Why Is My Nissan Leaf Not Charging?

The JuiceCord and JuiceBox do rigorous diagnostics at startup; if there is a problem, it will beep and not charge. To reset the charger, turn it off for one minute and then turn it back on.

  • Check the time being used to see if the scheduled timer is active. The instant Charge button on a Nissan LEAF looks like the image to the right.
  • For autonomous operation of critical vehicle systems from the main motor battery, the majority of EVs incorporate an accessory 12V battery. This battery might need maintenance, much like your old ICE car did.
  • Is it possible to start a Nissan LEAF using the key fob or the button on the door handle? If you are unable to, your 12V battery may be flat or worn out. Verify that and charge if required. This battery is needed to power the electronics and signal for charging to start, as well as to power the locks. The car must interact with the EVSE and request electricity; EVSEs do not force power at moving vehicles. In two years, one customer has changed two accessory batteries in their LEAF.
  • What is the displayed remaining km (range) when the LEAF is turned on?
  • What is the battery’s “state of health”? A good battery in a Nissan LEAF is indicated by 12 bars. A battery with 7 or less bars frequently won’t charge because it requires more current than an 8 amp plug-in charger can provide.
  • What time is it according to the center console and dash clocks?
  • What messages appear when the dash is turned on? Use the smartphone software Google Translate to translate and display messages in English while using the camera.
  • Be aware that some imported vehicles have time-of-use settings that only permit charging during off-peak hours, according to their original country’s time (Japan is 3 hours behind NZST). It might be necessary to modify these hours and clock to reflect New Zealand time. Try charging at various times of the day to see which works best.
  • The onboard charger for the Nissan LEAF has occasionally had problems. Our chargers fully comply with the J1772 charging standard. Even with damaged signaling circuits, certain chargers may still be able to charge EVs.
  • Does the EV charge at other stations or in other places?

Battery heat management solution causes a Nissan Leaf charging issue.

The most frequent Nissan Leaf charging issues are related to the battery thermal management system, or the lack thereof, in Nissan. Nissan chose an air-cooling system since it is more affordable than the more expensive, more current EVs, which employ some sort of liquid-cooling methods to keep their batteries cold and improve their performance. This contributes to the low cost of the Leaf but also raises the possibility of charging problems.

Every battery has a lifespan that depends on a number of variables, the most significant of which is probably the battery thermal management system already described. Simply said, an EV battery will overheat without effective cooling, which will decrease its capacity and shorten its lifespan. Nissan Leaf’s battery pack will heat up more than the battery of a comparable Tesla or practically any other more expensive EV, causing range degradation to occur earlier. This is because Nissan Leaf relies on low-cost, ineffective air conditioning.

In comparison to standard Level 1 or Level 2 onboard charging or even driving, rapid charging (Level 3) burns the battery more. In light of this, it is important to point out that the Leaf was created for daily commuting rather than long-distance trips. The battery doesn’t have enough time to cool down on long travels between fast-charging stations, which could cause charging issues.

Owners of second-generation Nissan Leaf models manufactured in 2018 and after have discovered that using a fast charger during the day will cause their rapid charging to take much longer than it should. This Nissan Leaf charging issue is actually a safety measure put in place to increase the battery life of the second-generation cars. To avoid battery overheating in such a situation, the car’s electronic management software will essentially reduce the maximum charging speed.

Due to the first-gen models’ less-than-ideal performance, this specific method was used. The overheating was a problem even though these early Leafs didn’t have the huge battery packs of their descendants. Additionally, their batteries were known to degrade without the aforementioned protection in as little as one year of ownership or fewer.

If your Nissan Leaf is having this specific problem, you should be aware that, despite being annoying, a fix is available to extend the life of your battery. The Nissan Leaf and its basic battery temperature management system simply weren’t designed to withstand numerous fast charging sessions over a short period of time.

Concerning Leaf Not Charging

Move forward. 4 hours is insufficient to fully charge a 12 volt battery. The voltage output isn’t always important. Reset the codes and try again after it has been charged for at least 12 hours, or, like the other person said, unplugging might help. Just make sure you eliminate the potential of a weak battery first by taking it to a cheerful location.

Avoid cutting corners when troubleshooting. Completely test, note, and move on after completing each one. In this manner, you can remove the battery if a cause is discovered or a fix is found.

I’m assuming that each time you test a solution, leafspy pro is set to clear all DTC codes.

Statler: You old fool, wake up. The entire show was missed by you. Who is a fool, Waldorf? You observed it.

Aiming to be your go-to source for EV forums, community, and information, the My Electric Car Forums network of websites builds on the popularity of the Nissan Leaf Forum, which launched in 2009.

Charles Harrison

I overcame a comparable condition that I had from a completely other source. In case someone is looking for information on this, I’ll mention it here.

In my case, I tried to use an OpenEVSE charger that was set up to provide a full 80 amps of power to charge my Nissan Leaf. Although setting the EVSE for 75 amps works great and fixes the issue, it seems that the Leaf doesn’t enjoy this. A dealer firmware upgrade is apparently rumored to exist, though I haven’t checked on it.

Is my Nissan LEAF charging, how can I know?

