The cold start characteristics of the vehicle’s emission system, particularly the catalytic converter, have come under close scrutiny as a result of mounting pressure to reduce vehicle exhaust emissions to meet strict California and Federal 1993/1994 TLEV emission standards of 0.125 gpm NMOG, 3.4 gpm CO, and 0.4 gpm NOx and future ULEV emission standards of 0.04 gpm NMOG, 1.7 gpm CO, and 0.2 gpm NOx. The majority of the total HC and CO emissions, as shown by test data, occur during the first two minutes of the driving cycle, when the catalyst is heating to working temperature. To solve this issue, the use of an electrically heated catalyst (EHC) has been suggested; however, the cost and weight penalties are significant, and the durability has not yet been thoroughly established (1)*.
This study outlines a technique for using an afterburner to cut the catalytic converter’s light-off duration to under 20 seconds. The system creates a combustible mixture using engine exhaust gases that have been tuned to run rich and extra air that has been introduced into the exhaust gas stream. When exhaust gases arrive at the afterburner, they are cold and practically non-reacting. The main aspect is to how to make this combustible mixture ignitable within 2 seconds of starting the engine.
In Asia, certain Datsun B310s from the years 1979 to 1982 had OEM (factory) EFI systems. Nissan referred to it as “EGI” or “Electronic Gas Injection” (Ri ChanEGI). This is the A14E Injection motor that is “rare as” (inziekushiyon enzin). At 92 horsepower, it was significantly more potent than the 80 horsepower carbureted A14/A15 engines. In fact, this was Nissan’s most potent A engine, producing more horsepower than the twin-carb GX Engine.