How To Import A Nissan Silvia S15 Into The Us?

Beginning in January 2024, the 1999 Nissan Silvia S15 will turn 25 years old. It will no longer be subject to NHTSA regulations after it turns 25 and can be legally imported into the USA.

The S15 came in three different variations: Spec-R, Spec-S, and Silvia Varietta. The S15 is a development of the Nissan S13 and S14 models. They were offered with both automatic and five and six-speed manual gearboxes. The SR20 also comes in turbo and naturally aspirated models.

Beyond the purchase of the car, there are additional expenses. The price to export and import to the US is $5,500. Transport to our facilities in Cypress, California, is included in this pricing, which is all-inclusive. We cannot guarantee that the current import tariff of 2.5% will remain the same when the car is imported because import tariffs are subject to change. There is additionally storage for the car in Japan. There are many different storage options and prices. Additionally available are maintenance and adjustments made while in storage; pricing depend on your preferences.

We cannot guarantee that the vehicle will be able to meet emissions standards if you reside in California or any state that mandates ODB2 emissions testing because the R34 GT-R was not built with OBD2 from the factory. Prior to the car becoming 25, some States may decide to exclude them or adopt new legislation, but we have no influence over it. Please consult your local laws for further details.

The vehicle is yours once the balance is paid in full. Contracts and purchase agreements with a focus on the chassis number will be in place to make sure you have documentation proving you own the vehicle. Under no circumstances will we help in the unlawful importation of the automobile or import the vehicle to you before it turns 25. You have the choice to retain the car registered in Japan in the storage plan. For those of our clients who want to travel to Japan and keep their automobile there until it turns 25 years old, we provide this option.

Nissan Silvia ownership is legal in the US.

A few weeks ago, an Ocean Springs man admitted to importing a Nissan Silvia into the country. He might receive a 20-year prison term and a $250,000 fine as his maximum punishment.

For a car that can be acquired online for less $20,000, it sounds exorbitant. a few things to think about

What is a Nissan Silvia? The Nissan Silvia range of sports vehicles from the Japanese automaker all have a similar chassis. The closest thing to a Silvia in the US is the Nissan 240sx.

Why this automobile is so unique: Its aerodynamic frame, chrome accents, and turbocharged engine are distinctive. In other words, it moves quickly. Their hoods slope downward, and they have low platforms and rounded upper bodies. The Nissan Silvia S15 has a sleek front appearance with an integrated grill and a low front bumper. One website claims that the combination of lower fog lights and the wide headlights, which slope inward from the sides, gives the driver excellent visibility in poor lighting.

Because it did not adhere to federal safety and environmental regulations and featured a right-hand steering column, like cars in England, this particular vehicle was deemed unlawful in the United States. However, some Silvia vehicles have been registered in the US after being modified to comply with US laws.

First off, only the accused (Kendall Noble) is authorized to explain why he took the risk of transporting the car to the United States. But the Nissan Silvia S15 is popular among auto fans because it excels in local drag racing (street classification), drifting events, and street racing. The S15 has won seven D1 Grand Prix titles in drifting with five different drivers.

Is a Silvia importable?

Importing a Silvia from Japan to the USA is simple, whether you’re founding a business or using it for personal purposes. Japanese automobiles are recognized for their superior engineering, affordable prices, and long-lasting nature. The import rates for cars are anticipated to rise as more individuals become aware of this trend.

The Silvia recently debuted additional glamorous and effective models. The S15, Varietta, L, and V-packages are all on the list and each one offers a special quality. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed with buying one of these incredible computers in light of this new development.

The first thing to comprehend is your nation’s importation regulations for vehicles. Respect these regulations to make it simpler for you to import a Silvia from Japan to the USA.

The majority of US rules covered safety and pollution laws. This covers auto brakes, air bags, and environmental issues. No matter where they come from, imported vehicles must be brought up to code before being driven on public roads. The theft prevention and bumper criteria must also be met.

It is similar to making other types of purchases to import a Silvia from Japan to the United States. To avoid disappointments, do some kind of research on the current auto dealers. Make sure you have looked over the listings for the list of authorized vehicle dealers. The most secure method of payment when making a purchase is using credit. Because Japanese banks are stringent with money transactions and bank accounts, you are protected from scammers.

Don’t forget to make the necessary shipping and insurance arrangements. Prepare your file folder with the proof of purchase, bill of freight, international registration market, and licenses required for use abroad once the financial matters have been resolved.

