How Far Can The Toyota Mirai Go

The astounding EPA-estimated driving range of the new 2022 Toyota Mirai is achieved by fusing hydrogen with oxygen from ambient air. The hydrogen fuel tank that interacts with the air entering through the grille is at the center of the new Toyota Mirai 2022. From here, it flows to the fuel cell stack, where oxygen from the intake and hydrogen undergo a chemical reaction to produce electricity. This produces the power required to move the new Toyota Mirai in 2022. The new 2022 Toyota Mirai XLE and 2022 Toyota Mirai Limited both feature EPA-estimated driving ranges of up to 402 miles and 357 miles, respectively. Just consider how far you could go with a full tank. How far will you travel and where will you go?

How much distance can a Mirai travel on one tank?

A 2021 Toyota Mirai established a Guinness World Record for the longest distance traveled by a fuel-cell vehicle without refueling by traveling 845 miles on a single hydrogen tank. There are a few restrictions on that record, though.

According to a press release from Toyota, the Mirai was primarily driven during rush hour. This allowed drivers to go very slowly, which increases the Mirai’s range. Additionally, it was mostly driven in Southern California loops rather than straight lines. According to Toyota, the record attempt took place during the two days of August 23 and 24, 2021, covering 473 miles on the first day and 372 miles on the second.

This was a very unusual driving style and was not at all practical in the actual world because the crew used hypermiling techniques to optimize range, such as turning off equipment and overinflating the tires.

The Mirai has a tank life of 357 miles in Limited form and 402 miles in XLE form, according to the EPA, with the LE earning higher fuel economy than the Honda Clarity. The figures obtained by Toyota, which are similar to a regular driving range that is more than double the EPA rating, won’t be experienced by most drivers.

Even yet, this is a noteworthy accomplishment all by itself. According to Toyota, the Mirai achieved 152 MPGe and traveled the distance on only 12.4 pounds of hydrogen. On a weight basis, that is less than the weight of two gallons of gas, or more than 420 mpg, with a gallon of fuel weighing roughly 6.3 pounds. The Mirai weights 4,255 pounds, which is significantly less than a comparable battery-electric vehicle for a large, premium sedan.

Additionally, Toyota claims that the Mirai produces “zero emissions” when driving and cleans the air.

A large portion of hypermiling entails, at the very least, traveling very slowly. But it’s a useful mental exercise to consider how much efficiency you might be giving up by adjusting to standard driving speeds and patterns.

Over the years, we’ve reported about a variety of hypermilers, such the Jaguar XJ-S driver who got 36 mpg or the pair that drove their Jetta TDI 9,505 miles across the United States while averaging 67 mpg. In a battery-electric vehicle, you may travel many, many more miles on a charge if you’re willing to drive slowly enough.

At least one possible fuel-cell device claims to have a 1,000-mile range while going to great lengths to achieve it. That supercar, the Hyperion XP-1, likewise boasts a stated top speed of 221 mph.

Stunts like the hypermiling one match Toyota’s continuing efforts to advance fuel cells. As part of kits to replace the diesel engines in Class 8 semi trucks, the business recently announced its intention to manufacture fuel-cell modules in the United States. As with previous record runs, this most recent experiment doesn’t really prove much, but the numbers are what matter.

What is the Toyota Mirai’s fuel range?

Exceptional 402-Mile Range The Mirai just only about five minutes to fill up and has an accessible EPA-estimated range of 402 miles* for the XLE model.

What is the range of hydrogen fuel?

Hydrogen Fuel Cells of the most recent generation Today, electric vehicles outpace many other electrified vehicles in terms of distance traveled. For instance, the most recent Toyota Mirai can propel you 650 kilometers without emitting any emissions on a single tank of hydrogen.

Its hydrogen tanks can be refilled in less than five minutes, giving you an unmatched mix of great performance and long-distance, emission-free driving once you’re on the road.

Do you still have concerns about things like a hydrogen car’s range? See below for responses to some more frequently asked questions about fuel cell electric vehicles.

How much does refueling a Mirai cost?

In a perfect world, refueling a hydrogen car should take about the same amount of time as refueling a gasoline or diesel vehicle. Since the fuel is under pressure (up to 10,000 psi), you must lock the nozzle in place, but after you do that, you should be good to go. The pressure at the station, however, may really drop off momentarily if there are multiple automobiles waiting in line for hydrogen, slowing down everyone. If multiple cars use it in a sequence, the nozzle may also freeze, adhering to the cars and making removal more difficult until it thaws out.

