A sticker on the engine cover or recoil assembly housing of a Honda engine bears the model number. Model numbers for Honda engines all begin with the letter “G,” as in “G100,” “GX610,” or “GXV160.”
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On a Honda lawn mower engine, where is the model number located?
The Engine Serial Number’s Location The engine’s side bears a stamp with the serial number. A 4 or 5 letter prefix is followed by a 7 digit number in every Honda engine serial number.
On a small engine, where is the model number located?
Our engines are identified by the Model, Type, and Code numbers that are directly stamped onto the engine. The model number of an engine used in a lawn mower application is typically stamped into the blower housing, muffler heat shield, or a few inches above the spark plug. The engine code numbers may be hidden, depending on the type of engine shroud utilized. For the purpose of identifying the engine, it could be essential to remove this shroud in order to find the Model, Type, and Code.
How can I decipher the model number on my Honda lawn mower?
Model of the Engine A sticker on the engine cover or recoil assembly housing of a Honda engine bears the model number. Model numbers for Honda engines all begin with the letter “G,” as in “G100,” “GX610,” or “GXV160.”
How is a Honda serial number read?
See how each digit or segment in the 17-digit string is decoded in the VIN decoding diagram below.
The model and model year of the car, the make, the location of the vehicle’s manufacture, and other details are all indicated by a specific character or set of characters in a Honda VIN. Since the model year 1981, a VIN that adheres to the ISO standard has been utilized. The letters O (o), I I and Q (q), which resemble the numbers 0, 1, and 9, are absent from the VIN.
Here is an example Honda VIN that has been decoded using the aforementioned diagram and the Honda decoding chart: 1HGEJ8145WL012057.
- Model Year = W (1998)
- existing warranty
- 1 denotes Body Type and Transmission (2 Door Coupe, Manual)
- G = Type of Vehicle (Passenger car)
- L for Plant (East Liberty, Ohio, USA)
- market price
- equipment information
- Security Code: 5
- fuel economy
- EJ8 = Civic 2/4 Door 1.6L Model
- faults and recalls
- rating for safety
- (Civic EX 2/4 Door) 4 = GRADE
- 1.0 = the country of manufacturing (United States)
- Production Sequence 012057
- H = The Manufacturer (Honda)
Locate ID Numbers on Residential ZTrakTM Mowers
Start by scanning the rear of your zero turn mower to locate the ID tag. The tag will be on the frame directly above or directly below the engine. Additionally, the engine will have a direct listing of its engine number.
Engine model code: what is it?
The model number appears in the first two lines of an engine’s number. It is inscribed on the side of the block to the right of the recoil and is alphanumeric. The serial number and alphabetic third line are both present.
LCT Serial Number Definition
Year produced is the first two numbers. Engine horsepower is the next two to three figures. Months produced are the next two digits. Engine sequence number is the last five digits.
Describe the example: In February 2008, 3611 6.0 hp engines were built, making this one.
Please take note that the LCT Engine Model and Serial Number Systems are subject to revision at any time.
How can I check the serial number on a motor?
Your engine plate, which is often on the left side of the engine, has your serial number on it. To locate all the parts we have online for your engine, enter the first few letters and digits to identify the engine, for instance, DJ51279.
On a vintage Tecumseh engine, where is the model number located?
On a Tecumseh engine, the model number (shown by the red box in the picture) can be found on the engine ID sticker, which is ordinarily found under the engine cover. The specification number and the year of production, together with other important Tecumseh engine details, will also be printed on the label.
On a Tecumseh engine, the specification number (shown in blue in the photo) will help you focus on the other details required to locate parts.
Refer to the photos below for a breakdown of model and specification numbers as well as common Tecumseh ID label positions.
To search for parts, enter the Tecumseh Power Company model number below.
What is the engine number in digits?
Although you may never need to search or identify an engine number, it is one of the crucial pieces of knowledge to verify a car’s legitimacy.
When registering or insuring a car, the engine number is frequently compared to the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
Before the modern era, cars frequently required refurbished or new engines.
Updating a vehicle’s engine number with the relevant roads and traffic authorities is a laborious process, but it is doable.
Engine numbers are now mostly used to track down stolen vehicles and/or engines.
Engine numbers and VINs are matched on contemporary vehicles to assist manufacturers in identifying vehicles in the event that they need to be recalled or updated to solve a new issue.
Instead of stamping identification on easily removable engine parts, engine numbers are typically stamped into the engine block, the central component of the motor and the toughest element to remove from a vehicle.
Engine numbers are frequently repeated on the construction plate since they might be difficult to spot unless you are an expert on a particular model and know where to look. They may occasionally be printed on the self-voiding label in the driver’s door frame as well.
Each engine of a car is given a serial number, which makes it simpler for mechanics, insurers, finance firms, and authorities to verify a vehicle’s authenticity. Additionally, engine numbers make it tough for car thieves to fabricate, though not impossible.
In essence, engine numbers are just another means to verify a car’s legitimacy. Checking the registration paperwork is the simplest approach to locate it. Some insurers demand a VIN only, while others demand a VIN and an engine number.
Engine numbers normally have between 11 and 17 digits and frequently have a code that is specific to each manufacturer, despite the fact that there is no official worldwide or universal standard for them.
This makes it possible for each manufacturer to recognize each unique engine and the date of production.
Although VINs are the main vehicle identification number, engine numbers can occasionally be used to determine a vehicle’s financial status, whether it has experienced water or flood damage, been written off, or whether it has been stolen.
The engine number tells you what?
The factory marks each engine of a car with an engine number. The engine number contains encoded data that may be deciphered to expose things like the engine type, country of production, and manufacturing year.
On a Honda GCV160, where is the model number located?
Version Number The model number is written on a sticker that can be found on the recoil or engine cover. Model numbers for Honda engines that begin with the letter G include G100, GX690, and GCV160. The base engine model is this one.
Motor Type Code The engine type code can be found imprinted onto the side of the engine right next to the serial number. Up to 4 characters may be used in engine type codes. Asterisks may be used as placeholders when a code is fewer than 4 characters long (for example, an engine stamped with QX** is a QX type engine).
Finding the Engine Model Number, Type & Code
Watch this little video to learn how to locate the model number, type, or code of your engine:
Additional Model, Type, and Code location videos are also available below, organized according to the kinds of machinery the engine drives:
How can I determine the year of my Honda outboard?
Utilizing the key below, locate the model year code in your model number to ascertain the year.
Note: Yamaha stopped using the year in the model number starting in 2005. The transom bracket of motors manufactured after 2004 will display the production date.
There is no year information contained in the model or serial numbers of Chrysler Outboard engines.
See this graphic showing the years associated with Chrysler serial numbers. By hitting CTRL+F, you can determine the matching year by searching for your serial number.
There is no year information contained in the Force Outboard engine model or serial numbers.
See the Force serial number year chart, which is available here. By hitting CTRL+F, you can determine the matching year by searching for your serial number.
Nothing in the model or serial numbers of Mercury Mariner Outboard engines immediately indicates the year.
The starting serial number is determined by the first serial number sold within a year. The serial numbers that are between the first serial number of that year and the next belong to the same year. To discover the starting serial number for the range that includes your engine, look up the horsepower of your engine on the Mercury Mariner serial number year chart, which is found here.
On a Honda, where is the VIN number?
- On a plaque attached to the top of the dashboard is the VIN (17-digit). On the driver’s side, you can see it through the windshield.