How Many Catalytic Converters Are In A 2021 Toyota Tundra

Here in the US, 2021 set a new record for catalytic converter theft, and 2022 is not looking much better.

In the news, you’ll learn of “the majority of stolen catalytic converters from vehicles like the Honda Element and Toyota Prius. In fact, no car is secure. A few years ago, I even had the catalytic converter stolen from a twenty-year-old POS Honda Accord.

Four catalytic converters are standard on a 20072021 Toyota Tundra of the second generation. Two are present “two catalytic converters underneath your truck and two in the front near the engine. The Tundra is gradually becoming as the thief’s favorite vehicle since there are more converters available to steal and because it is simple to crawl beneath one without a jack.

The Toyota Tundra has how many catalytic converters?

In a Toyota Tundra, how many catalytic converters are there? Let’s just pretend that there are sufficient numbers to do the task.

A Toyota Tundra has three catalytic converters. The two rear converters are situated behind the mufflers, while the primary converter is situated in front of the engine.

The number of catalytic converters in a Toyota Tundra and their significance will be covered in the article.

How much is a catalytic converter for a Toyota Tundra worth?

Replacement catalytic converters for Toyota Tundras typically cost between $3,859 and $3,883. Between $63 and $79 is the expected cost of labor, while between $3,796 and $3,804 is the projected cost of parts.

On a tundra, where is the catalytic converter?

There are four catalytic converters in Toyota Tundras. Two are placed at the engine manifold in the front, and two are put in the back, next to the mufflers.

Are there two catalytic converters on trucks?

That raises the question of how many catalytic converters a truck is permitted to have. Actually, it’s legal for an automobile to have up to four catalytic converters. Typically, each exhaust uses a single catalytic converter. Cars with dual exhaust systems have two catalytic converters to balance out each set’s emissions.

How can I stop someone from stealing my catalytic converter?

Use a locked garage, regularly shift your car’s place, or park in well-lit areas close to exits for the general public. Install a theft prevention device. Install cameras and motion-activated lights in your parking area. Some local police departments even provide free painting programs to dissuade purchasers by painting your catalytic converter.

What automobiles are vulnerable to catalytic converter theft?

A study on the growing nationwide catalytic converter theft trend was just published by NICB. According to the data, catalytic converter thieves favor some automobiles over others in California.

In California over the last three years, the Toyota Prius, Honda Element, Honda Accord, Ford Econoline, Honda CRV, Ford F-250, Toyota Tundra, Toyota Sequoia, Ford Excursion, and Toyota Tacoma have been the most often targeted vehicles for catalytic converter theft.

This article’s information is of a broad nature. Please get in touch with the qualified individual that the Region has identified if you are a member of the NICB or a member of law enforcement and are interested in more specific information. We won’t give the public any further information because of the private nature of our investigations.

Please remember that everyone who has been accused of a crime, detained, or indicted should be treated as innocent until and unless they are found guilty.

How much precious metal is in a catalytic converter from a Toyota?

As the prices of the precious metals they contain continue to soar, catalytic converter thefts have been on the rise over the past few years and don’t appear to be slowing down. The National Insurance Crime Bureau reports that from 2019 to 2020, catalytic converter thefts increased by an astounding 325 percent. The pricing of the preceding metals required for a catalytic converter’s operation and the situation of the world’s supply networks can both be significant factors.

The exhaust system contains catalytic converters, which are muffler-shaped components that eliminate dangerous particles from engine emissions. The precious metals that are coated on the inside of a catalytic converter’s honeycomb structure serve as a catalyst to break down the harmful pollutants and transform them into less damaging emissions. (This video demonstrates how everything operates.) The catalyst process inside a catalytic converter transforms toxic gases such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide that are released by engines into less damaging compounds such as water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen.

Modern catalytic converters normally have two stages: the reduction catalyst in the first stage removes nitrogen oxide, and the oxidation catalyst in the second stage removes carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons. Typically, these stages are supported by ceramic honeycomb catalyst structures and cerium catalyst structures, and they are coated with the pricey precious metals that burglars are after.

The price rises for platinum and palladium were less pronounced, but spot prices are still higher than those of 2019, and the price of palladium approximately doubled from the start of 2019 to the end of 2020. Palladium prices have somewhat stabilized, but they are still higher today than they were at the beginning of the year by more than 30%. The COVID-19 pandemic has an effect on the supply of these valuable metals, and the state of the economy has driven up the price of metals generally, leading to price spikes and rising demand for used catalytic converters that can be disassembled to extract these precious metals.

The average catalytic converter includes three to seven grams of platinum, two to seven kilos of palladium, and one to two grams of rhodium, according to Waste Advantage Magazine. In June 2022, platinum will cost about $30 per gram, palladium will cost about $60 per gram, and rhodium will cost about $440 per gram. By taking those costs into consideration, we can determine that the typical catalytic converter can contain platinum worth up to $90, palladium worth up to $420, and rhodium worth up to $880. As a result, depending on the type, the average catalytic converter has a precious metal value that can range from the low hundreds to more than $1,500.

Even though a catalytic converter may include precious metals with a four-figure worth, a burglar is unlikely to find pricing like that. They frequently sell to a recycler, who then sells them to a place where the metals may be extracted. Given that they can make over $500 for some models with only a few minutes of work, thieves are likely to see less than half of that, but the job is still valuable. Because of the known contents and concentrations of precious metals in specific catalytic converters, some models are frequently targeted more frequently.

