How To Adjust Headlights On Hyundai Sonata?

Once your automobile is in position, you should activate your dipped beam and make a cross-shaped mark in the middle of the beam that will be projected onto the wall. The cross should have one horizontal and one vertical portion. Check to see if both sides of the cross are straight using a level. Then, back up your automobile by between 7 and 10 meters. Here are the steps to follow for the remainder of the process:

  • Locate the screws needed to adjust the headlights of your Hyundai Sonata in both the horizontal and vertical directions by opening the hood (they are usually designated, and those on top must modify the verticality and the one on the side handles the horizontality of the adjustment).
  • To conceal the projector on which you are not performing the modification, use a cloth or other items.
  • The most intense portion of the beam should be slightly to the right of the vertical line marked on the wall after using the screws to modify the beam’s horizontal position.
  • You will need to use the screw to adjust the beam’s top end vertically so that it is either at or slightly below the horizontal marking on the wall.
  • Once you’re done, make sure your Hyundai Sonata’s headlight settings make sense. Don’t wait to check them after you’ve driven the car because they frequently move.

. View our post on this topic if you want to know how to change the fog lights on your Hyundai Sonata.

Do not hesitate to look through our Hyundai Sonata category if you have any further inquiries regarding the model.


Hello Angela You may see a cog-like wheel with a little bolt in the centre if you look behind the headlamps (below the headlamp harness). To raise or lower the headlamp, spin the whell left or right using a small ratchet or wrench. Place your car facing a white object, then slowly turn the bolt until you see the headlamp rising or falling. Since that is how I solved mine, I hope this information is useful.

How are the headlights changed on a Hyundai Veloster?

A key should be inserted into the opening, then turned clockwise to the unlock position. To change the brightness, press the control switch’s -/+ buttons.

How can I change the level of my headlights?

Have the helper turn off the headlights while you are standing in front of the vehicle. Next, have the assistant switch on one headlight while you cover the other with the dark cloth or cardboard. Locate the adjusting screw and slowly move it in either the clockwise or counterclockwise direction to change the height of the lights.

How can headlamp alignment be checked?

You must first determine whether the headlamp alignment is correct and whether it has to be adjusted. This can be done in a few simple steps.

Remove any extra weight first, such as objects in the boot, as these could cause your reading to be off. Additionally, make sure your tires are inflated to the pressure recommended by the manufacturer. Once parked, keep your vehicle around 60 cm from any walls or garage doors.

Now you can turn on the headlights, making sure they are not set to the beam or the fog light settings but rather the regular option. On the wall, the headlights will appear as a circle. Use two pieces of tape or a pencil to draw a plus symbol on the wall. Both lines should run horizontally from side to side and vertically from the top of the circular to the bottom. The center of your headlights is where the two lines converge in the middle.

Use a tape measure to make sure the plus signs’ centers are the same height. If they aren’t the same height, you might need to decrease one plus sign.

Reverse your automobile so that it is around eight meters from the wall once you are satisfied with your marks and they are both the same height. You don’t need to modify anything if the middle of your headlights still falls within your marks. You must readjust your headlights if they are dropping above, below, or to the side of the plus symbols.

How do the fog lights on a 2018 Hyundai Tucson become turned on?

To turn the fog lights ON and OFF, use the switch adjacent to the headlight switch. When the fog light switch (1) is turned to ON after the headlights are turned on, the fog lights will turn on. Turn the switch to OFF to turn off the fog lights. Only when the headlights are in low beam mode can you turn on the fog lights.

Should headlights be aligned?

You can always see the road clearly thanks to your headlights. But they can’t function properly if you don’t calibrate them properly. Headlight alignment issues can blind other motorists and make it more difficult for you to see.

Your headlight alignment may need to be corrected if:

  • Your headlights were replaced.
  • Your car got involved in an accident.
  • There will be more weight on you than usual.

Make sure your car’s headlights are pointed correctly before starting a nighttime trip. Using this easy procedure and tools you already own, you can alter them.

How do you gauge the height of headlights?

Use a tape measure to determine the distance from the ground to the center of the light beam when your automobile is parked 25 feet from the wall you’re using to align them. Then calculate the distance between the center of your headlight unit and the ground. The region that is lit needs to be at least slightly lower in height than the headlight assembly.

Some cars come equipped with a handy built-in level so you can see the position without parking and taking measurements.

Why is it crucial to check that the alignment of the vehicle headlights is accurate?

One of your car’s most crucial safety elements is the headlights. You must make sure that your headlights are correctly positioned for both your safety and the safety of other drivers on the road.

