Why Do BMW Drivers Tailgate?

In addition to what many football supporters do prior to kickoff, the term “tailgate” also refers to a driver who follows another vehicle too closely.

Because you have little time to slow down if the lead car slams the brakes, tailgating is extremely risky. Because of this, advocates and authorities for road safety advise drivers to leave at least a few seconds between their vehicles and the vehicle in front of them.

Discover more about the risks of this driving practice, the causes of it, and how to determine who is at fault in a tailgating accident below. Along with what you should do if you are being tailgated, we also go through some doable strategies you may use to stop following too closely behind other cars.

Why do motorists tailgate one another?

It is unacceptable to tailgate. Even aliens refrain from doing it because it is risky, pointless, and detested by all. But nonetheless, we’ve all found ourselves in this predicament: you’re driving down a four-lane highway in the right lane, and someone is following you. The tailgater has plenty of room to get around you, but for some reason he won’t. What do you then?

When they get too close, slam on the brakes and let them crash into the back of your vehicle.

Pull into the opposite lane, then pit manoeuvre them off the road and into a ditch so that your front tire is square with their back tire.

You actually don’t want to do that. Brake checking or replying to the vehicle in behind of you could feel like retaliation in the heat of the moment, but it’s just as reckless and needless as tailgating. If someone is following closely behind you, make sure you are driving safely and disregard their attempts to annoy you.

Most of the time, someone is tailgating you to make you go faster. In this situation, keep in mind that you only have to adhere to the official speed limit; it’s not your responsibility to do otherwise. In more extreme situations, tailgating might be a sign of road rage. Call the police and request assistance if you believe someone is putting you or other drivers in risk on the road. They’ll be fully aware of what to do.

Avoiding becoming annoyed with the tailgater is the best course of action. Although it can be challenging, tailgating is ultimately not worth getting upset about because it is so useless and harmful. Spending your time becoming furious behind the wheel of your car is a waste of the limited time you have left on this world.

Are BMW drivers known for their skill?

According to a survey conducted by the auto finance company Moneybarn, Beamer owners aren’t particularly well-liked by other drivers.

The company polled 4,000 people in April to find out who they believed to be the “worst drivers on the road.”

Additionally, nearly 40% (39.1%) of those surveyed claimed to have a significant issue with BMW drivers.

“It’s evident that BMW drivers have established quite a name for them, which accounts for the joke that BMWs don’t have indicators,” the article stated.

And to further drive home how the general public perceives them, a short online search for the keyword “why are BMW drivers… ” yields suggestions like “so loathed,” “so arrogant,” and “idiots.”

Surprisingly, only 14.1% of respondents chose an Audi, despite the fact that they are reputed to be the most hated drivers on the road.

According to the survey, “owners of German cars are clearly better thought of than those of BMWs with a reputation for tailgating, although they’re still definitely up there with some of the drivers that irritate us the most.”

White van drivers, who received just 7.9 percent of the vote, came in third place, well behind them.

Ford and Range Rover owners, who received 4.6 percent and 4.2 percent of the vote, respectively, rounded out the top five.

“Perhaps their elevated position gives Range Rover drivers a sense of entitlement on the roadways, or perhaps that’s simply an unfair characterization from those of us suffering from SUV envy,” the article suggested.

The data will undoubtedly startle some consumers, according to Moneybarn’s Head of Marketing and Product Development, Tim Schwarz.

Given the widespread belief that white van drivers aren’t the most accommodative on the road, he said: “It may come as a surprise that BMW drivers are despised nearly five times more than white van drivers.

However, according to our research, Audi drivers are the least popular drivers in the country, with a 39.1% vote, followed by BMW drivers (14.1 percent).

“White vans are a popular business vehicle that are well-known for being the vehicle of choice for delivery drivers, builders, plumbers, key workers, and more – yet 7.9% of people think they are the worst drivers on the highways.

It’s a popular fallacy that everyone who drives a particular brand, like a BMW or an Audi, is a poorer driver, but this is all subjective, and your car doesn’t determine whether you’re a good or bad driver.

Who drives BMWs these days?

According to YouGov, East Anglian men between the ages of 40 and 59 make up the majority of BMW drivers. They are probably conservative political partisans who work in the business, finance, or consulting fields.

How does your BMW reflect on you?

bold, showy, and self-assured He stated: “Given the preconceptions that are frequently used, BMW drivers are inclined to be courageous. They exude a great deal of self-assurance and confidence.” It may also come as no surprise that BMW owners enjoy a little bling and aspire to live a life of luxury.

How can a tailgater be ignored?

Avoiding a tailgater in the first place is the best course of action. Keep an eye out for other drivers’ actions when driving. In order to remain as far away as you can from someone who is driving dangerously close to another vehicle up ahead or in the lane next to your own, wait for a traffic break.

Keep in mind that slower traffic should stay in the right lane, and switching to the rightmost lane will probably assist you avoid tailgaters. Before they ever get a chance to grab the ball, er, we mean, your lane, you’re safe!

