How To Unlock Your Steering Wheel Kia

By rotating the ignition key while it is in the ignition, you can unlock your steering wheel. A steering wheel might lock due to mechanical issues, security features, and frequent rapid rotations.

1) To start, place your key in the ignition switch and gently spin it. The steering wheel can be unlocked by turning the key. If you are having trouble switching the ignition to the ACC position, you can remove any tension by rotating the key while turning the steering wheel back and forth.

2) You can only turn the steering wheel in the opposite way when it is secured with a pin on one side. Apply pressure on the steering wheel in the direction the wheel is moving as you turn the key.

3. Watch out not to shake the steering wheel excessively. This could damage the locking pin, making it less likely that your wheel will unlock.

4) If your key is worn and doesn’t seem to work through the procedure, pull the key out a little from the ignition before turning it.

We strongly advise making an immediate trip to one of our Kia Service Centers if the issue persists.

Issues with the power steering pump

– A blockage in the power steering pump is the most frequent cause. Drivers may manoeuvre their cars conveniently thanks to the power steering pump. But an unexpected engine power outage could cause the steering pump to malfunction, locking the wheel.

2) Safety and security measures

The security feature of the car, which locks the steering wheel to prevent theft, will be the cause, unless you have any serious issues with the vehicle. If the handbrake fails or the car is parked on a steep mountain, the steering wheel may also lock in order to prevent the vehicle from rolling back down the hill.

3) Repeated quick twists

– The steering wheel may lock if you make sudden turns a lot. Additionally, it harms the engine and transmission, lowering the car’s overall performance.

4) Unexpected lock-up

– The locked steering wheel cannot be opened by inserting and rotating the key if the ignition system is dirty or worn out. Such a failed system can make it difficult for drivers to start and stop the engine, and if it happens while the vehicle is moving quickly, it may put the driver in danger.

5) Failure of the engine control unit (ECU)

– Although this is a rare reason, it might nonetheless result in a steering wheel lock. A damaged ECU may cause a sensory problem that activates the steering wheel locking mechanism. Additionally, a malfunctioning ECU prevents power from reaching the power steering pump, which locks the steering wheel.

Q: How to unlock a steering wheel push to start?

How can I unlock the push-to-start button on my steering wheel? You must have noticed that when you turn off your car and remove your key, the steering will lock. Therefore, there are two ways to unlock your steering wheel while using a push start button.

  • You might try lightly shaking the steering wheel back and forth while applying the brake and pushing the start button once.
  • You can remove your foot from the stop pedal, push the start button twice, and move the steering wheel simultaneously. The ignition will start with either choice.

Q: What causes the power steering wheel to lock?

(1) A power steering system issue; a leak in the power steering fluid or a power steering system that becomes blocked or stuck could result in steering wheel lock-up.

(2) The steering wheel features an auto-lock feature that locks the steering when you turn off the engine and take your key out of the ignition. To reduce the frequency of auto theft, this function was included.

(3) If there is a problem with the steering column, rack, or suspension parts, your steering wheel may lock while you are driving. Even though it is uncommon, this does happen.

Q: What happens if my steering wheel locks up?

If your steering wheel locks up unexpectedly while you’re driving, you won’t be able to turn it to steer clear of traffic, which could cause a serious car accident if someone is trying to pass you. Power steering leaks, unclean steering fluid, or a problem with the suspension or steering column could all be contributing factors, though.

Q: Can a steering wheel lock while driving?

Yes! Even still, this is a rare instance. The automatic locking steering mechanisms seen in the majority of contemporary cars are only intended to engage while the car is stationary or parked. This is a safety and theft-prevention system.

Q: How much does it cost to unlock a steering wheel?

If you adhere to the recommendations above, unlocking a steering wheel could practically cost you nothing. However, the price to unlock a steering wheel can range from $100 to $400, depending on the nature of the issue, the cost of the parts, and the labor rate.

Why won’t my car start and why is my steering wheel locked?

You will have to turn the key in the ignition and attempt to start the car while simultaneously attempting to rotate the steering wheel from side to side. You can unlock the steering wheel and start your car at the same time by doing these two operations.

