Do You Say Porsche Or Porsche?

Why isn’t it pronounced as a one-syllable word like most, if not all, Americans do (PORSH, a milder version of “porch”)? There are actually two explanations, but the way German words are uttered is the main one. In brief, unlike English, German does not have “silent letters.” Words with a “e” at the end that are not pronounced clearly in English, such as “sharing” and “there,” frequently have a German pronunciation.

Second, unlike the word “Audi,” “Porsche” is unquestionably a German word—indeed, a proper name. In 1931, Ferdinand Porsche founded the company under that name as a design and development consultant. Nearly 20 years later, his son began producing sports vehicles under the Porsche brand.

So there you go, everyone. One syllable: PORE-shuh. We must now discuss how to pronounce “Jaguar.”

Not sure how to say Porsche? Listen to it directly from the source.

Porsche may receive the worst verbal abuse of all the car brands and models, though. Where did I learn this? since the business produced a video demonstrating how to pronounce its own name.

Folks, it’s not difficult. Porsche has two syllables: “Por” and “Shuh.” Porsche is what you get when you combine them. Not Porsh at all. It isn’t in Parsh. Although I’ll admit I just made that last one up, it’s not “Por-shee.” Here we are in 2016, and a carmaker is frantically attempting to have its name pronounced correctly.

It would be wise for many of you to bookmark this video because, by God, you will eventually run into someone who constantly says “Porsh.” When that occurs, you’ll have the ideal link to share with them.

How do you say the car brand Porsche?

Although “Porsch” is one of the most popular pronunciations, it is incorrect. The word “Porsche” has two syllables when spoken correctly. Therefore, it is actually pronounced “Por-shuh.” Your inquiries about Porsche, including how to express it, are welcomed by the staff at Hendrick Porsche.

Porsche: Italian or German?

All Porsche automobiles have been produced in Germany since Ferdinand Porsche founded the firm in 1931. Learn more about the history of the Porsche firm and where Porsche vehicles are manufactured.

The Porsche emblem features what animal?

Taking cues from Stuttgart Based on two coats of arms, the Porsche emblem crest was created. Based on the coat of arms of Stuttgart, where Porsche was founded, the rearing black horse. The Porsche horse was a logical inclusion given that Stuttgart was established around 950 AD as a horse breeding location.

Does the Porsche E have a sound?

It’s a little-known fact that the name Porsche is frequently pronounced incorrectly. even now you can be saying it incorrectly! Porsche appears to be a one-syllable word to many Americans because we’re used to not saying the silent e

How do you say Mercedes in German?

Returning to Stuttgart, we have Mercedes Benz—or, as the Americans would say, Benz. It is referred to as Mer-tsey-dess-Bents in German. Once more, you can hear a faint r from the neck, sometimes quite quiet but always present. The last Benz sounds like a ts, just like in Bents.

So how did a German automaker come to have a Spanish woman’s first name? First, Wilhelm Maybach and Gottlieb Daimler combined to form the Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft. This manufacturer had a lot of success with race cars in the early decades of the 20th century. Emil Jellinek, a very successful Austrian salesperson for the company who also had a deep interest in marketing, gave his daughter Mercedes Jellinek’s name to the winning vehicles. As a result, the Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft registered the term Mercedes as a trademark for automobiles in 1901. 25 years later, the Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft and Benz’s own business amalgamated to form Mercedes Benz, which is now known by its three-star badge.

How do you say Audi in British?

People who emphasize that the company was founded by German engineer August Horch are in the “Aw-dee” camp. The name of the company he founded, Audi, is derived from the German term “Horch,” which means “listen” in Latin. Audi is often mispronounced since so many people think it should be pronounced like other Latin-derived words like “audio,” “auditory,” “audible,” and so forth. However, we’re here to inform you that this is untrue.

According to the brand’s own officials, the name should be pronounced “Ow-dee.”

According to Loren Angelo, vice president of marketing for Audi of America, “Audi means ‘listen’ in Latin and loosely translates in German to ‘horch,’ which is obviously an homage to the original creator, August Horch. Since the name Audi is so near to the word “audio,” we frequently hear it pronounced “Aw-dee,” but just to be clear, the correct pronunciation is “Ow-dee,” which sounds like “howdy” or “outie,” like the belly button!

So there you go, everyone. It’s pronounced “Ow-dee,” not “Aw-dee,” according to the source. Friends, let’s talk about how to pronounce “Porsche” and “Jaguar” correctly now.

How do you say Mazda in American?

The automotive business is one where consumers frequently have difficulty pronouncing brand names in the proper manner. Given that there are numerous well-known automotive brands from regions outside of North America, this comes as no surprise.

In North America, Mazda is most frequently pronounced as “Mahz-duh” and “Mass-duh.” People frequently think that how it sounds in video advertisements is how it should be pronounced, but one must remember that Mazda is a Japanese brand. The word would therefore be pronounced correctly in Japanese. Learn how to say “Mazda” in Japanese by watching the video below.

