Who Voices The New Kia Commercial

After the 2022 Super Bowl, the 45-year-old actor posted a picture of his family posing with the cute Robo Dog on Instagram.

He later posted pictures of himself with his three children posing with Robo Dog. “#Robodog getting acclimated to living with these animals,” he wrote.

Sam is most recognized for his performance in the newest Netflix film Brazen as well as his appearances on The Bold Type, Mad Men, House of Cards, Gossip Girl, and other popular television series.

In the new Kia commercial, who plays the actor?

The Sound. It hasn’t been easy to pinpoint this piano-heavy track. But I’ve whittled it down to two. Do you believe it has this kind of a sound?

The Operator. Actor/model Charlie Wilson is seen driving this brand-new 2023 Kia Sportage. He’s also making headlines for some juicy information; he’s thought to be dating dancer/actress Julianne Hough.

The place. Although I can’t confirm or reject it, my research and reading indicate that this was filmed at St. Augustine Beach in Florida. Additionally, Kia has promised to make a donation to the Texas-based Sea Turtles, Inc. This group exists to aid in the rehabilitation of sick or injured sea turtles.

What Kia SUV appears in the new advertisement?

Did you know that you can help save sea turtles that are laying their eggs by driving a fast SUV through a beach? That is, if the SUV is a 2023 Kia Sportage X-Pro SUV and the driver is a loving, long-haired, dark, attractive environmentalist.

The cloying piano score, the astute driver clearing the sands of debris, and the pivotal image of the adult turtles and their seductive young turtles returning to the ocean to lay their precious eggs are all flawless in “Beachcomber.”

Set the scenario for this well-known case of greenwashing. The commercial begins on the sand with our hero, let’s call him Jakehard, putting together what looks like a rake. Jake is rushing despite the golden, leisurely glow of the setting sun. Why? We don’t yet know.

Jake then jumps behind the wheel of his brand-new Kia and accelerates aggressively. As his ingenious contraption collects all the rubbish on the shore, our man performs donuts in the sand. This raises the issue of why he feels the need to drive so carelessly. A good query. Maybe to demonstrate how agile his SUV is in off-road situations? And what sort of environmentalist wrecks a perfectly good beach?

Let me insert some general views about car advertising as someone who has spent far too much time slouching on the couch in front of a television watching shows I can no longer remember. SUVs are frequently driven at high speeds across snow, precarious streambeds, and mountain routes with sharp drops and blind turns. No one I know does this at all. Not you either.

And have you noticed that every road these vehicles travel on, whether in the city or the country, is deserted? How exactly does that operate at rush hour, let’s say in Chicago or Los Angeles?

Stop overanalyzing. Rewind to Jake and his dependable rake. Take a look at what our man has managed to do. He has swept up all the trash since he cares more than us slackers! As he neatly packs the trash into a plastic (!) bag for conscientious transport to his neighborhood recycling center, where it will likely end up in a landfill someplace, we see his dedication to ending pollution. However, let’s not dwell on that. Instead, let’s arrive at the stunningly obvious conclusion that all of this was only possible because to the selfless efforts of a dedicated, out-of-control NASCAR want tobe operating a 2023 Kia Sportage X-Pro SUV. Godspeed, sir.

There’s more, hold on! The reason why Jake went to all this troublepossibly forgoing his plant-based dinner and skipping his hot yoga classto perform the work that we should be doinginstead of lounging on our double-wides and watching this advertisementbecomes suddenly apparent.

Sea turtles, please. Terrapins emerge from the sea to deposit their eggs on the beach that Jake just finished combing as the sun sets over the ocean in spectacular beams of crimson and orange. What a time, huh? Think of it as a shell game. Think about it: if our man had roared across this habitat a short while later, he would have crushed the animals like so many Coke cans on the road, and his valiant effort would have been for nothing.

If you’re thinking logically, please stop when you see an automotive commercial. Bask in the warm emotional warmth of ethereal music and softly lighted pictures, leaving your brain at the door. Don’t be a jaded jerk who can’t see how SUVs can combat climate change. What’s wrong with you, exactly?

We see our dreamy friend Jake grinning with the self-assurance of a man who knows he has done good for the planet as the turtles slog slowly toward safety. He commands you to look at me. Am I not quite unique? He observes this natural phenomenon from a meditative stance as it is highlighted by the powerful LED lights of his 2023 Kia Sportage X-Pro SUV. Do turtles have eyes?

The phrase “Multi-terrain AWD mode” appears as the camera pans out into the horizon. Get it? Turtles have all-wheel drive, thus they can traverse any terrain. or anything.

