper) with your ratchet, making sure it doesn’t make contact with any metal surfaces within the vehicle.
  • Take the positive terminal out.
  • Remove the electronic connector and hose from the battery.
  • Replace the old battery by sliding the old one out.
  • Reconnect the positive terminal first, then the positive and negative terminals, and finally the bracket.

The fuse box under the hood is where you jumpstart your car if you ever need to.

Remember that your auto insurance doesn’t provide coverage for a dead battery. Jerry the Super App will still be able to save you a ton of money despite this. Users save an average of $887 a year using Jerry’s policy comparison service, which helps you locate the greatest insurance coverage at the most affordable rates.