What Is The Relation Between Kia And Hyundai?

In 1998, Hyundai Motor Group made the decision to buy the automaker in order to keep it viable. Although Kia and the Hyundai Motor Group are separate companies, Kia Motors is a subsidiary of Hyundai. The distinction between Kia and Hyundai is that each brand has its own brand philosophies to build its vehicles in a distinctive manner.

Do Hyundai and Kia share the same engines?

Some people consider Hyundai and Kia to be simply rebadged versions of the same cars. The two brands do have a close relationship, despite the fact that this is not the case. Hyundai acquired Kia in 1998 and now owns 51% of the business. The two corporations are now regarded as sisters because that share has decreased to around a third.

Hyundai and Kia frequently use one another’s vehicle platforms as a result of their tight cooperation. Do the cars from both brands have the same engines?

The competition between siblings is among the fiercest everywhere, and this is also true in the case of Hyundai and Kia.

As a result, the two businesses have an ownership position in one another, with Hyundai directly owning 33.9% of all Kia shares and Kia having an indirect stake in Hyundai through ownership of Hyundai Steel and supplier Hyundai Mobis.

Both are regarded as mainstream brands in Australia and frequently rank among the top 10 brands on sales lists.

Last month was one of the few times, according to VFACTS sales data, where Kia actually outsold its brother.

In May 2021, Kia sold 7124 automobiles, making it the third most popular brand in Australia, and Hyundai sold 6450 automobiles, placing it in sixth position.

Hyundai and Kia Brand Comparison

There are many parallels between Hyundai and Kia. Both companies are situated in South Korea and have comparable product lines. In actuality, Hyundai Motor Company owns 34% of Kia Motors. Many of these vehicles share engineering, platforms, and powertrains. Hyundai and Kia, however, run their businesses separately. Each brand continues to operate its own design studios, engineering team, sales team, and marketing division. Having said that, there are really more positive similarities between the two brands than negative ones, which is good. Both manufacturers produce luxurious cars with excellent warranties that their owners adore. Nevertheless, it’s important to be aware of these minor variations so that you can make an educated decision.