The film provided insight into the history and deeper meaning of the name Mazda in addition to how to pronounce it. Jujiro Matsuda established Mazda in 1920. As a result, it is not surprising that Mazda is pronounced “Matsuda” in Japan. However, Ahura Mazda, the god of light and wisdom, served as the inspiration for the name “Mazda.” The names Ahura Mazda means “power” (ahura), “knowledge,” etc (mazda).

How do you say BMW in British?

One thousand drivers in the UK participated in the survey, which asked them to correctly pronounce the names of 10 different car brands.

None of the ten brands’ names could be accurately pronounced by a single person.


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Many people find it difficult to pronounce automobile brand names, especially when they come from Germany or France. But by any stretch of the imagination, is BMW impossible to say? One might question how three letters can be pronounced incorrectly. But a survey done at Select Car Leasing found that about 95% of individuals pronounce the name of the German automaker inaccurately.

Since “BMW” is only a three-letter word, many people pronounce it that way: “bee em double yoo.” The English pronunciation, however, is incorrect because the brand is German. So, “bee em vee” is the only pronunciation that is totally correct.

What’s the German term for BMW?

Bavarian Motor Works is the entire name of the company, which is a bit of a mouthful ( Read more: The BMW name and its history). Additionally, as the foregoing would suggest, it is German; Bavaria is a state in southern Germany; the English initials just so happen to be the same.

German automobiles: superior to Japanese?

Germany and Japan, the top two auto manufacturing nations, have dominated the industry for many years. German vs Japanese vehicles is a topic that will never stop, despite the fact that both manufacturers serve distinct markets. Both companies build high-caliber vehicles. German automakers are known for their performance, attention to detail, and accuracy. On the other hand, Japanese automakers are well known for producing cars that are inexpensive, dependable, and long-lasting.

Japanese and German automobiles are both well-liked by consumers. But we can consider the following elements to determine which is superior:

Special Selling Point (USP)

Japan produces a lot of vehicles. The materials used by automobile makers are long-lasting but also simple to copy and less expensive to produce. The top Japanese automakers are Honda and Toyota, which excel at building innovative, small, and affordable cars.

German automobiles tell a different tale. German automakers’ well-known vehicle brands include Mercedes, Audi, Porsche, and BMW. These cars conjure up images of speed, luxury, and comfort in people’s minds. The best features of a German automobile are these three things. These automobiles are renowned for their power and speed. German automobiles are the finest for you if you’re seeking for these attributes.


Japanese automobiles are renowned for their dependability. This is primarily due to the process used to improve automotive parts before selling them. Japanese firms spend a lot of time engineering the cars, so the outcomes are trustworthy, robust, and simple to use. In contrast, many automakers release new models before they are perfect. German automobiles have their own version, but because of their reliability, Japanese cars prevail.


Japanese automobiles are more affordable than German automobiles. German automobiles are pricey due to their high quality, well-known brand, and manufacturing process. German automakers like BMW, Audi, and Porsche are known for their high-performance and luxury vehicles. They are sophisticated, elegant, sleek, and shining. These elements are included in Japanese premium vehicles like Lexus, but their designs are simplistic.

Volume vs. Quality

Japanese automakers aim for volume. They aim to construct automobiles as rapidly as possible and with less expensive parts. Because they are less expensive, these cars are quite inexpensive.

Quality parts are a priority for German automakers. These automakers are always coming up with new ideas, advancing technology, and paving the path for vehicle design. This is the reason why you won’t be able to find Porsche or BMW parts anywhere else. Nearly 35% of U.S. auto sales are of the best Japanese vehicles, while German vehicles are aimed at the luxury market. Japanese and German automakers are comparable in terms of affordability and power and luxury, respectively.


Even with basic maintenance, Japanese cars remain last. These vehicles have more than 250,000 miles on them and are built to last. The most popular German automobiles are a BMW or a Mercedes-Benz for a smooth, rapid ride. German automobiles are noted for their luxury. Compared to Japanese cars, German vehicles offer a smoother, more controlled ride and a sturdier feel. German cars have more room, allowing passengers to relax and recline. German cars are significantly safer compared to Japanese cars since they have more airbags, even if safety cannot be guaranteed. A poll revealed that Japanese cars are regarded as dependable. German manufacturers performed poorly in terms of dependability.

Why is BMW known as a Beamer?

What makes a BMW a “bimmer”? The US is where the term “bimmer” for BMW vehicles first appeared. It was formed from the terms “beemer” or “beamer,” which were originally used to refer to BMW motorbikes in the UK in the 1960s and later became widely used worldwide.

How should I say Nguyen?

The true Vietnamese pronunciation of Nguyen is audible here and is written with diacritical marks.

However, there are various acceptable ways for foreigners to pronounce Nguyen because Vietnamese tones are specific to the language (and therefore challenging for non-native speakers to pronounce):

  • Silent Ng won and when.
  • One syllable, N’win/Ng’win. The closest pronunciation for Vietnamese is Ng’win.
  • Two-syllable noo-yen/ngoo-yen
  • Three syllables, nuh-goo-yen. Because of the inaccurate harsh G sound, avoid this one.