Why Does My BMW Say No Signal?

1) Press and hold the volume button on the center console for longer than 30 seconds if you are experiencing a screen issue. 2) After about 30 seconds of pressing it,


Only ever happened once with my brand-new 750i, and the screen was orange. After turning off the car for a few hours, the issue seemed to be fixed on its own. I attributed it to the requirement for a computer reboot in the car. In almost 18 months of ownership, I never again encountered this. Definitely seems like a computer issue—possibly not initializing with all of the vehicle’s programs. It’s time to return it to the seller.

Anyone else experiencing this problem? The sound system will abruptly stop working and a NO SIGNAL sign will appear. The head unit will either automatically reboot itself or make a POP sound to signal that everything has returned to normal. It has occasionally occurred (4 times so far over a year).

Yes, I’ve experienced that problem too. Approximately twice since January 2015. It appears that the iDrive kernel simply panicked and rebooted on its own. The software was updated when I recently took the car to my dealer for the first scheduled maintenance. Check to see if it occurs again.

This morning, the “No Signal” notice appeared on the iDrive screen. After entering the car using Comfort Access, it happened with the power on. The system did not reboot on its own, and turning the car off and on had no effect. I quickly searched and discovered a lengthy thread about this in the F30 forum.

I tried the workaround that someone advised: depressing the radio button for 30 seconds. Rebooting the device will restore regular operation.

I’ll keep an eye out for it because this is the first time in a year that it has happened. There are a lot more occurrences in the F30, but I only discovered 4 more brief threads about it in 2addicts. I’m not sure if a solution was found. Anybody else experiencing this? Is there a fix?

I can’t remember the last time I received a NO SIGNAL since my last post. At least I haven’t experienced that problem again in 2017. My iDrive, however, is an older model than the iDrive on cars made in 2017.

This occurred to me this morning. The situation was not resolved by turning the automobile on and off. But as soon as I started leaving my house, iDrive started working again. In addition, I observed that while in my driveway, my phone was not connecting to WiFi as usual. Therefore, I think the system hanging was caused by WiFi or Apple CarPlay…

How long did it not work? I experience this around once every two months. According to what I understand, iDrive simply reboots and displays “No Signal” when it’s offline. For me, it always comes back on within 1-3 minutes. I spoke about it with the BMW service staff, and they basically told that something must be producing an iDrive error, and it reboots to fix the problem. They informed me that in order to identify the problem, they would need to look through the entire system, and since my CPO warranty does not cover any iDrive components, I would just have to put up with it. Although I had this problem long before I added the ASD bypass, I know they would attempt to blame it on that because I have it placed on the amplifier.

On my way back to work today afternoon at 12:00, the car displayed this, but other than the screen not showing an image, everything else worked as it should, so I drove it there. Has anyone else ever had this issue?

After arriving at the office, I attempted it, but nothing happened. But after turning off and restarting the vehicle, everything returned to normal.

Although I am aware that this is an old topic, the battery turned out to be the cause of my problem. The iDrive reported the “no signal” issue because the head unit wasn’t communicating on boot, according to what the engineer claimed. It appears that the head unit wasn’t powered up until the alternator engaged.

I took it in for repair since I was experiencing further issues with the battery “discharging.” The “no signal” issue was resolved by changing the battery.

I’m now having a strange problem with my I-Drive. When the reverse gear is engaged, my I-Drive displays the warning “No Signal”. This means that I am unable to view the screen’s reverse help. The sensors are still beeping, and they function properly. When I drive or park again while displaying the parking aid, everything goes back to normal.

I looked online but was unable to identify any problems. I’d be grateful for any solutions to my issue.

This occasionally appeared on my prior 2012 F10 while I was driving; the warning was written across the screen in orange letters.

The local dealer attempted a software reinstall, but it was unsuccessful since the software installation kept failing. Ultimately, the “head unit” broke, and they were forced to order a replacement from Germany. Fortunately, it was still under warranty because the problem only arose after it had been used for less than a week.

Andyrp, thanks for the prompt response. In my situation, it doesn’t appear that the head unit is malfunctioning but rather that there is a bug or modification that disables the unit when I try to reverse. I recently purchased the vehicle, and I am aware that an aftermarket television module was installed. I removed it in the hopes that it would solve the issue, but to no avail. I’m beginning to suspect that perhaps the prior owner attempted to install an aftermarket reverse unit but was only able to complete the software portion. Everyone is aware that this could be a factor. To provide a deeper understanding of the issue, I will attempt to provide a little video of it.

You might use an ENET cable and the BMW E-SYS software to try reprogramming the vehicle to its default software settings and original VO if any aftermarket modifications haven’t been coded correctly (vehicle order). That would be a fairly simple method to rule out the alterations as a potential root of the issue.