How come the steering wheel is locked?

The most common cause of a steering wheel lockup while driving is possibly a lack of power steering fluid or unclean power steering fluid. You can easily move the wheels with the power steering system, especially at lower speeds like parking lot maneuvers.

Why would my key not turn in the Kia ignition?

The most frequent causes of a Kia Soul key not turning include a stuck ignition switch, a binding steering column or lock, or an issue with the ignition key. To speak with a specialist about your problem, look through our network of RepairPal Certified stores close you.

Without a key, how do I unlock my ignition?

Your car’s ignition lock cylinder is an essential part. Despite how crucial it is, most car owners don’t give it enough thought. They neglect it until eventually it breaks down, at which point you are unable to operate it correctly or start your car. You might then need to replace it.

Removing it is a reasonably easy job if you have the key. The procedure necessitates some more steps without it.

Tools You’ll Need To Change An Ignition Key Lock Without A Key

You must ensure that you have the necessary tools in order to correctly remove an ignition lock cylinder without a key:

  • energy drill
  • drilling bit
  • philips screwdriver

Step OneBattery Disconnection

Disconnecting the battery is the first step in removing or replacing an ignition lock cylinder without a key. This is a preventative measure to ensure that nothing in your automobile shorts out or that you receive an electric shock.

Step TwoSteering Wheel Removal

The next step is to remove the steering wheel from your car so you can fully access the lock cylinder. After removing the steering wheel’s upper and lower covers with all of the screws attached, push the wheel upward and pull at the central cover. The car horn’s wires are now free to be disconnected.

Pull the steering wheel entirely out of its shaft after ensuring that the nuts and washers are stored in a secure location.

Step FiveElectrics to Ignition Switch disconnection

In order to remove the ignition switch, locate and detach the mounting screws for it.

Make sure to carefully unplug each wire from its corresponding connector on the ignition switch’s bottom. To remove the switch, loosen the tabs.

Step SixMounting Bolts Removal

To remove the mounting bolts or screws from the ignition switch, use a socket wrench or screwdriver. The housing and switch assembly that houses the lock cylinder must be completely unbolted.

The majority of car models come with universal, replaceable lock cylinders. These may be removed rather quickly by inserting a pin into the release mechanism.

Step SevenCheck the Ignition Switch Housing Mounting Bolts

Depending on the manufacturer, some car models include snap-off safety bolt heads that are simple to remove. This part’s purpose is to stop burglars from breaking into your automobile and changing the ignition lock so they can start it without a key. For the ignition switch to be removed from the steering wheel column, you might need to utilize a power drill with extractors that are designed to loosen nuts.

Step EightKey Cylinder Locking

Take a paperclip that has been straightened and place it in the ignition lock cylinder’s slot before rotating it counterclockwise. As a result, the cylinder is locked and the ignition cannot turn on.

Step NineScrewdriver

Utilizing your screwdriver, access the ignition lock cylinder. As much as you can, rotate it in a clockwise motion. Then, yank the paperclip as far to the right as you can. The switch should then be simple to slide out after that.

This is truly all there is to it. If you have an older car and have never worked on the ignition lock cylinder before, it might not be the easiest thing to do. This is due to the fact that the cylinder will have a lot of accumulated dust and debris.

Step 10Replacing the Ignition Lock Cylinder

Whether or not an ignition lock cylinder without a key has to be cleaned and replaced will all rely on the various parts and how they are doing. If everything appears to be in order and to be functioning properly following a thorough cleaning and oiling, you can use the same keys to rebuild it. It might be necessary to purchase a new ignition switch, though.

You should keep in mind that it may be a good idea to contact with a manufacturer dealership for advice on how to get replacement keys unless you are certain that any generic ignition switch lock cylinder (or the individual components you need to replace) will work in your automobile. To ensure that you receive the correct item, be sure to include the exact model, year, and manufacturer of your car along with the VIN number.

Why won’t the key or remote work to open my car?

