What Kind Of Gas Does A 2016 Honda Pilot Take?

It is advised to use unleaded fuel with an octane rating of at least 87. Where available, Honda advises using TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline. Use only gasoline that is less than 15% ethanol. Methanol-containing gasoline should NOT be used.

Do Honda drivers need premium fuel?

It is not necessary to use premium gas with the Honda Pilot. All Honda models have standard fuel specifications stating that they should be operated on unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87 or above.

We’ll examine what Honda suggests for fuelling this vehicle in more detail now that we know the Honda Pilot doesn’t require premium fuel. You might be interested in learning whether premium gas will clean your engine or improve your fuel efficiency. You might be surprised by the responses to these queries. Find out what we learned by reading on.

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What happens if 91 fuel is placed in an 87 vehicle?

Do not become alarmed if the manufacturer of your automobile or truck suggests premium fuel for your vehicle but you instead use normal. Even though premium is advised, you are not required to use it; the engine can run just as well on standard gas.

You can run into issues if you use standard fuel when your manufacturer calls for premium. How well your car or truck will handle normal petrol depends on the sophistication of your fuel system as well as other elements like how your engine is tuned, what the timing is, and how hot it runs. Most of the time, the car will run just fine, although you might notice less power and reduced gas mileage. Because the fuel isn’t burning properly in more acute cases, you might hear engine banging or valve chatter. You should take it to your mechanic because these things might harm your engine.

Can I fill up my Honda Pilot with non-ethanol fuel?

Registered. They are made to run on 10%, although 100% is preferable. I prefer not to use ethanol in my fuel system because it collects a lot more moisture than gasoline does.

What occurs if normal fuel is used in a high-end vehicle?

Engine knock is reduced by using premium gas, which has a higher octane rating. According to The Drive, 87 octane will almost immediately start the engine banging in older vehicles that need premium fuel. However, more recent models of cars are better suited to handle it.

Does premium fuel make your engine cleaner?

No, premium gas is not a magic cleaner for engines. Carbon build-up is the fundamental issue with engine maintenance and can occur over time with all fuel types if regular maintenance is neglected. The good news is that detergents can somewhat minimize carbon deposits in both normal and premium gas. If you choose premium products, the detergents might be stronger. Nevertheless, having your car professionally serviced is the key to a clean fuel system.

Is it harmful to fill a Honda with premium fuel?

Can premium fuel be used in a Honda Civic? Yes, technically. However, the engines in many cars are built to tolerate a certain level of wear and tear. Therefore, using premium fuel won’t really make a difference for the majority of automobiles.

What kind of gas does Honda suggest?

Different additives are permitted by regulation to be added to gasoline. The same law regulates the maximum amount of certain additives,

The fuel can have additives, such alcohol, and still be marketed as gasoline. Honda motors

are created to operate effectively and efficiently with fuel that has from

E85 is a substitute fuel. Fuel is not what it is. It is created by mixing 15% gasoline and 85% ethanol.

The E85 fuel or any other alternative is not now approved for Honda engines, nor are they built to do so.

What gas is preferable, 87, 89, or 93?


Half of the east coast is experiencing a fuel scarcity as a result of the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack. Due to this, many gas stations are experiencing shortages, higher gas prices, and gallon restrictions.

Many people have inquired as to the distinction between standard grade and premium fuel as some gas stations only carry standard grade fuel due to fuel shortages.

In order to determine the risks associated with not using the proper fuel in your car, our VERIFY team consulted with the experts.


A standard grade 87 or 89 is advised for the majority of vehicles on the road. It’s perfectly fine to fill a normal vehicle with premium gas between 90 and 93. According to auto experts, using premium fuel won’t harm a basic automobile in any way.

Is premium fuel actually worthwhile?

Why spend a lot of money on something you don’t require? Premium petrol costs around 50 cents more per gallon than regular gas and doesn’t affect vehicles that can’t use it in any way. The Federal Trade Commission warns consumers that, “In most circumstances, using gasoline with a higher octane rating than your owner’s manual suggests delivers absolutely no benefit. It won’t improve the efficiency, performance, speed, or mileage of your vehicle.

