What Is Tohru Honda Zodiac Sign?

Tohru is incredibly sensitive and compassionate to all of her friends. Virgos are sympathetic toward their friends and want to see them succeed. Helping her friends and the Sohmas develop as better people is Tohru’s constant desire. She wants to thoroughly heal people; she doesn’t only feel sympathy for them. She tries to break the Sohma family’s curse because of this Virgo feature.

Tohru Honda: A Taurus or not?

Tohru has numerous traits that are typically taurean.

She has perseverance, strength, enthusiasm, and stubbornness. She can be rather headstrong, continually accepting extra responsibility despite requests from others to take a break, and fiercely devoted to the people she loves.

Tohru Honda: Zodiac God or not?

In many ways, Tohru represents God in the original zodiac mythology that started the Sohma curse, but in the opposite way. This is particularly true given that Akito is cursed by God’s spirit in the zodiac.

Is Tohru a sign of the zodiac?

Shigure is the Soma family’s underdog, despite being the Dog of the zodiac. Shigure, a writer by profession (but not one who is particularly motivated), resides outside the Soma estate and runs into Tohru as she walks to school. He quickly changes into his Dog form, becoming the first to explain zodiac transitions to a perplexed Tohru. Shigure is the most cunning of the Somas, always concealing a hidden agenda, but even though he refers to himself as the “worst type of man,” the Dog can’t help but be lured in by Tohru’s compassionate side and form an almost maternal attachment with her. Shigure has a strange friendship with Akito and often tries to cause her difficulty, though she hasn’t yet provided a clear reason for why. Shigure is great friends with Hatori and Ayame.

Which sign is Kyo?

One of the main characters in Fruits Basket, Kyo Sohma, is a perfect representation of the first sign in the zodiac cycle, Aries, due to his fiery and competitive nature. He displays both the sign’s negative and positive characteristics. Kyo is easily enraged and frequently acts recklessly and violently. He is also ferociously envious of his cousin Yuki because of the latter’s preferred status in their family. But because of his Arien self-centeredness, he is blind to the extent of Yuki’s suffering in that circumstance.

But Kyo also exudes uplifting Aries energy. He is a passionate individual who is committed to those he cares about and who does not give up despite the overwhelming odds.

Tohru’s first love was who?

Later it is revealed that Tohru and Yuki “met when they were younger when Tohru was saved by Yuki, and even though she doesn’t remember the identity of the boy, Tohru treasures the memory and calls the boy her “first love.

Akito is what Zodiac sign?

  • The fact that Akito wanted to get an Ari plush doll suggests that she is a fan of Ari from her favorite TV show, Mogeta.
  • Her astrological sign is Cancer.
  • In relation to the previous statement, Shigure’s first gift to Akito was a camellia flower.
  • [28]
  • There seems to be a bond between Akito and camellias. Takaya claims that the reason for this is that when Akito was younger, she showed some interest in them, notably after Shigure gave her a camellia blossom, which had a profound effect on both of them. [28]
  • When Tohru became a mother, she taught Aktio about hand games and bedtime stories, something she had never been taught as a child.
  • [15]
  • Akito’s age is not stated, although Shigure estimates that she is at least twenty years old and is a few years younger than Ritsu.
  • Given that she actively avoids the former Zodiacs, it appears that Akito can only spend time with Tohru at New Years, when the Sohma estate celebrates (which would include Kyo).

Why is Kun given to Tohru?

Takaya likes to give masculine names to female characters “to balance them out,” thus she gave Tohru a name that is typically reserved for men.

[8] In addition, Takaya decided it was “a more dignified style of address” to have other characters refer to her as “Tohru-kun,” a title usually reserved for male characters. [3]

The English voice actor for Tohru, Laura Bailey, stated in an interview that she most identified with Tohru’s optimism and found her formality to be the most challenging. Although Bailey acknowledged that English does not have the same level of speech formality as Japanese, she asserted that Tohru’s “humble nature can still be communicated through inflections and tone” and that Akitaro Daichi, the director of the Japanese anime series, was particularly concerned that Tohru’s “sweetness and formal nature didn’t get lost in translation.” Bailey claimed that Tohru’s mannerisms and inflections were based on Yui Horie’s original Japanese performance. [9]

According to legend, Tohru’s father, Katsuya Honda, gave daughter the name Tohru to “bring out her latent flavor, like adding salt to delicious dishes.”

[Reference needed]

The 12 Zodiacs in the Fruits Basket are who?