Currently, it can be expensive to fill up a car with hydrogen, in part due to the lack of infrastructure. For instance, refueling the Mirai would run you roughly $90 per throw if you had to pay for it (by the kilogram). However, if all goes according to plan, you can drive around releasing only water, which is a pleasant perk.

Watch Tommy’s video below for additional information on the Mirai and what it’s like to live with it:

What volume of hydrogen is required to fill a Toyota Mirai?

If you’re wondering who would actually operate a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, I’m pleased to inform you that my most recent car, the Toyota Mirai, was one. Many people were curious about my experience driving this automobile, so I’ve addressed some of the most frequent inquiries I’ve gotten about it:

First of all, you should be aware that hydrogen fuel is measured in kilograms rather than gallons. A Mirai receives roughly 66 MPGe (miles per gallon equivalent) of hydrogen gas on a full tank, which weighs about five kilos.

The cost of the fuel isn’t low because the business is still in its early stages and is still learning how to store and transport hydrogen gas effectively. The price of one kilogram of hydrogen gas is roughly $16. However, Toyota provides hydrogen gas cards with a $15,000 value to every Mirai owner. You won’t have to pay for roughly three years’ worth of hydrogen gas thanks to Toyota! Additionally, it is hoped that as more research and development is conducted, hydrogen gas will become more accessible to drivers.

The only states with operational hydrogen stations are California and Hawaii, thus for the time being, you won’t see these vehicles outside of these two states. I live in California, where there are already 45 hydrogen stations open for business, with more in various phases of construction.

4) How do the gas stations look?

To begin with, hydrogen stations are normally found at petrol stations, and virtually every one of them that I have visited has only one hydrogen pump. This could present a problem if you’re in a hurry because you could have to wait unless there is another available pump nearby if there is a line of people in front of you. It just takes five to seven minutes to really fuel the vehicle.

The fact that the pumps run out is another disadvantage of using hydrogen fuel. To find out if pumps are “online” in California, visit the state’s Fuel Cell Partnership website. Tanks for hydrogen can only hold a specific amount of fuel throughout the day, so if you arrive at a tank without first checking to see if it contains fuel, you can find an empty pump. Although the website does a fantastic job of informing you when the tank will be refueled, if you’re in a hurry, it may cause significant delays to your plans. Infrastructure for hydrogen fuel needs to keep up with consumer demand and the state’s timeframe for achieving carbon neutrality in order to be able to integrate hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as a practical clean energy choice for motorists.

5) How does the car handle city driving versus long distance driving?

The car is incredibly efficient whether being driven around town or in the city. In line with electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles employ “regenerative braking,” an energy-conservation technique that leverages the friction produced by applying the brakes to refuel the vehicle’s battery. When I was driving locally, I only needed to fill up my tank once every two weeks, or roughly every 250 miles. On the other hand, these vehicles struggle while driving over extended distances with little braking. The motor behaves like a charged battery because it is electric. Consider your phone: if you use it continuously without a break, the battery will drain more quickly than if you use it intermittently. Without any means of replenishment (braking in this case), electricity depletes more quickly. For instance, if I were to go more than 30 miles per hour on the highway several times each week, I would need to refuel once every week (around every 150 miles). Driving efficiently, or doing so at a speed of no more than 65 miles per hour, is the only method to extend the life of your battery. Remembering the phone analogy, see it as if you were driving in “low power mode” to extend the battery’s life.

6) Additional details you should be aware of:

The most important thing individuals should be aware of is the need of conducting thorough research and being knowledgeable about the vehicle they will be purchasing. To make your automobile perform as effectively as possible for you, you must know how to drive it and how to fill it with gas. I ran out of power and had to be pulled to the closest hydrogen station because I didn’t do the required study and believed I could drive from Southern California to Northern California in the same manner as I would a gas-powered vehicle. Additionally, there have been times when I’ve had to wait longer than necessary to refuel at a hydrogen tank simply because someone couldn’t figure out how to fit the pump into the car. Sometimes people will attempt to fill up while the tank is still in the reset process since they are unaware that the pump needs around five minutes to reset after being used so frequently. As a result, they will leave thinking the tank is empty. Overall, there is still much to learn about hydrogen fuel cell cars, and when these cars are sold to drivers, the right education needs to be factored in along with research.

