Where Is Honda Clarity Manufactured?

A fuel-cell vehicle assembly line specifically for the FCX Clarity was built in Japan at the Honda Automobile New Model Center (Takanezawa-machi, Shioya-gun, Tochigi Prefecture). Honda Engineering Co., Ltd. manufactures the fuel cell stack itself (Haga-machi, Haga-gun, Tochigi Prefecture).

Honda reportedly wants to sell hydrogen fuel cell vehicles at prices comparable to gasoline mid-size cars by 2020, despite the fact that its hand-built precursor to the Clarity, which debuted in 2005, cost approximately $1 million.


Honda said in July 2014 that the FCX Clarity would be retired and would be replaced by a new, higher-volume hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle.


Why is Honda ceasing production of the Clarity?

Although the Honda Clarity Electric’s all-electric model showed promise, it was abandoned in 2020. It might be because the lease option was restricted to California and Oregon only. Its comparatively short range of distance on the battery might be another factor. The Clarity Electric, created by Honda, has a limited driving range of 89 miles.

According to Car and Driver, the Clarity Electric doesn’t even come close to competing when it comes to vehicles with 238 to 240 miles of range, such as the Chevy Bolt or the Tesla Model 3. Many more of these EVs with respectable ranges are now on the automotive market. If the Clarity Electric was still in existence, it would need to have made significant advancements to remain competitive.

Honda decided to stop producing the Clarity’s electric variant because it wants to concentrate more on the proposed electric vehicles it is currently developing. In the upcoming several years, it intends to introduce more EV vehicles.

What is Honda using to replace the Clarity?

The Clarity EV was already discontinued by Honda, and now the plug-in hybrid and hydrogen-powered models will follow suit. In August 2021, Honda will stop making the Clarity fuel-cell and plug-in hybrid cars. Initially, an electric version of the Clarity was also offered, but that model was discontinued a year ago.

The Honda Clarity’s lifespan

What is the battery life? The battery is supported by an 8 year, 100,000 mile warranty and is built to last for many years of dependable operation.

Honda Clarity: Is it sold in Europe?

Honda has announced that the Clarity model would be discontinued worldwide as it closes the Japanese factory where it is produced, throwing a significant blow to advocates of hydrogen fuel cells.

Both the hydrogen fuel cell electric (FCEV) and plug-in hybrid (PHEV) Clarity models will reportedly be discontinued by Honda when its Sayama facility closes in March 2022, according to the daily Nikkei.

The Clarity is a lease-only car that is available in Japan, Europe, and the US. Due to a scarcity of hydrogen filling facilities in the US, American models are only sold in Southern California.

Only 2089 of the 11,654 Clarity units delivered in the US in 2019 were hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, accounting for just under 18% of the model’s total sales, which fell to 4215 in 2020.

There have been 10,665 fuel cell electric vehicle sales in the US, yet there are only 46 hydrogen stations in California, according to the California Fuel Partnership.

Honda stated that its overarching goal is to be carbon neutral by the year 2050 and that it plans to sell only FCEVs or battery-electric vehicles by 2040.

Now that Honda has committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050, the company has established a goal to sell all of its vehicles as battery- or fuel cell-powered by 2040.

“In order to introduce our first volume of BEV models in 2024, we are modifying our approach with a focus on expanding the application of our two-motor hybrid technology to core models.

“Honda will stop producing the Clarity plug-in hybrid and Clarity fuel cell in August 2021 in line with this strategy. By doing this, we will guarantee that the Clarity fuel-cell will be accessible for leasing through 2022 and that Honda will continue to service consumers who own Clarity vehicles.”

Honda and General Motors formed a joint venture in 2017 to produce battery systems for the vehicles after forming a cooperation in 2013 to study fuel-cell vehicle technologies. According to the Japanese firm, the partnership will continue in the future.

“Our zero emissions approach, which is being pushed by our collaborative manufacturing and development partnerships, will heavily rely on FCEVs.

“We continue to make large investments in battery and fuel-cell infrastructure.”

Although the Australian Capital Territory Government now maintains a fleet of 20 Hyundai Nexo FCEVs with two filling stations at a Hyundai dealer in Phillip and a specialized ActewAGL station in Fyshwick, there are currently no hydrogen vehicles available for purchase in Australia.

Honda is there a Clarity for 2022?

By most standards, the Honda Clarity is among the most effective electric vehicles on the market. It has a range of more than 80 km, a wonderful driving experience, incredible comfort, and unmatched build quality.

But in the end, none of those attributes were able to preserve it. Honda has said that it would stop making the Clarity later this year. The news was initially reported by the Japanese publication Nikkei, and Honda’s American branch then released an official statement.

Honda has set a goal to sell only battery- or fuel-cell-powered vehicles by 2040 as part of their commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2050. In order to prepare for the release of our first mass-market BEV models in 2024, we are modifying our strategy with an emphasis on expanding the application of our two-motor hybrid technology to core models. Honda will stop making the Clarity Plug-In Hybrid and Clarity Fuel Cell in August 2021 in line with this policy.