It’s not by chance that the Toyota Prius from the middle of the 2000s is frequently mentioned as a target in these thefts. The GD3 model catalytic converter, one of the most precious metal-packed converters, is found in them. At the time of writing, Ecotrade Group lists that model as a bestseller with a current market price of more than $600. The same recycling company reports that catalytic converters from the Chevy Trailblazer, which uses one that can sell for almost $400, contain equal amounts of these precious metals. Taller vehicles like the Trailblazer are frequently more vulnerable to this type of theft simply due to practicality; a thief can simply slide beneath with a battery-powered saw to chop off the exposed catalytic converter without having to jack them up. However, not all catalytic converters are created equal, as we can see from the costs for similar-era Chevrolet and Toyota catalytic converters that are much below $100. These prices are most likely based on the known amounts of precious metals for that particular model numbers.

States are attempting to stop these thefts by passing legislation that will increase the penalties for those who are discovered in possession of stolen catalytic converters and enact regulations on how they can be sold, but it’s an uphill struggle that is closely tied to those precious metal prices, and as long as they remain high, many are likely to take the risk of attempting to obtain these valuable catalytic converters.

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A tundra catalytic converter’s platinum content

The harm that cars, which make our lives simpler, cause to people and the environment is evident. Exhaust gasses seriously harm both the environment and human health. It pollutes the atmosphere. Since they were introduced some 45 years ago, catalytic converters have mainly prevented harmful gases from entering the atmosphere.

The platinum group of metals transform airborne carbon monoxide gas (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) into less hazardous carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor in catalytic converters attached to the exhaust output pipe of vehicles. Platinum group metals from the platinum family are used as catalysts in catalytic converters, including platinum, palladium, and rhodium.

It explains how platinum and palladium hydrocarbons break down into carbon dioxide and water vapor. Nitrogen and carbon dioxide are created when rhodium reacts with nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide.

According to the graph’s representation of the data from 2013, the automobile industry accounts for significantly more than half of all platinum group metal usage worldwide. The use of platinum group metals is expanding due to the global vehicle stock. Additionally, the rise in the quantity of scrap cars and the fact that every scrap car had a catalytic converter led to the development of recycling and recovery procedures.

Because catalytic converters are made of precious metals, they have a market value. This amount is significantly larger when compared to the total amount of precious metals used in catalytic converters in automobiles that have been discarded since 1975. They must be recycled, though, for reasons of economics, commerce, and the environment.

Recycling one catalytic converter, which weighs about 1.5 kg, can provide the same amount of precious metal as processing roughly 360 kg of ore and rock from nature. Because it is feasible to create more while consuming less and polluting less, recycling costs are lower than ore production costs, and environmental awareness might rise as a result.

Recycling solutions for used catalytic converters are quite profitable.

The facility pays for itself in a relatively brief period of time, and the invested funds are recovered quickly. Having a recycling facility for catalytic converters is a fantastic potential for investors.

Due to the presence of precious metals, catalytic converters are valuable economically. They are primarily offered as the most expensive scrap because of this. because it contains some of the most priceless metals, including platinum, palladium, and rhodium. When Pt, Pd, and Rh are retrieved from the scrap catalytic converter, they can be exchanged for more money.

As can be seen from the table, the value of platinum metal is rising over time. As can be seen in the table for the past 20 years, its economic value remained constant. That implies that the value of platinum is increasing every day. The current price of platinum per gram is about $31.

Considering the volatility of the palladium value, even though there was a temporary decline, it did not result in a significant overall decline. It remains valuable, and its economic worth keeps rising. The current price of palladium per gram is about $72.

Even while the price of rhodium has largely been consistent over the past ten years, it has climbed dramatically over the past two years. Rhodium currently costs roughly $287 per gram.

Even though the amounts differ by model, a single typical catalytic converter only comprises 37 grams of platinum, 27 grams of palladium, and 1-2 grams of rhodium on average. When tons of scrap catalytic converters are collected, that offers significant gains.

As the Proses Makina Company, we offer to our clients all precious metals recovered from trash catalytic converters for financial gain using our high-performance, cutting-edge equipment. The flowchart for our method is provided below.

Recycling is important, but it’s even more crucial to follow the right procedures, utilize the right equipment, have high-quality systems, and have a reliable workforce. During the process, there will also be waste gas and acid, but they won’t be a problem because at Proses Makina Company, we already have a solution. All you have to consider is how profitable and simple a catalytic converter recycling system will be to amortize. Observe, be informed, invest, and generate income.

Safiye Tanrverdi works for the Proses Makina Company as a metallurgical and material engineer and project engineer for recycling and refining systems. Her email address is [email protected].

Can a Toyota Tundra be stolen?

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, an automobile is stolen somewhere in the United States every 45 seconds (NICB). Although it is uncommon to hear of a Toyota Tundra being stolen and adding to this statistic, it is not impossible for it to happen to you.

Due to the Anti-Theft Engine Immobilizer system installed in your vehicle, you seldom ever hear of a Tundra being stolen. This feature is a “state-of-the-art security system that will stop bad apples in their tracks,” according to a Toyota dealership. The key fob has an electronic transponder if you choose a car with the Toyota Smart Key system. A related transponder that controls the engine immobilizer unit receives an electronic code from the transponder when you turn on the ignition. Your engine won’t start unless the signal from your key and the engine immobilizer are in sync. The engine immobilizer will shut down the engine if the wrong key was used to start your automobile or if a car thief tries to start it without that signal.

In the few instances of someone’s Tundra being stolen that I have heard of, the owners made it abundantly obvious that they were still in control of their keys at the time the incident took place. So how is this possible? These days, most cars have microchips embedded in the keys, making hotwiring them difficult. You realize that you can only start YOUR Tundra with YOUR unique key? Wrong. Today’s thieves appear to be becoming more intelligent over time. Hacking technology is increasingly being used by thieves to break into cars and flee without leaving any traces. One may think that their truck was simply hauled, but what about theft? Let’s explore the possibilities.