It can be quite aggravating and even hazardous if your key fob won’t open the door to your car, especially if you have a young child or pet locked inside. Here are a few explanations for why your smart or remote key fob isn’t opening the door, along with solutions.

Any of the following could be the source of your issue if nothing happens when you push the unlock button on your remote control or key fob:

Your remote control or smart key fob’s battery is either dead or too low to maintain a strong signal. Replace the battery by opening the fob.

Your vehicle’s receiver(s) for the keyless entry system may not be receiving the signal from the key fob. When pressing the unlock button, try holding the fob close to the door handle. If it opens the door, there might be an issue with the key fob’s battery, the keyless entry antenna, or the wiring.

The unlock button on the key fob itself can be problematic. Try the panic, trunk release, and lock buttons. If the other buttons function properly, a faulty unlock button is the issue. You’ll require a fresh key fob (which will have to be programmed to your vehicle). The fob may be damaged, the keyless entry antenna, or the wiring may be at fault if none of the other buttons function after you have tried a new battery in the fob.

Your key fob’s entry code is missing. Every time you use the key fob to unlock or start your car, the rolling code that many automobiles employ changes. It can be necessary to have the fob reprogrammed by a car dealer if a communication error has corrupted the coding inside.

The electric door locks might be broken. The power door locks could not be able to unlock due to a problem with the wiring or control circuitry or even a blown fuse. To find the defect, the electrical system will need to be further diagnosed.

Your car’s battery is nearly dead or very low. Before the power doors may unlock, the car battery may need to be changed or given a jump start. Of course, you won’t be able to open the hood until you find another way to enter the car.


You either have a faulty fob or a problem with the keyless entry system or power door locks if nothing happens when you push the unlock button on your remote entry key fob after trying to replace the battery inside.

Try using a spare smart or remote entry key fob to unlock the door if you have one. If it functions, you must get a new key fob to swap out the other one. If the spare breaks, the automobile, not the key fob, is at fault. The automobile may need to be towed in order to be diagnosed and repaired at a service center or car dealership.

Look inside your key fob to see if there is a secret key if getting into your automobile straight away is necessary. A hidden emergency door key is present in the majority of automobiles with a keyless entry system and Smart fob (Start button in place of an ignition switch and conventional key). The key can normally be removed from the fob by pressing a small release catch or button on the back of the device. The door can then be unlocked with the key.

There is typically a “hidden” key slot underneath the handle trim close to the edge of the door if the door handle does not have an evident keyhole to accept the emergency key or a valet key. The handle trim’s bottom may have a tiny slot in it. To remove the trim cover, insert the key into this slot. Some coverings can be removed by sliding them to the right or up. You should be able to see the key slot for the emergency key to unlock the door once the cover has been removed.

The next course of action would be to call the police if your key fob does not contain a concealed key or if you are unable to locate the emergency key slot to unlock the door. They are competent at unlocking doors and breaking into automobiles. To open your door, they’ll use a Slim Jim, a long, thin instrument. To catch and release the lock mechanism, the tool is pushed into the door between the glass and door panel.

The driver’s door glass can be broken out with a rock or other hard object if everything else fails, no cop is present to assist you in getting inside your car, and you have no choice but to get inside by any means necessary (for example, to rescue a tiny child or a trapped pet on a hot day). the door by reaching inside and doing so.

Prevent Thieves from Hacking Your Key Fob to Unlock Your Doors

The ability to ping your key fob for a signal from the code has been developed by car thieves. The device has the same range as your key fob, so it can hack your fob from up to 30 or 40 feet away, whether it’s in your pocket or at home. Your fob replies to your car in code when it detects the bogus signal. The thief captures the signal and uses it to unlock your doors later on. The criminal can steal your automobile if the fob is also used to start the engine.

Wrapping your key fob in aluminum foil while your car is parked is the most effective technique to “foil” would-be auto thieves utilizing this trick. Alternately, keep your keychain inside a closed metal container, such an Altoids can or an old coffee can with a metal lid. To prevent your fob from being hacked, the metal enclosure must completely enclose the fob. This will block all radio signals.