How much does hydrogen fuel cost per gallon?

Although hydrogen fuel is four times more expensive than gasoline and about $16 per gallon, it is far more efficient than gasoline. The cost of a fillup is high even though hydrogen cars, which have electric engines, have cruising ranges that are more than 350 miles longer than any battery-electric and some gas-powered vehicles.

The financial blow has been considerably mitigated by incentives. The state offers a $4,500 clean-car refund, and manufacturers supply refueling cards with three years’ worth of credit put on them. The first year of leasing a hydrogen vehicle, which is what most drivers do instead of buying, is mostly covered by that refund. New hydrogen vehicles cost around $60,000 and don’t come in as many model variants as battery-powered electric vehicles.

Aaron Slavin and his wife, who reside in the Altadena, California, neighborhood of Los Angeles, created a spreadsheet to analyze the benefits and drawbacks of driving a hydrogen-fueled vehicle. They came to the conclusion that keeping a gas-electric hybrid “didn’t pencil out.”

Aaron Slavin refueled his 2017 Toyota Mirai at a one-bay hydrogen pump concealed at a typical gas station in South Pasadena and declared, “I’m a big fan of this car; I preach about them.

Slavin, a producer of performing arts, claimed that because of his employment, lack of frequent commuting, and backup hybrid SUV, he is an ideal fit for the vehicle.

Last year, a fuel manufacturing facility explosion restricted supply for months, leaving some hydrogen stations with empty tanks, leaving some drivers stranded or demanding lengthy treks to alternate stations, making the second car essential. Slavin turned to a smartphone app that offered a real-time inventory of fuel at each station in response to the issue, which some drivers dubbed the “hydropocalypse.”

Although the gasoline issue has been fixed, it prompted a concern. Our lease expires in April, so I really need to consider our options, Slavin added. ” The automobile is nice, however the fuel situation worries me.

Hydrogen energy production has long been an alluring objective. After all, hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, it is lightweight and energy-dense, and when used in transportation, it doesn’t release greenhouse gases but rather little pools of water instead.

But this clean-burning fuel has a carbon history. About 95% of hydrogen fuel is created via an energy-intensive method that relies on methane, the deadliest of the planet-warming gases, even though once it is formed it drives zero-emission electric motors. Because of this, it is challenging for certain environmental organizations to promote hydrogen vehicles.

Director of the Sierra Club in California Kathryn Phillips said, “We need to remove methane out of the system, not create a dependency on creating more. ” The current utilization of state subsidies for hydrogen fuel cells is not the ideal one when seen from an environmental perspective.

Two responses are given by supporters: Why not trap and use the methane that is currently being released unregulated into the environment from landfills and oil and gas plants while the state makes the transition to a zero-carbon economy? Why not switch to a technique that doesn’t use methane and uses the state’s excess solar energy instead, making the manufacturing clean and environmentally friendly?

Hydrogen vehicles can’t compete in a key area: price, while having benefits over battery electrics or gasoline automobiles in terms of quicker filling, less weight, and greater range. The cost of a typical municipal bus could be $450,000. Similar standards for a hydrogen bus cost more like $1 million.

Lewis Fulton, a specialist in transportation at UC Davis, claims that hydrogen “presents numerous separate chicken-and-egg challenges simultaneously.

He asserted that there won’t be more hydrogen fuelling stations until there are more vehicles built and bought. Furthermore, unless there are sufficient gas stations, customers might be concerned about getting stranded and may not feel safe operating the vehicles.

The only solution, according to Fulton, is a really strong policy push. “In the state, there is already one going on, but I’m not sure if it’s big enough.

As part of its ongoing conflict with the Trump administration, which last year took away the state’s jurisdiction to establish its own tailpipe pollution rules, California’s efforts to promote the market for hydrogen cars could be hindered. Car manufacturers who supported looser emissions regulations with the federal government will pay a price by having their vehicles removed from the state’s fleet.

Toyota, which sided with Washington, would be excluded at a time when the business is stepping up its hydrogen program and is anticipated to dramatically increase customer awareness of hydrogen vehicles due to its position as a major multinational automaker.

Supporters played minimized the problem. Eckerle acknowledged that there was an issue. He continued, however, that there has been no sign from automakers that they plan to back out of their commitment to producing hydrogen-powered vehicles.