What Is Honda Maintenance Code A17?

My 2018 PHEV received an A17 Maintenance Minder alert after 40,000 kilometers.

I took her to my reliable mechanic, who changed the oil, rotated the tires, but forgot to add brake fluid.

When I questioned why they didn’t replace the brake fluid, they said that the fluid had been examined and determined to be free of pollutants and water.

The fluid, according to them, is more than enough new to last another year or two.

What does Honda A7 maintenance entail?

My maintenance reminder currently reads “A7.” In addition to “A,” which stands for “oil change,” “7” means “replace brake fluid,” according to my research. It won’t be due for a bit because I still have 60% of my oil life. My Passport is going to turn two years old, and I am aware that brake fluid should be changed every two years because it is hydroscopic (attracts moisture over time).

It’s been at least 20 or 30 years since I’ve seen “brake fluid replacement” listed as a factory-recommended car maintenance task, so I found it fascinating to see that Honda is on top of this topic. Given that the brake fluid presumably only has to be drained from the reservoir and replaced, this is probably a simple DIY project. Finding out how much the dealer wants to charge for the service will be fascinating.

How can my Honda A17 be reset?

Every time one of the necessary maintenance tasks is finished, such as an oil change, tire rotation, air filter replacement, etc., your Honda Maintenance Minder light needs to be reset. Your maintenance reminder light shouldn’t need to be reset if you have your Honda serviced at a dealership. It should be done for you by the expert who completed your services. However, if you are performing your own maintenance on your Honda or if the technician neglected to reset the light for you, follow these easy steps to do it yourself.

Resting Honda Maintenance Minder Light

Depending on the vehicle, the light resets differently. Depending on the type of car you have, I’ll outline a few possible approaches.

st Method

The trip button is still present on several Honda vehicles, like the civic. This stalk protrudes from your dashboard and is typically used to select the information you wish to appear there or to reset your journeys. The only thing you need to utilize with this technique to turn off the maintenance reminder light is…

Release the trip button after it begins to flash, then press it once more. I’m done now. Now, the oil life ought to read 100%.

nd Method

On the lower right-hand side of the steering wheel of some Honda vehicles, there are up and down arrows with a reset button situated between them. These buttons are located on the steering wheel of some Honda SUVs, such as the Pilot. These are the only three buttons you will need to press when using this method.

In order to see the oil life percentage shown on the dash, press the down arrow button.

Hold down the reset button while waiting for the cancel or reset options to appear on the dash.

Press the up arrow to choose reset. Likewise, choose this option and press the reset button; the oil life should now read 100%.

rd Method

Any Honda trim model that has a touch screen and a home screen should be compatible with this technique.

You’ll be prompted with a screen that asks if you’re sure you want to reset it or not. Resetting should fix the issue. The oil life should read 100% and your maintenance minders should no longer be present.

Follow the link below for a list of maintenance minders and what they signify if you have a maintenance minder light on but are unsure of what it means.

Honda Maintenance Minder A7: What is it?

The 10 Gen Civic displays A7 as brake fluid and oil. The specifics are listed under Setting -> System -> Vehicle – Maintenance info.

How often should the brake fluid on a Honda be replaced?

For your brakes to be durable and dependable, changing your brake fluid is essential. The brake fluid in your Honda should be replaced, on average, every two to three years.

You should consult your owners manual for further information regarding brake fluid changes since every car has certain requirements. For instance, if you drive more than the average person, you might need to change the brake fluid more frequently.

But if you’re still unclear about how long you should go between changes, keep in mind that when it comes to car maintenance, it’s better to be safe than sorry. It is far preferable to change it a little too frequently than to wait too long.

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How frequently should a Honda Pilot’s rear differential fluid be changed?

In your 2021 Pilot, you should always use authentic Honda fluids. It is advisable to replenish the differential fluid at 7,500 miles and then again every 15,000 miles if you routinely tow trailers or frequently drive your Pilot into high-altitude regions at low speeds.

Can my Honda be driven with no oil life?

Your car’s engine needs service after the oil life reaches 0%. Driving with deteriorated oil increases the risk of your Honda’s engine failing or suffering serious damage.

How does service minder A work?

When an oil change and routine maintenance are required, the Maintenance Minder System employs the on-board computer to continuously monitor the engine’s operating characteristics, including speed, engine temperature, ambient temperature, time, and vehicle use.

When should the fluid in a Honda transmission be changed?

How Frequently Should Transmission Fluid Be Changed? Every 30,000 to 60,000 miles, you should change your transmission fluid since fluids degrade over time.

What does the Honda code A12 mean?

One of the vehicles with a higher reputation for dependability is the Honda Civic. As long as you perform routine maintenance, it continues to work hard for you. Sometimes, the car may alert you and let you know what maintenance it needs by giving you codes like the A12.

These maintenance codes typically appear on your dash when the car decides it needs repairs. Any code should indicate that you need to service the vehicle. The A12 code denotes the possibility of an oil change, engine air filter replacement, or tire rotation being required.

There is a lot to learn about the Honda Civic’s maintenance regulations. You can easily take better care of your car once you understand what they signify and how to fix them. Here, we’ll go over some of the requirements for doing this. Visit Vehicle History to find out more about your Honda Civic’s upkeep requirements based on the model year.

What does an oil life of 30% mean?

Engine oil is at 100% when it is brand-new. This level decreases as more mileage is added. For example, the oil needed to be replaced after only 30% of its lifetime had passed. It is crucial that you understand that the percentage, not its levels, represents the oil’s quality.

Honda’s method for calculating oil life

A: The onboard computer system in your car constantly tracks variables including speed, engine and outside temperature, time, and vehicle usage. Based on these circumstances, the system will calculate the remaining oil life of the car to decide when engine maintenance and oil changes are required.

What occurs if brake fluid is not changed?

The brake reservoir, where the brake fluid is housed, will become contaminated with moisture if you don’t change your brake fluid as advised by the vehicle’s manufacturer.

Your braking fluid will inevitably become polluted with “debris buildup” as it ages. Your brake system’s many seals and hoses might gradually lose little amounts of rubber as they wear down. Additionally, rust particles may get up in your brake fluid as a result of metal components corroding and rusting due to moisture-rich brake fluid.

Your car’s ability to stop suffers substantially from not changing the brake fluid, which results in subpar braking performance. Most of the time, you can tell by pressing the brake pedal: if it feels excessively spongy, your brake fluid is probably about to fail. You may find that stopping your car requires more work and time, and in some situations, you may even need to pump the brakes in order to build up enough pressure for a secure stop.

If you’re moving at any speed, the uncomfortable idea that your brakes could completely fail is also a deadly one. This may occur if the boiling point of the braking fluid is reached while the vehicle is in motion, particularly if the boiling point was intentionally decreased due to moisture contamination.

Should brake fluid be changed every three years?

You’ve probably heard that your engine’s oil is its lifeblood. In essence, it’s what fuels your motivation. However, brake fluid is as important to guaranteeing that you can stop. The easiest approach to determine how frequently to change brake fluid is to adhere to your manufacturer’s suggestions. According to certain manufacturers, brake fluid needs to be changed every two years. Others advise every three years or 45,000 kilometers. Some manufacturers offer almost no advice. Ask the skilled technicians at Jiffy Lube for advice if your vehicle’s owner manual makes no recommendations for how frequently to change brake fluid.

How much does it cost to flush the brake fluid?

It typically relies on the replacement brake fluid you choose and the local labor rates for auto repairs. Additionally, it might be affected by your car’s year, model, engine, and manufacturer.

Simply complete this online form to receive a precise estimate of the cost to change the brake fluid in your car.