Why can I only lease a Clarity Fuel Cell?

Our cooperative manufacturing and development agreements, which are being promoted through FCEVs, are a vital component of our zero emissions goal, according to Honda.

We are still making large investments in battery and fuel-cell infrastructure.

To that aim, it is anticipated that Honda’s collaboration with General Motors on the development of EVs and fuel-cell vehicles will continue. All three Honda models—the Clarity, Legend, and Odyssey—were produced at the Sayama facility, which will shut down in March 2022.

The Clarity Fuel Cell was a lease-only vehicle, and it has been said that the model’s weak demand was hampered by a lackluster hydrogen fuelling infrastructure. According to Honda’s US website, the least priced lease included a 36-month term, a $2,878 down payment, and a $379 monthly payment.

What do you think will happen to hydrogen technology? Join the discussion and add your voice.

Usman Raynal

Wes Raynal, who was born and reared in Detroit, has been a lifelong auto enthusiast.

Why did Honda discontinue producing hybrid vehicles?

However, Honda Motor Co. stated on Tuesday that it will stop producing the hybrid version of its Accord sedan due to weak sales. You would assume that any automobile marked as a hybrid would sell quickly, given the record-high prices of gas and the rising public interest in ecologically friendly technologies.

Does it make sense to swap out a hybrid battery?

They might also inquire as to whether an investment in a hybrid battery is worthwhile. Hybrid batteries, on the other hand, won’t just save you money over time by lowering your trips to the petrol station; their longer lifespan also means you’ll spend less money on maintenance.

How long are hybrid batteries made to last?

Consumers’ beliefs that the pricey high-voltage battery packs in hybrid vehicles are unreliable and prone to frequent or premature failure are some of the key reasons for customer reluctance to these vehicles. Truth be told, high-voltage hybrid battery packs must be warranted for at least eight years or 100,000 miles of operation by all makers of hybrid vehicles sold domestically in the US. However, certain hybrids built in Japan now come with ten-year warranties that last for ten years or 150,000 miles of service; one example being the latest Toyota Prius models.

Additionally, producers are required by law to transmit and uphold the remaining hybrid battery warranties in the domestic market of the United States. According to this requirement, the dealer is required to transfer the remaining original battery warranty to you if you purchase, for example, a hybrid car that is three years old and has 40,000 miles on the odometer. Additionally, if the battery fails within the remaining time frame, the dealer must honor the remaining warranty sum.

Unfortunately, since nothing in this world is flawless, high-voltage hybrid battery packs can and do malfunction for a variety of reasons. In order to comprehend what you can do to prolong the life of the high-voltage battery pack in your hybrid vehicle, it is necessary to first grasp what hybrid battery packs are, how they function, and how occasionally they break down.

How frequently should hybrid batteries be changed?

How Frequently Should a Hybrid Battery Be Replaced? A hybrid automobile battery should be replaced every 15 years or 150,000 miles (whichever comes first).

How much does it cost to fill a fuel cell in a Honda Clarity?

The cost of refueling a hydrogen fuel cell can reach $100, but Honda will pay for up to $15,000 of fuel throughout the lease.

What chassis was used to build the Honda Clarity?

History. The Honda FCX Clarity is a hydrogen fuel-cell electric car that is based on the Honda FCX Concept from 2006.

Can a Honda Clarity be purchased in the UK?

The Honda Clarity Fuel Cell, which is the newest model, is the Japanese company’s most persuasive hydrogen fuel cell vehicle to date.

It’s not yet fully available for purchase in the UK, but three vehicles are already there and will be lent to Honda customers for a number of months at a time to collect data for the company’s upcoming product development. 2018 will see the arrival of three further cars in Britain as part of the same scheme.

In Japan and the USA, the Clarity is available for lease, although it cannot yet be purchased outright. The next iteration of the car is expected to arrive in the UK around 2022, after which conventional sales are likely to begin.

Honda won’t turn a profit on the Clarity since it costs a lot to construct and all of its expenses are covered by the company’s general research and development budget.

How does the Honda Clarity Fuel Cell work?

The Clarity Fuel Cell is a hybrid or, to be more precise, an electric vehicle. Hydrogen is pumped into two tanks from a pumpmore that is under the boot and in front of the back seats.

In order to generate power for a motor that turns the front wheels, the hydrogen is pumped through a stack of fuel cells, which divide it into protons and electrons. As a byproduct, water vapour is also produced.

A battery is located under the floor between the front seats in addition to the fuel cell, and it can provide more energy to the motor when it is first starting up or when it requires more power for accelerating up a hill, for example.

While cruising, the fuel cell operates the motor entirely on its own; during acceleration, the battery assists. When the automobile is stopped, the fuel cell recharges the battery. It may even recharge the battery while braking.

A Honda Clarity may be purchased.

In fact, the Honda Clarity is a great vehicle. It has a luxurious, roomy interior and a large number of driver-assistance features. It is offered as a plug-in hybrid across the nation, and Californians have the choice of leasing a hydrogen-powered fuel cell version.