Lastly, make a note of the day your automobile will arrive. It will be prepared for pickup and contain the paperwork the dealer has forwarded to you. It’s worth the wait, even though delivery timeframes may vary depending on distance and the amount of ships going to a particular country. Use these fundamental instructions to import a Silvia from Japan to the United States.

What is the price of importing a car from Japan?

The starting price for importing an automobile from Japan to the US is $2000 or more per vehicle. The cost of importing an automobile from Japan will vary depending on the kind and model of the vehicle, the method of ocean shipping chosen, and the distances between the origin and destination ports. These are just a few of the elements that influence how much it costs to move a car from Japan to the US.

For instance, even with everything else being equal, it will be less expensive to import a car from Japan to LA than to NY.

Please complete our Online Quote Form to get an estimate on the price of importing your car from Japan to the US. You can provide further details in the form after choosing the USA as your destination country.

How do I bring an automobile from Japan to the United States?

The U.S. auto industry has relied heavily on imports of Japanese vehicles for many years. There are critical facts you should be aware of before entering this business.

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Japan-made vehicles have long dominated the American auto industry. These vehicles are in high demand among consumers for a number of factors, including dependability, contemporary design, and fuel efficiency. What shoppers don’t see is the precise route these well-liked cars take from Japan to the United States. There are particular actions you need to take and be aware of before beginning this trip.

You must do the following actions in order to import automobiles from Japan into the United States:

  • Verify your vehicles’ compliance with DOT and EPA requirements.
  • Determine your obligations regarding the shipping and import of your automobiles.
  • Plan the logistics of the transportation
  • Obtain the necessary documentation and complete it.
  • Present all necessary papers to CBP when entering.

We examine important specifics pertaining to each step of the process in the step-by-step instruction that follows. With the help of our guide, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to effectively import cars from Japan to the United States, including how to choose the best partner for the process.

When will the S15 become lawful?

Fortunately, you won’t have to wait too long! Beginning in January 2024, the 1999 Nissan Silvia S15 will be allowed on American roads because it will be 25 years old and no longer subject to NHTSA regulations.

Keep in mind that you must confirm the precise model year of the vehicle you intend to import because any vehicles manufactured in 2000 or later are still subject to NHTSA regulations.

Now is the ideal time to find the ideal auto insurance policy to safeguard your vehicle while you wait for your dream vehicle. To complete this, use the Jerry app without looking elsewhere.

A Silvia is it a skyline?

Since the middle of the 1970s, Nissan’s classic sports models have been sold in Japan alongside the larger Nissan Skyline coupe in the Nissan Silvia coupe series. Before its manufacturing ceased in 2002, the Nissan Silvia, which was propelled by the rear wheels, influenced Japanese designers’ plans for the small sports coupe. The Nissan Silvia was produced across seven generations and was marketed under several names depending on the nation. While the Nissan Silvia moniker was almost continuously used in Japan during development, the 2 + 2 seater Nissan 200SX entered the market in the majority of European nations between 1989 and 1998. The Silvia was available in Europe as an import for little over four years after 1998.

How can I import an S15 legally?

In theory, you may already purchase one. It is completely lawful to purchase an S15 and store it outside of the country until you can bring it to the U.S. because the prohibition solely pertains to automobile imports. You’ll have to wait until January 2024 to be able to drive your car.

The precise year of your particular car is another factor that must be taken into account. In 2024, there will only be 1999 models available. Is your S15 from 2000 or a later year? You still have some time to wait.

in showroom shape Typically, Nissan S15s cost around $20,000. If the price seems reasonable to you, beware of additional expenses! Due to the many modifications that are available for regular automobiles, the cost of many cars varies. In addition, you must pay any relevant import taxes.

Key Learnings S15 imports are prohibited until at least January 2024. You risk penalties or jail time if you try to bring one in before the ban is removed.

Which engine powers the S15?

The Nissan SR20DET, a 2.0-liter in-line 4-cylinder turbocharged engine with air-to-air intercooler that produces 250 horsepower and a power-to-weight ratio of less than 5 kilograms per horsepower, powers the rear-wheel-drive S15 sports coupe. The S15 includes a newly developed 6-speed close-ratio gearbox for better acceleration and an exhaust system that has been particularly adjusted to provide a loud sound at low engine speeds and a liner increase at high engine speeds.