How To Open Hyundai Sonata Without Key?

An additional effective method for opening your automobile without any keys is using a flat head screwdriver and a metal rod. A metal ruler can also be used in place of a metal rod.

  • In order to safeguard your hands from injury when using a screwdriver, you must first ensure your safety by donning a pair of gloves.
  • The location of the lock needs to be determined next. If your automobile is automated, open the passenger door instead of the right-side door because the latter has a lot of circuitry inside it and any interference could cause damage. It is secure enough to open the driver’s door if your car is a manual.
  • The third step entails using the metal ruler or rod to create room between the frame and the door before using the screwdriver to wedge between the two.
  • When you finally see the tip of the screwdriver, stop pushing it and position it appropriately above the lock.
  • Lastly, insert a wire coat hanger or other object that looks similar and depress the unlock button.

The new Hyundai Digital Key’s characteristics and advantages

Hyundai Digital Key, which enables the Sonata to be unlocked, locked, started, and driven with a smartphone, is a new feature that will debut on the 2020 Sonata. The technology also enables the main user to grant three additional users access to the Digital Key. A “shared key” can truly be sent to a recipient from a great distance away.

Holding your smartphone up to the driver or passenger door handle unlocks the car using Hyundai Digital Key. Simply put the phone in the wireless charger once inside, hit the starter, and drive away. Hyundai Digital Key uses Near Field Communication (NFC) technology for security, which, unlike Bluetooth, necessitates that the smartphone and scanner be a few centimeters apart in order to operate the vehicle. When you are nearby your automobile, nobody else can simply open the doors and start the engine because of the close proximity.

There is no Hyundai Digital Key for iPhones, however it is compatible with the majority of Android phones. The Hyundai Digital Key system may be configured using the free Digital Key App, which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. Although you can lock and start your car without the app open, it also has Bluetooth-enabled features that let you do other things like engage other features when the app is open.

Hyundai Digital Key eliminates the need for the Sonata’s two smart keys, which still come with the vehicle and allow for passive entry and keyless start. Additionally, you’ll get an NFC Key Card that you can keep in your wallet and use as a backup phone for iPhone users, for valet services, while you leave the Sonata for maintenance, or if your Android phone runs out of battery.

Hyundai Digital Key, the most recent development in car and smartphone connection, makes its debut on the 2020 Sonata and will likely be a feature on upcoming models that Hyundai introduces or redesigns.

Without a key, how do you open a Hyundai Sonata?

  • Create a loop by folding the strip in half.
  • Pushing it through the door jamb can help you get it inside your car.
  • Till you can clasp it, maneuver the loop around the lock. In order to open the door, raise it.

Can you unlock a car’s trunk without the key?

aOops! Fortunately, as long as that isn’t locked, you can use the trunk release lever or button inside your car’s interior to open the trunk without a key.

The best approach to open the trunk if you’ve completely locked yourself out of the car is still through the cabin. To open your automobile door, you have two options: call a locksmith or use a slim jim.

Most auto parts stores sell slim jims, often known as lock picks. How to utilize it to get your keys from the trunk is as follows:

  • Between the window and the window trim, press the pick down.
  • With the pick, search the area for a rod.
  • The automobile door should then open after using the pick to raise the rod.
  • Now look inside your car for the lever or button that releases the trunk.
  • To unlock the trunk, push or pull the lock.

You therefore have a few options if you’ve locked your keys in the trunk. If you are locked out of the trunk as well as the cabin, you can either use a slim jim by following the procedures above, call roadside help, or open the trunk using the trunk release button or lever in the cabin.

If you have a history of bad luck, Jerry’s roadside assistance membership can help you avoid the hassle of auto accidents. For just $6.99 a month, Jerry joins with Urgently to offer you the best roadside assistance available, including features like towing, lockout service, and a mechanics hotline. a

How can a locked door be unlocked without a key from the outside?

