How To Reprogram Lexus Key Fob

The battery dying is arguably the most frequent reason to reprogram a key fob. The fob will lose its previous programming when a battery is changed, which is unfortunate because it will make the vehicle inoperable. The good news is that it’s possible to reattach the fob using a sort of gimmick. It’s crucial to realize that this method only functions with a fob that has previously been attached to the vehicle before attempting it. Go to the next section if you have a new fob.

Resetting the vehicle’s computer should be your initial move, supposing you’ve already changed the fob’s battery. This can be accomplished by turning off the battery for at least 30 seconds. Reconnect the battery after finishing.

Reset it to ON, and while pressing the lock button on the remote, attempt to lock the door with your hand. Next, switch the ignition back to OFF.

Now take the ignition key out. Put it in the driver’s door and use the key and buttons to simultaneously open and lock the door. For a total of three lock/unlock cycles, repeat this procedure.

Close the door after taking the key out. Try using the remote to unlock the doors. Open the door and start the car if that works. If it begins, your effort was successful. You might need to try it again, starting with the key in the ON position, if it doesn’t work the first time. (You don’t need to restart the computer in the car every time.) Before you make a successful connection, you might need to repeat the process a few times in some circumstances.

How do I reprogramme my Lexus key fob now that the battery has been changed?

A remote key fob needs to be associated with your vehicle particularly in order to be secure.

This stops people who drive the same make and model of automobile as you from using their remote to access your car. You’ll need to reprogram the fob if changing the batteries has erased this connection or if it was somehow disrupted in order for it to once again recognize your automobile.

Standard programming sequence

Your key fob can typically be reconfigured by following this typical procedure:

Instead of starting and then returning to the locked position, turn the key into the run position. Repeat this multiple times.

You’ll typically hear a chime or other sound when you’ve cycled the key enough times. At that point, you can push the lock or unlock button on your key fob to hear another chime.

DIY Key Fob Programming

You might be able to program a replacement yourself, depending on the make and type of your vehicle.

The steps for programming a key fob yourself can differ: Owner’s manuals from certain automakers include instructions. In many circumstances, information can be available online. The problem is that in order to complete the process quickly or at all, you might require two functional key fobs.

Therefore, it is wise to acquire and set up an extra remote before you require it. Additionally, it’s a wise move because most used-vehicle buyers, particularly auto dealers, would pay extra for a car that has at least two functional sets of keys or key fobs. Therefore, having a spare key will not only be useful when you need it, but it will also benefit you in the long run.

After-Market Key Fobs

You may be able to buy an after-market key fob via a locksmith or online if your automobile is more than five years old. These sorts of fobs range in quality, but they are less expensive than other options.


If you have the option of receiving your replacement key from a locksmith or the dealership, the latter may be less expensive. Before making a choice, be sure to inquire about prices with your nearby vehicle dealership.

How do I find out which battery my key fob uses?

Open your fob to find the battery your automobile key fob uses. There will probably be an engraving that starts with CR followed by a string of digits if the item contains a battery. Check your owner’s manual or search online for your car’s make, model, and year without a battery or engraving.

Will changing the battery on my key fob make it work again?

A dead battery is the most frequent cause of a key fob not functioning. Having said that, your keyfob might be having more serious issues. A key fob replacement or even automobile door lock repair may be necessary if it stops operating after a battery change.

How do I know if changing my key fob battery will fix my car key?

When the key does not function under any conditions, it is likely that the car key fob has a dead battery. On all door locks, all buttons have the same lack of effectiveness. When buttons are pressed, no lights illuminate, suggesting that no signal was transmitted. The backup fob, however, functions flawlessly.

What do I do if my key fob is not working after a battery change?

Before you replace the automobile remotes if your key fob still won’t work after a battery change, make sure your locks are operating properly. Additionally, make sure you didn’t unintentionally deprogram your keychain.

Can you fix a key fob not working after a battery change?

Although replacing the remote’s batteries might be the quickest repair for the problem, this is by no means your only option. Check to see if the key fob or the vehicle is the root of your issue. After determining the root cause, correct or change the damaged components.

Replace the batteries inside the key fobs

If you haven’t changed the battery in the key fob(s) in a while, do so now before continuing. When you try to reprogram a key fob with a defective battery, it can be a real pain. The batteries are often inexpensive and simple to replace. If you are unsure how to change them, consult your owner’s manual.

Get inside the car

With your car keys and the remote in hand, go in the driver’s seat and lock all the doors. Closing the doors is crucial because if you leave one open, it can disrupt the procedure.

Turn on the ignition

Once seated, turn the key to the “On” position in the ignition to turn the electrical systems on. Do not start the engine and double-check that the ignition is not in the radio mode.

Press the lock button on the remote key

Turn the key back to the “Off” position while holding down the lock button on the fob. At least three times, go through this process, finishing with the key in the “On” position. This notifies your electronic control units that the signal is coming from your key in the ignition and does save the info later. How to Start & Unlock a Car With a Dead Key Fob

Listen for a Lock Sound

You will hear the lock sound once you have completed the aforementioned steps. You have now accessed the programming mode, as indicated by this. Press the lock button once more in the following five seconds to complete the programming.

Programming additional remotes

If there are other remotes, program them successfully by pressing the “Lock” button within 10 seconds after entering the programming mode.

Step out from your car and test the result

Close all doors as you exit the vehicle and take your key fobs with you. Test the functionality of both unlocks with each of your key fobs that were programmed.

Can a key fob be programmed without visiting the dealership?

The programming process is detailed in the owner’s manual for the vehicle, but the vehicle must be present, he added. Be advised that most customer-programmable key fobs, regardless of brand, require two active, functional keys in order to program a third new key without visiting the dealer, according to Yu.

Can key fobs be reprogrammed at AutoZone?

Without an appointment and for a lot less moneytypically $20 to $90than a dealership, AutoZone creates and programs transponder keys. For a wide range of automobiles, including Toyota, Ford, Dodge, Honda, Mercedes, GMC, and others, they may create transponder keys.

Transponder keys, commonly referred to as chipped keys, are unique keys that contain an RFID chip. These chips have a distinctive code that is read by a receiver in the ignition of the vehicle. When the key is turned, the engine won’t start if the code matches the receiver’s code.

This increases security and guarantees that only programmed keys may start the car.

An estimated 70% of automobiles on the road today utilize a transponder key, and if you own a car produced in the 2000s, you most certainly have one as well. You can usually recognize these keys by their black plastic head.

Transponder key programming and cutting may be very expensive when done by a dealership, sometimes costing hundreds of dollars per key.

But when it comes to transponder keys, AutoZone really is a blessing in disguise because you can often order one for less than $100.