How To Get Porsche Dme Report?

Longtime lurker/student getting close to getting my first P-car. This has got to be one of the most helpful websites on the entire internet, I still can’t believe what a fantastic experience it’s been reading about everyone else’s experiences buying and driving Caymans!

However, the vehicle in question is a lovely Cayman S from 2006 with fewer than 15k kilometers. There is no warranty and it is at an independent dealer. Talking at the moment is in the $38k level, which is a little excessive in my opinion.

In relation to the DME report, I have a query. The dealer claims they are unable to operate it. Is it usual for a dealership to be unable to accomplish that even though they look to sell and service a lot of Porsches? They now have about 6 P-cars available, plus they have plenty of Porsche periodicals, posters, and other items in their showroom in addition to some other beautiful sports vehicles. Of course, it looks excellent that they provided their own “PPI” from their independent service business.

It takes 40 to 50 miles to get to the closest Porsche dealer, and they won’t let me drive the car there for the DME (must keep those miles low! ), saying I’d have to pay to have it trucked instead. If I’m satisfied and decide to purchase the car thereafter, I suppose I’m okay with that being included in the cost. If I choose not to purchase, I lose that money.

Is the DME report often only provided by Porsche dealers, and do you believe it is unreasonable to demand that the car have this done before purchase?

Should I steer clear of purchasing a 2006 Cayman S with a DME report that indicates one ignition in rev range 3 that happened 51.7 hours ago?

I’m hoping to purchase my first Porsche. I’ve got a 2006 Cayman S in my sights. The color, the choices, and the mileage all appeal to me, and they fall within my tolerance range (52,000 miles). To touch, feel, or drive the car in person before buying, though, I would need to fly because it is located outside of my home state. The DME data, which indicates one ignition in rev range 3 that happened 51.7 hours ago, is the only thing that worries me. Please advise this novice on whether this is a risky case that should be avoided or a non-issue given that there was only one ignition that happened more than 50 hours ago. Thank you, PCA Community, in advance! The DME report is included.


Okay, I’m still searching for “the car.” I discovered one that seems promising, but I’m unsure of the DME report I received on it. What do the various rev ranges translate to in RPM? Is this a good one? Anyone in the Toronto area also want to check it out for me? Although it’s 4000 kilometers distant, I’ll probably fly there to watch it. I guess that’s life on the west coast.

The Porsche DME control unit is what?

DME, often known as Motronic or Digital Motor Electronics, is what it means. That is Bosch’s brand name for its popular engine management system, also referred to as the ECU or electronic control unit in general.

On a Porsche 911, where is the DME relay located?

The DME relay is situated next to the DME box beneath the left front seat of 911s from 1984 to 1989. It is installed in the fuse box on 911 models 90 and higher. The relay really consists of two relays that run consecutively from one another.

How can I locate DME?

A coded tone modulated at 1350 Hz identifies the TACAN or DME. For every three or four times the VOR or localizer coded identification is transmitted, the DME or TACAN coded identification is transmitted once.

Where can I find my DME range?

A radio signal travels 1 nautical mile (1,852 m) to the destination and back in around 12.36 microseconds. The timing circuitry of the interrogator measures the time difference between interrogation and reply, subtracts the 50 microsecond ground transponder delay, and calculates the pulse width of the reply pulses (12 microseconds in X mode and 30 microseconds in Y mode), which is then displayed on the cockpit DME display as a distance measurement (slant range) in nautical miles.

The DME receiver determines its separation from the DME ground station using the distance formula, distance = rate * time. The radio pulse’s velocity, or the speed of light (about 300,000,000 m/s or 186,000 mi/s), is used as the rate in the calculation. (Total time – reply delay)/2 is the time used in the calculation.

How do you know if the DME is malfunctioning?

One of the frequent issues with the systems in BMW vehicles is DME failures. However, BMWs are regarded as one of the top luxury antique automobiles in the world.

All significant engine activities are managed by a control system called Digital Motor Electronics (DME). The DME system helps the car’s engine run at peak efficiency with less reliability. Lower pollutants and fuel consumption are, however, the finest outcomes of DME.

Electronic devices eventually fail, as is clear. BMW DME is an electronic device, so it occasionally has problems and malfunctions. When the DME malfunctions, the vehicle will operate strangely, and the driver might not realize what’s wrong until it’s too late. How then can you determine whether problems with your BMW car are due to a defective DME?

What signs of BMW DME failure are there? If you notice any of the following symptoms with your automobile, a failed DME is likely to be the cause: poor engine performance, misfiring or stalling of the engine, inability to start the vehicle, illumination of the check-engine light, and increased emissions.

What exactly does DME mean?