The Chinese Zodiac is an astrological calendar that assigns an animal to each year. The Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Sheep, the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog, and the Boar are the twelve “official” animals of the Zodiac. When a person of the opposing sex hugs them, or if they grow weak or worried, they transform into the animal of the year they were born into. The Cat and the God are two individuals who are not part of the Zodiac but are instead a part of the Sohma Curse.

Which sign is Yuki?

I regret not being able to live my life more carefully. But it is not doable. Such a road doesn’t exist. We flop. We fall. We become lost. We are fallible. We advance little by little, one step at a time. All we can do is that. independently standing.

In the Fruits Basket series, one of the deuteragonists is Yuki Sohma (,Sma Yuki, “Yuki Soma”[1]). He is Ayame Sohma’s younger brother by ten years and the younger son of his parents.

He is the Chinese Zodiac’s Rat. Yuki, who is referred to by his peers by a variety of nicknames including “Prince Charming,” is shown as a beautiful, introverted, and extraordinarily successful young man who has many fans. Yuki, however, suffers from significant self-esteem difficulties and feels alone as a result of his shattered family, abusive childhood, and the consequences of the Curse. Prince Yuki Fan Club is the name of his fan club at school, but as a result, Yuki feels even more alone.

Shigure Sohma and Yuki are roommates, and eventually Kyo Sohma and Tohru Honda also move in. He attempts to convince himself that he is in love with Tohru as he gets to know her, but he later realizes that he had been seeking a mother figure in her. Because to Tohru’s generosity, Yuki has the strength to confront his own failings and, in spite of his reservations, ends up being elected president of the student council. In the process, he falls in love with Machi Kuragi and becomes great friends with Kakeru Manabe.

He is married to Machi and the father of Mutsuki Sohma, who plays one of the main roles in Fruits Basket 2.

Kagura is what Zodiac sign?

The Chinese zodiac animal for the Boar is called Kagura Soma (, Sma Kagura). She is portrayed as a young, girlish woman[104] with considerable strength and the impetuous nature typical of persons born under her sign’s zodiac. [105] The latter frequently manifests itself in Kyo, whom she insists she is engaged to, being scolded and physically assaulted. She played with him when Kagura was seven and Kyo was five, and he was all alone because he had the cat’s curse. One day, she threatened him into proposing to her (using a knife in the manga,[107] a boulder in the anime[108]). Kagura eventually admits to Kyo that her love was based on pity, just as Kazuma suspects Tohru’s is,[106] after Rin questions the source of her love, and that she clung to him because she has it easy compared to the cat. [106] She professes to have given up on trying to win Kyo over when he tells her he cannot love her,[106] but she still cares for and loves him;[110] when Tohru confesses to Rin that she loves Kyo, Kagura strikes her and says that Kyo should be the one to hear that. [109] Kagura is described as “an elder sister type who’s always ready to help” in an author’s note. [110] She lives with her parents, who are shown to be accepting of her conflicted personality, and with Rin while attending a nearby college. The only female Zodiac sign member that is seen to have been unharmed by Akito is Kagura. Takaya’s name comes from the eleventh month of the traditional Japanese calendar, known as kagurazuki or “month of Shinto song and dance,” also known as the month of the pig. [103]

Who is the fruit basket’s strongest?

Characters from the Fruits Basket, Ordered by Strength

  • Shigure Sohma Has Quite a Lot of Power.
  • 2 Former gang member Arisa Uotani.
  • 3 Almost anyone can be healed by Tohru Honda.
  • 4 Saki Hanajima Is Satisfied With Her Identity.
  • Against fate, Kyo Sohma also fought back.
  • 6 Yuki Sohma is capable of beating Kuyo and overcoming his fate.

What are the zodiac signs of Miss Kobayashi?

Although Kobayashi is initially rather cynical about life, she is a hard worker and ambitious at work. All of these characteristics apply to Capricorns. She promised Tohru a place to live after promising the other dragons in the series a place to remain, and it is her strong sense of responsibility that prompts her to accept Tohru.

Her steadfast stance on how maids need to behave also hints at the stubbornness frequently associated with people born under the goat sign.

Virgin Maiden

The second half of the year and the fall harvest are heralded by the earth sign Virgo. Although a virgin maiden is the official Virgo symbol, several animals, including the fox, are associated with this sign. They are perceptive and vigilant, much like foxes, and can detect even the smallest changes in a space. They are poised and self-sufficient like a virgin girl.


The purity of a Virgo is not in their sexuality, but in their capacity to come up with original ideas. Virgos take great satisfaction in their immaculate personal cleanliness and organization. Their emblem signifies a person who may express themselves anyway they choose in terms of sentiments and emotions. They devote a lot of time and effort to being perfectionists.