Open the lid and cover on the charge port. Into the charge port, insert the charge connector. A brief beep will alert you when your Nissan LEAF is charging. The Nissan LEAF automatically stops charging once the battery is full.

Should your Nissan Leaf be fully charged?

Our last car was a treasured 17-year-old minivan that we are wrecking for $6,000; we recently purchased a 2021 Chevy Bolt. We’re organizing a summer mountain trip for a dog, two parents, and two teenagers. According to what we’ve heard, the battery should only be charged up to 80% of its capacity. But, especially for a lengthy travel, can it really hurt every now and then? North Vancouver resident Noah

The battery is actually charging to a lower capacity than what the car’s computer indicates in order to prolong battery life.

According to Greg Keoleian, director of the Centre for Sustainable Systems at the University of Michigan, “the auto manufacturers do have smart systems in place that don’t let it charge to 100% or deplete to zero.” “There is a built-in buffer, but they won’t specify how much. If I had to guess, I’d say maybe 90%.”

According to Keoleian, the principal author of a 2020 study that examined the best strategies for extending battery life, a battery should, in ideal circumstances, not be discharged below 20% or charged above 80%.

But because your EV has that built-in buffer, Keoleian said you shouldn’t worry too much if you frequently charge your car to 100%.

Why is it important? Electric vehicles also use lithium-ion batteries, much like smartphones and laptops do.

When they are fully charged after being fully depleted, they deteriorate more quickly. That completes one charging cycle. The battery lives less time and loses its maximum charging capacity as it ages.

Different automakers offer different advice. For instance, Ford and Volkswagen recommended only charging your EV to 100% if you require the entire range for a longer trip.

Ford suggests charging to 90%, whereas VW advises charging to 80% for daily driving.

However, GM and Nissan claimed that it was no issue to charge their EVs all the way to 100% each time.

Tesla did not react to inquiries, however avoiding a full charge is not included in the 2020 Tesla Model 3 owner’s manual.

You don’t have to rush outside and unplug your EV the moment it reaches 80% of power if you want not to charge it completely.

Many EVs include settings that allow you to configure them to charge to a specified percentage, including vehicles from GM, Ford, and VW.

Therefore, even if you leave the car plugged in all the time, if you set it at 90%, for example, it won’t charge past that point.

Why won’t my electric car charge completely?

Despite the possibility that a malfunction may have happened, the following are the most typical causes of cars not charging:

1. The cable is not entirely plugged in at both ends. Please try disconnecting the cable and then firmly plugging it back in to check that the connection is complete. The first sockets can be a little stiff. 2. In-car delay timer – If a customer’s automobile has a schedule set, charging might not take place. Inquire if the customer has specified a delay time in the vehicle. 3. Smart charging has been activated – The consumer may have done so using the app, delaying scheduling of charging until a later time. If you want to start charging right away (it might take a minute for the charge point to respond), hit “Boost” on the app. If you want to disable smart charging, go to the settings page and tap “Save.”

If all of the aforementioned have been verified, do the following troubleshooting:

  • Check to see whether the connector is wired properly and that all of the cabling is secure if you have a charging device that has a flashing GREEN or BLUE light and won’t charge. If the front of the unit is not properly supported with a crocodile clip when attaching the device, wires may come loose during transportation.
  • Solid BLUE light that is unchargeable (car or cable not accepting charge) – Verify that the charging point has been properly earthed in accordance with the installation guidelines. – For socketed units, verify the device using an authorized charge checker to make sure the cable is not faulty. – Verify that the vehicle’s settings are not obstructing or delaying charging.

Do I need to recharge my Nissan LEAF daily?

With my present commute, I normally utilize 30% of the charge each day, johnrhansen commented.

When the battery is kept between 30% and 50%, it will last the longest. Therefore, the battery life will be the longest if you can only charge to 60% each morning before you leave for work. Some people use a timer to complete this.

Wrong. The healthiest SOC is between 50 and 80%, thus keep charging between 50 and 80% as is for the time being. Whatever the case, quick charges are ALWAYS preferable to long ones, whether the SOC is between 30 and 80%.

What occurs if the battery in a Nissan LEAF dies?

The Nissan Leaf has a “Turtle Mode” that activates when the battery is low and pushes you to go a few more miles before the battery runs out altogether.

A Nissan LEAF can be overcharged, right?

The battery is typically the most costly and crucial component of an electric vehicle. So, is it possible to unintentionally overcharge an electric vehicle and cause battery damage (or degradation)?

The quick answer is no, a battery in an electric vehicle cannot be overcharged. A built-in battery management and monitoring system ensures that the primary battery pack doesn’t overcharge in electric vehicles (such as Teslas, Chevy Bolts, and Nissan Leafs).

This is how it goes:

The charging process will be slowed down once the system notices that the battery is getting close to being fully charged. When the battery is fully charged, it will begin to “trickle charge,” meaning that it will be regularly charged at the same rate as its self-discharge rate. By doing this, the battery is kept fully charged without being overcharged.

It is important to keep in mind, though, that continuing to charge a battery until it is fully charged can cause it to lose some of its capacity over time and slightly shorten its useful lifespan.

Later on, along with other relevant electric vehicle (EV) issues, we’ll go into greater detail regarding the elements affecting battery health (lifespan).