It’s simple to open a door without a key by using a screwdriver. Find the one that fits your lock the best, then slide it into the little space between the door and frame just above the handle or knob. Simply place the tip of the screwdriver into the space between the bottom of the door and the floor while holding it in your right hand. Once you hear a click, turn counterclockwise. Repeat the clockwise turn until you hear a second click. Open the door at last.

Hyundai vehicles can be operated without a key fob.

Once the engine is going, the automobile will still work without the key fob. Additionally, switching from park to drive is trouble-free even when the key is not available.

Can Hyundai open my vehicle?

Users of the Hyundai Digital Key system can use their smartphones to start and unlock their cars. The new Digital Key, which takes the place of a physical key, may be downloaded via an app and used by up to four authorized individuals. Not only is this technology unique to Hyundai, but it is also largely new to the market. The most common inquiries about Hyundai Digital Key are addressed below.

If I locked my keys in my car, how can you get into it?

  • Obtain Your Extra Key.
  • Open Your App.
  • Use fishing line or string to open manual locks.
  • Use a wire clothes hanger to unlock.
  • Use an inflatable pump wedge to unlock.
  • Use a Strip of Sturdy Plastic to unlock.
  • Call a locksmith or AAA.
  • Make a police call

Can an app be used to unlock a Hyundai?

The Hyundai Digital Key is operated through a phone app. The Google Play Store offers a free download of it for Android mobile devices. It is not yet accessible for iPhones. How times have changed: in the past, iPhones were the first to receive all the amazing apps.

However, Hyundai has made NFC Key Cards available for iPhone owners to use, so they are not totally excluded.

Without using any tools, how can you get your keys out of a locked car?

If the top of the automobile opens a little bit, you can also unlock it using a wooden wedge, an air wedge, and a rod. To begin, take hold of the wooden wedge and insert it into the top part’s little hole (if you don’t want the wedge to scratch your automobile, cover it with plastic beforehand).

How do you use a knife to open a car door?

It won’t take long to determine if the latch has to be shimmed and how to do it.

Take your knife, and place it exactly at the height of the doorknob, in the space between the door and the doorframe crack.

Find the latch by feeling around until you feel a chunk of metal sticking out of the door; it should feel springy.

Utilizing your knife as leverage, drive the lock into the door. The door will swing open if there isn’t another lock there.

How do you use a screwdriver to unlock a locked car?

I unintentionally locked my keys in my car, and if I don’t have to, I’d like not to call a locksmith. Can I use a screwdriver to open my car?

In less than two minutes, find out if your auto insurance is being overcharged.

  • Carefully place the screwdriver between the door and the frame. This could result in your door bending or your lock breaking if you apply too much force.
  • Put a wire coat hanger or another tool with a similar form inside your automobile and use it to push the unlock button once you can see the screwdriver’s tip inside.
  • To protect your door and the locking system of your car, take out the screwdriver before opening the door.

Call a locksmith if you can’t get to the locking mechanism or if you’re concerned about harming your door.

Try Jerry if you’re concerned that this will happen again. For as little as $4.16 a month, Jerry’s roadside assistance subscription gets you access to industry-leading roadside assistance and includes services like towing, lockout help, and a mechanics hotline.

Can I use my phone to manage my Hyundai?

Hyundai Bluelink subscribers can connect to their vehicle via their phone via the Bluelink Mobile App. With the help of this software, you can remote start your car, turn on the lights and horn, unlock and lock your car remotely, and do a lot more.

What should you do if your keys are left in the trunk?

Request a locksmith The Pop-a-Lock team can quickly unlock the lock for you whether you’ve locked your keys in the trunk or the car’s cabin. Being in a scenario where you need your car keys but they are not available might be unpleasant.

Can I use my phone to unlock my car?

With a digital vehicle key, you can lock, unlock, and start your automobile from an Android phone. Important: Digital car keys are only compatible with a few models of automobile and are compatible with Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, and a few Android devices running Android 12. You need to be connected to the internet in order to set up a digital car key.