A healthcare professional may order equipment and supplies for frequent or long-term use. Wheelchairs, crutches, oxygen equipment, and blood test strips for diabetics are examples of DME that may be covered.

Consider pricing and plan options based on your income. To quickly determine whether DME supplies are covered, if at all, look at a plan’s Summary of Benefits. When you click “Details” for a plan, a link to the Summary of Benefits will appear.

How is a DME put to use?

Pilots utilize the Distance Measuring Equipment (DME), a type of radio navigation assistance, to calculate their aircraft’s slant range from a ground station. The ground-based DME reacts with a response pulse signal after receiving a pulse signal from the DME avionics in an aircraft.

DME qualification: what is it?

This diploma-holders-only, two-year pre-sea training course After six months of sea service, the Indian Ministry of Shipping awards the class 4 marine engineer officer certificate of competency, allowing the cadets to work as marine engineers on any merchant naval ship.

Are there rev limiters on Porsches?

Engine rev limiters for Porsche Early Porsche 911s featured mechanical sliding ignition rotors with engine rev limiter devices whose primary purpose was to cut power in the case of an engine RPM over-rev.

Can a Porsche be over revved?

In ranges 4, 5, and 6, automobiles with 0% overrevs typically work nicely. Typically, hitting the rpm limits results in Range 1 over revs. Ranges two and above are mechanical over revs but remain within the engine’s internal safety limits. Ranges 4-6 are major and could one day be devastating. A Range 4 or higher vehicle will not be CPO’d by Porsche.

Remember that each rev lasts 0.00833 seconds at the rev limiter (7200 RPM), so that your 13,991 Range 1 revs at the limiter took 116 seconds to complete, 63 Range 2 revs took 0.5 seconds, and 21 Range 3 revs took 0.2 seconds.

Is a DME degree a diploma?

Course Length & Learning Style The 3 years of study for the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (DME), a full-time engineering diploma program, include an internship in India.

After DME, which course is the best?

After earning their mechanical engineering diplomas, students have access to a wide range of courses. After earning a mechanical engineering diploma, some students pursue a bachelor’s degree in the field, while others take alternative courses.

After earning a diploma in mechanical engineering, students have a variety of options for continuing their education in order to land good jobs and their ideal careers. These programs may last six months or longer.

  • 3D and 2D AutoCAD
  • Ansys
  • Pro/E
  • CNC Instruction
  • Catia
  • CAD/CAM Instruction
  • Unigraphics
  • Operator Training for Boilers
  • Certificate in Tool Design
  • RADIOSS Instruction
  • Diploma in Mechatronics and Robotics
  • Fire & Safety Training
  • Training in Piping Design
  • PG Security
  • HyperMesh Instruction

What RPM is too high?

The redline for an engine can be anywhere from 100 and 12,000 RPM, depending on the manufacturer. When an engine overrevs, also known as “over-revving,” a valve may stay open longer than usual, which can harm the piston and valvetrain. Valve float may cause a loss of compression, a misfire, or a collision between a valve and a piston. A connecting rod could potentially be thrown by the engine between the crankshaft and piston. The engine will thereafter require maintenance or replacement.

What occurs if you rev your engine too high?

By allowing a valve to remain open for an excessive amount of time, over-revving can harm your valve train and result in valve float. When a valve is stuck halfway between open and closed, it experiences valve float. There will be a sudden loss of electricity as a result.

Is revving a cold engine a wise idea?

It aids in oil distribution throughout the engine and raises the temperature of the engine oil and block. The process won’t be sped up by revving the engine. That might even result in harm that could have been prevented. Cold revving results in sudden temperature variations that put stress on the tightly-fitting engine parts.

What occurs if my rpm reaches the red zone?

If you have an automatic car, you probably don’t need to be concerned about your RPMs getting too low. When your vehicle detects the engine approaching the line, it will automatically shift. Some of these systems incorporate safeguards that limit the gasoline the engine receives to prevent the engine from self-damaging under specific conditions.

You might be concerned about placing it in red if you drive an older car or a manual. However, if you drive sensibly, you probably won’t run into any issues.

There won’t be any immediate harm if your engine is heated and your RPMs go into the red. Your car simply becomes less efficient and experiences more wear and tear.

Why is 7000 rpm the limit?

Diesel and gasoline engines are built differently, hence petrol has a greater redline RPM than diesel. Diesel engines peak at about 4500 RPM, whereas gasoline engines often reach their redline at 7000–8000 RPM. This is so because diesel engines were never intended to operate at high RPMs. They burn more slowly than gasoline and are primarily concerned with increasing torque rather than RPM. Diesel engines are slower than gasoline engines because they must ignite with pressure alone and do not employ spark plugs. As a result, diesel engines run at low overall RPMs and have lower engine redline RPMs.