Go to Options in the center display, scroll down, and tap the Clock button to see all the clock settings. To change the time, select the GPS Time checkbox first. Then, you’ll see an option for Time Setting, where you may manually override the clock’s settings.
Daylight Savings Time, Clock Type (to select an analog or digital clock), and Time Format are further choices (option of a 12- or 24-hour clock).
In This Article...
How to Set Your Hyundai Clock’s Time
Whether or whether your Hyundai has a built-in navigation system will affect how you alter the time on the vehicle. Nevertheless, the first steps you must take to reach the appropriate screen for changing the time are the same.
- Find and press the SETUP hard key.
- On the infotainment touchscreen, look for the clock symbol and click it.
You ought to be at the Clock Settings screen right now. You may be able to turn on or off Daylight Savings Time in some automobiles with GPS systems. This option should be turned off if you’re changing the time in the Fall, and on if you’re changing it in the Spring. The only option for vehicles without GPS is to manually alter the time from this page. Finding the hour or minute selections and pressing the up or down arrow to adjust the time for each one will accomplish this.
As you can see, it’s not too difficult to figure out how to set the clock in your Hyundai. Be sure to let us know if you do require assistance. Don’t forget to return to our site for more advice on caring for your Hyundai.
How does a Hyundai Sonata’s clock work?
- On the touchscreen of your Hyundai car, touch the clock display.
- Touch the option displaying the current time if your car doesn’t have GPS.
- Make the necessary corrections to the month, day, year, hour, minute, and AM/PM settings.
- Once finished, click the back button in the top left corner.
How does a Hyundai Veloster adjust the time?
On the screen, press and hold the Clock button (I). 3. After entering the current time, go to the Date Setup. 4. Select Date Setup (J), then key in the right date.
On a Hyundai Santa Fe 2020, how do you adjust the time?
- Find and tap the HOME button first.
- Next, find and touch the SETTINGS icon (gear).
- Find CLOCK under SETTINGS and click it.
- Choose either GPS Time or Time Format from the clock menu to update by a specific time or make manual adjustments.
Will the time on my car automatically change?
We’re frequently asked:
I never remember to set the clock back when daylight savings begins or finishes. Is there a method for the car to carry it out on its own?
More than 50 years have passed since Earth’s first moon landing. With a little device in your pocket, you can call someone on the other side of the world and have a real-time conversation. However, there is still no trustworthy method for automatically updating your car’s clock for Daylight Savings Time.
There are certain ways you can make it simpler even if we have only had 104 years of “summer time” to figure it out.
Although some newer automobiles equipped with GPS systems will automatically adjust their clocks for daylight savings time, most of them will allow you to do it. If not, you should be able to find an SUMMER TIME mode switch in the clock settings.
For instance, on this Nissan Navara, finding the CLOCK setting in the primary SETTINGS menu is a relatively simple task.
You can set the clock ahead with only a short tap, and you’re ready to go till April!
Does your car automatically adjust to and from Daylight Savings Time? Tell us in the comments section below!
Do automobiles adjust the time on their own?
Since so many wristwatches have been replaced by smartphones and DVD players now have internet connectivity, observing daylight saving time has become simpler. GPS-linked navigation systems in cars frequently do the same thing by automatically changing the time. Of fact, the clock in the majority of people’s cars requires manual adjustment and is frequently the most difficult feature to use.
So remember to set the clocks back one hour this Saturday while you are running errands. Even though the time change doesn’t take effect until 2 a.m. Sunday, you don’t want to arrive at work an hour sooner than necessary on Monday.