Headlights can blind oncoming vehicles if they are set too high, and they can be useless if they are set too low.

The Irish Independent published a report in 2003 saying that:

The failure rates “would climb from 54pc to 70/75pc with full implementation of the NCT from September 15 – principally on account of headlamp alignment results,” according to Transport Minister Seamus Brennan.

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When using headlights, do parking lights stay on?

If you have to park your car along a dark, narrow lane, you can utilize your parking lights. These lights have a long runtime and won’t deplete the battery of your automobile.

To make your automobile more visible from the sides, you often combine your parking lights with your low beam headlights. However, you can also use your parking lights in an emergency.

Your parking lights will save the day if, for instance, one of your low beam headlights burns out while you are trying to get it fixed. When you turn on your parking lights, other drivers will be able to distinguish between an approaching car and a motorcycle with only one conventional headlight.

My headlights are different in brightness; why?

Your lights are pointed at different heights. One appears to be brighter as a result of this. Although the dealer can quickly align them for you, you can probably do it yourself. Your lightbulb is pointed higher than the other.

What is Hyundai high beam assist?

A technology called High Beam Assist (HBA) automatically changes the headlight range (switches between high beam and low beam) in response to the brightness of other vehicles and the state of the road.

What distinguishes headlights from parking lights?

Sidelights are another name for parking lights. Although they are outside of the headlights and are situated at the front of the car, they are not headlights. Some automobiles feature a comparable set of lights in the rear of the car, but those shouldn’t be mistaken for brake lights.

In the past, when parking lights were controlled by a different car system than the headlights, they had a more significant impact on vehicle lighting. Consequently, parking lights might take over and provide illumination for safe driving if the headlights or the mechanism supporting them failed.

In contrast to headlights’ brilliant white or brake lights’ red, parking lights are typically gold or amber in color.

Why are there shadows in my headlights?

I don’t think it’s really a problem, more like it’s been set up that way. The beam has a dip in it to lessen glare for approaching drivers. All projector-based headlight systems make some form of dip, but the majority simply remain to the left.

In order to prevent the dip on each light from overlapping, you can move the headlights from side to side if this bothers you. If you do this, you will end up creating additional glare for approaching vehicles, therefore you should also point them slightly downward.

Will difficulties result from headlights that are pointed too high?

Have you ever been behind the wheel of a car with headlights that were so badly aimed you could hardly see anything? Did you realize that headlights pointed too low or too high can both significantly impair visibility?

Your ability to see far down the road is negatively impacted by glare on the road caused by your headlights directed at the ground. Your headlights may be beaming into space and reflecting off nothing if they are pointed a little too high, making them all but useless.

It’s downright scientific, but correctly aiming your headlights is harder than you may imagine. If you have never measured your beam properly, there is a good risk that they are out of alignment and improperly focused.

I just went to Detroit, Michigan, for the 2017 DVN (Driving Vision News) USA workshop. Future Lighting Technologies and Standardization, Safety and Regulatory Affairs was the main focus. One of the debates involved the difficulty of maintaining correctly directed headlights and how it related to regulatory requirements.

Headlights are misaimed 9.9% of the time, which results in 3% to 30% more glare than is ideal.

AML Systems’ Hassan Koulouh demonstrated calculations based on research and survey data that demonstrated that over 10% of the time any car is on the road, the headlights are misaimed, creating between 3% and 30% more glare than is permitted by NHTSA aiming regulations and IIHS guidelines. The interesting thing is that, while headlamp misaim occasionally results from a vehicle adjustment system that is physically aimed wrongly, more frequently it results from:

  • a trunk full with luggage
  • Headlight lens heat as a result of the light being on
  • Fuel level in a gas tank: weight
  • problems with the road’s flatness
  • tire inflation
  • Of course, the driver’s or the technician’s mechanical headlight housing aim is also important.

Koulouh works at Johnson Electric-owned AML Systems, which produces and distributes LuMEMS – Auto leveling utilizing MEMS sensors, a novel headlight aiming technology. They assert that the majority, if not all, problems that result in headlight misaim will be resolved when more vehicles adopt their intelligent actuator technology. There would be a decrease in nighttime traffic accidents, eye strain, and oncoming driver glare if headlight misaim could be fixed.

Where should headlights be visible?

Depending on the headlights you’re using, your headlights should shine a certain distance. High beams or brights should shine 350 to 400 feet in the distance, while low beams or dipped lights should shine roughly 150 to 200 feet away. For maximum effectiveness, fog lights must be positioned at a specific height; they do not need to illuminate the road in front of them.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about how far your headlights must shine, including how to examine each type, align them, and more!