In order to clean your engine and improve performance, the detergent additives in your gasoline are significantly more significant than the octane rating. Every shop offers a unique mixture of additives that are applied to all grades. For instance, Chevron’s Techron is available in both their normal and premium gas.

Some people hold themselves to a higher standard when it comes to additives. The Top Tier Gasoline standard, which requires a higher-percentage of detergent additive than the EPA minimum criteria, was developed with the assistance of BMW, General Motors, Honda, Toyota, Volkswagen, and Audi. They contend that lesser detergent additive concentrations may cause greater deposits to form on engine parts like the intake valves and fuel injectors. As a result, emissions may rise and engine performance may be affected. j

Will ethanol-free fuel damage my vehicle?

The engine of your car won’t be harmed if you fill it up with non-ethanol fuel. ethanol-free gas and ethanol-blend gas can be mixed. Using an ethanol combination, though, could harm your outdoor power equipment.

Does ethanol-free fuel offer improved fuel efficiency?

It is pure gasoline, not blended with the corn-based ethanol that is often sold at gas stations around the nation.

Pure gas may be preferable for older car engines, boats, lawnmowers, or other items, while not being as popular as the ethanol blends.

In general, ethanol in gasoline reduces fuel efficiency, according to DeHaan. “If you move up to E85, for instance, you typically get 20% worse fuel efficiency because E85 has 20% less energy than 100% gasoline,”

However, the majority of drivers utilize 10-15% ethanol blends like E10 or E15. The ethanol percentage only results in a 5% reduction in gas mileage. The ethanol blend will often cost you less per mile, taking into account that the cost of ethanol-free gas can range from 30 cents to more than a dollar more expensive per gallon.

DeHaan said that government credits are given to petrol stations for selling ethanol, which further lowers the price. Since it emits fewer damaging emissions, ethanol is usually regarded as being better for the environment.

What else can you do if you can’t lower your gas prices by switching fuels? Driving more slowly, using the air conditioner sparingly, checking your tire pressure, and keeping your car as light as possible are all suggestions made by experts.

Ethanol harms your engine, right?

As required by the EPA, ethanol is added to gasoline to reduce carbon emissions and improve the environmental friendliness of operating such engines. Untreated fuels containing ethanol can begin “phasing.” When ethanol in the fuel absorbs too much water, a process known as phase separation occurs. Because the ethanol and water mixture that emerges from phase separation is heavier than gasoline, it separates from gasoline and settles to the bottom of the fuel tank. Water-ethanol mixtures can harm engines and fuel systems; to stop additional harm, the system must be cleaned. Once phase separation has taken place, there is no additive that can stop it, thus the fuel tank needs to be drained. The fuel in the tank will need to be drained if the ethanol and petrol entirely phase separated. Pump-out services are provided by mechanics to drain and clean the gasoline system.

Do not believe all you hear because there is no secret element that may bring phase separation back once it has already subsided. Maintaining a nearly full tank at all times, leaving a small room for the gasoline to expand in warmer conditions, is the simplest defense against phase separation. Since moisture enters a tank through the empty space, decreasing the air in your tank will decrease the amount of water that can enter through the air. This is crucial when working with machinery built with a “Open fuel system,” like the majority of small non-road engines and boats.

Fuel tanks and other parts of the fuel system may corrode quickly as a result of ethanol. Every time you fill the tank, it’s crucial to add a gasoline additive that prevents corrosion. This is particularly critical for tiny engines because many of their components are still made of aluminum, which corrodes more quickly and produces oxides that resemble white rust.

Thirdly, ethanol can dislodge dirt that typically gathers in the fuel tank’s corners and can result in clogged fuel systems. Once more, incorporating a fuel treatment with cleaners will enable these grit particles to travel through your system.

Last but not least, keep in mind that gasoline “oxidizes when exposed to oxygen.” In other words, it eventually loses its volatility and could become varnish. You can use your gasoline-powered small engines, boat, and/or other gasoline-powered equipment without anxiety for a long time by using a fuel additive that will take care of all of these problems.

The good news is that E-10 has been in widespread use across the nation for more than 25 years, so there are tried-and-true strategies for shielding your engines from the dangers we have discussed.