Can You Put A Hitch On A Toyota Sienna

To clean the weld nuts of all debris and corrosion, use the battery terminal. On either side of the car, there are three. The underbody panel that came with your Toyota Sienna will need to be removed and trimmed in order to complete the installation. For more details, consult the hitch’s instructions that came with it.

Lower the exhaust

To remove the isolator rod from the rubber exhaust hanger, use the exhaust removal wrench. The rod might need to be loosened with soapy water. On the passenger side, above the exhaust muffler, is where you’ll find the rubber hanger.

Position the hitch

To position the lift, hoist it with the aid of additional hands. Align the six attachment holes before sliding the right hitch bracket over the exhaust pipe. The conical washers and six M12 bolts should be installed with the teeth facing the hitch. Before using the 19mm socket with the 5-inch extension to fasten the bolts, tighten them by hand first.

Torque the hitch

To torque each M12 bolt to 75 ft-lb, use a torque wrench with a 19mm socket and a 5-inch extension. Once the proper amount of torque has been applied, you should hear a clicking sound.

Raise the exhaust

When assembled, the hitch should be fitted at:

  • The receiver’s height from the ground is 11 3/4 inches.
  • From the pinhole to the end of the bumper, it is 4 1/2 in.

Your Toyota Sienna should now be equipped with the Draw-Tite 75237 trailer hitch.

What is a Toyota Sienna capable of towing?

This minivan can pull up to 3,500 pounds when properly fitted with an authentic Toyota tow hitch. For whatever getaway you have in mind, this is more than enough space to connect a small boat, camper, or trailer.