The dramatic event that will force all of us to get up from our Lazy Boys and run to the closest KIA dealership will then come as the clincher. Several dozen newborn turtles are somehow making their way to the water on the same day to start their long and risky voyage through life. This is a “movement that inspires,” according to Kia.

Who is Cracker Barrel’s spokesperson?

Loretta Lynn, a pioneer of country music, provides the narration for “Five Decades, One Voice,” explaining the project’s mission and observing that “For five decades, I have watched many female singers who are still battling for the chance to be heard.”

What song is used in the newest Kia ad?

Details about the song used in this TV commercial for the all-new Kia Stonic urban crossover vehicle. Live It is a song title. Nitro is a singer/rapper.

Is the robotic dog from the Kia advertisement real?

Subaru, you’re not the only automaker with endearing canine advertisements. Robo Dog, the star of Kia’s Super Bowl commercial, is man’s new best buddy. Warning: This section contains spoilers for the Subaru ad that featured Robo Dog. They Lived.

We regret that Kia substituted another animal for the infamous Kia Soul rapping hamsters (can you believe some of those commercials are more than ten years old?). The Kia EV6, a brand-new, totally electric SUV that ushers in a new age of BEV-specific cars for Kia, is represented by the new star, an electronic puppy named Robo Dog. We were convinced after watching the commercial that the hamsters wouldn’t work this time. Additionally, the Soul EV’s hamsters may serve as a reminder of the upcoming Kia EV.

The song playing in the commercial, “Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler, is the first hint that something great is about to happen. A $299 price tag is next to Robo Dog as he sits in the display window of an electronics shop. He pouts as he glumly observes from the front row as a happy man receives a massive hug from the actual Subaru dog (we joke, a different Retriever).

When Robo Dog spots the owner of a Kia EV6 uplug, he quickly perks up. He flees from the electronics store through the front door while pursuing the EV6 as it leaves. Robo Dog pursues the Kia, whose driver seems unaware of the pup, dodging crates and risking everything to stay up with the EV6.

Robo Dog arrives on a rooftop after using an elevator. He makes one last lunge towards the structure, aiming to land in the open sunroof of the EV6. He runs out of battery mid-flight, and everything goes dark. The Kia owner probably discovers Robo Dog intact rather than smashing into a thousand bits and splatting on the sidewalk. (Plot hole, but it’s all right.) Using the vehicle-to-load (V2L) onboard charger from a Kia, he brings the cute robotic puppy back to life. Robo Dog looks up at the happy Kia EV6 owner, revitalized.

The final image of the commercial features Robo Dog happily putting his head out the passenger window and the Kia motto, “Live fully charged.” Once Robo Dog is hooked into his permanent residence, everything turns out well. electronics with added passion.

The Kia campaign is on actual human-animal bonding rather than just being a commercial. The “Robo Dogmented Reality,” a mobile online experience created in collaboration with the Petfinder Foundation, virtualizes pet adoption and enables individuals to look for adoptive animals nearby. Kia’s first TikTok integration, a “Turn Around Dance” promotion where users can dance with Robo Dog, further spreads the message.

What model is the Kia advertisement?

a 60-second commercial “A writer used the brand-new Kia EV6 as an example of inspiration for a woman who was having trouble writing. She decides to take a trip in the EV6 after staring at her computer screen and blank writing for a while. The nameless writer notices a plot developing as she drives through the streets of Los Angeles. While driving the Kia EV, she imagines a Bridgerton-like scene with a forbidden romance, a cunning stepmother, thrilling tension, and a shocking conclusion.

According to Russell Wager, vice president of marketing at Kia America, “the Kia EV6 is just the beginning of what the future holds for the Kia America brand.

We continue the debut of this brand-new car and emphasize Kia’s transition to electrification in light of the success of the relationships Kia enjoyed last year with both the Emmys and America’s Got Talent. These performances give us the chance to debut our new brand ethos of showcasing some of the most inspiring talent in the nation today “Movement that Motivates a Country to Prepare for an EV Future.

Kia is making a lot of effort to make sure that viewers see its cars on TV. Additionally, the company collaborated with NBC’s America’s Got Talent to air a commercial featuring judges Heidi Klum and Sofia Vergara that featured both the EV6 and the alluring Stinger sports car. Additionally, last week’s prize package included an EV6 for each of the talent competition’s winner and runner-up.

The all-electric EV6 is the first car in Kia’s Plan S plan, which calls for the company to extend its mobility solutions and produce 11 EVs by 2026. As the company continues to introduce its array of environmentally friendly vehicles, there is little doubt that we will see more media ties with the brand.

What song plays in the Kia Sportage ad?

Posted on August 21, 2018 by Universal Music Publishing A new Kia Sportage ad features the 1987 hit “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now” by Starship.