What are the three possible causes of aggressive drivers tailgating?

  • The vehicle in front is moving too slowly, causing the fast lane to become congested.
  • The driver is unaware of the risks associated with tailgating.
  • The driver is not paying attention to his driving because he is talking on a cell phone, texting, interacting with a passenger, eating, or tinkering with the radio.
  • The driver is tired; he is following the vehicle in front through lane changes and speed variations while operating on autopilot.
  • The driver is in the overtaking stance, closely pursuing the lead vehicle as he prepares to pass.
  • The motorist is hurried, impatient, or possibly running late for an appointment.
  • The motorist is acting aggressively by intimidating the driver in front with his car.
  • In an effort to maintain his speed, the driver anticipates that the traffic jam would only last a short while.

There is no justification for tailgating because it is risky and often results in catastrophic accidents. To make sure you are not doing anything to impede or annoy others, you may want to look at your own driving habits if automobiles follow you too closely on a frequent basis.

Do wealthy people own BMWs?

When they desire dependability and luxury, discerning high-net-worth drivers also insist on the BMW in addition to the Mercedes-Benz. Therefore, it is not unexpected that owners of some of the wealthiest zip codes in the country prefer the 328 luxury car. One of the most popular vehicles in New Vernon, New Jersey and Century City, California, where people earn an average of $750,000 each year, is the $35,795 BMW 328. It also ranks fourth among the 10274 vehicles in Manhattan.

When they desire dependability and luxury, discerning high-net-worth drivers also insist on the BMW in addition to the Mercedes-Benz. Therefore, it is not unexpected that inhabitants of some of the wealthiest zip codes in the country favor the 328.

One of the most popular vehicles in New Vernon, New Jersey and Century City, California, where people earn an average of $750,000 each year, is the $35,795 BMW 328. It’s also one of the most well-liked vehicles in Manhattan’s 10274 zip code, where the average household income is $5.7 million.

Why are BMWs deemed unreliable by some?

On this site, we’ve produced in-depth articles about a number of BMW vehicles as well as the premium brand as a whole. To determine whether BMWs are as unreliable as the general consensus will have you believe, we will now combine all of our prior studies. Let’s begin with a brief response:

BMWs are unreliable because they require unexpected maintenance more frequently (about once a year) and have a greater than average chance of experiencing a serious issue (approximately 15%). In addition, some vehicles only last between 110,000 and 140,000 miles, and a BMW’s average yearly maintenance costs of $968 are more than the $646 average.

That, however, hardly provides a comprehensive response to the query. We’ll go into more depth about every piece of information listed above below. We’ll start by talking about BMW’s reliability in comparison to other brands. Next, we’ll discuss a BMW’s possible lifespan. In addition, we’ll compare the average cost of BMW maintenance to that of other brands and determine which BMW models are the most and least dependable. Read on!

What emotional effects might tailgating have on the driver?

HOWEVER impatient a driver may be, maybe as a result of delays over the Christmas season, it’s critical to be aware of the risks associated with tailgating. Drivers must understand that engaging in this activity will enhance the likelihood of an accident. The bane of safe driving, tailgating, is a persistent problem. It can be challenging to respond to this aggressive behavior in the right way. Although it elicits a range of emotional reactions, it is crucial that drivers not become so fearful as to endanger themselves and their passengers.

Approximately 25% of drivers acknowledge following too closely. It is so alarmingly frequent and is estimated to be the third most common factor in causing fatalities and serious injuries, accounting for 1 in 8 road fatalities in the UK! The message that tailgating is inappropriate behavior, a form of bullying, and won’t make a trip go any faster must be accepted by drivers. Tailgating is also quite threatening.

Due to an overestimation of their own reaction time, some drivers will tailgate while oblivious to the risks. Drivers should maintain a 2-second distance from the car in front of them on fast-moving highways under normal circumstances, and this distance should be increased to 4-seconds under wet or adverse weather conditions.

The range of emotions will be familiar because the majority of drivers have been tailgated. They will probably be accompanied by feelings of rage, frustration, and fear, any of which might cause an understandable but unsuitable response. While anger could cause you to slow down in an effort to annoy the person tailgating, frustration and fear might cause you to accelerate. Increasing speed will just encourage the tailgating driver to do the same, making an already hazardous scenario worse. below to read the whole article.

How do you handle a driver who is tailgating?

Some of the safest responses to a tailgating driver are listed below:

  • Keep your cool. Since aggressive driving can have disastrous repercussions, it’s imperative to avoid escalating the issue. Avoid yelling at the tailgaters, pointing at them, or doing anything else that might enrage them further.
  • Pass the tailgater. When it is safe to do so on a multi-lane highway, move to the right to give the driver an opportunity to overtake you on the left. Consider stopping at a gas station or well-lit parking lot to let them pass if you’re on a single-lane route.
  • Remain steady. Your likelihood of being struck can increase as you accelerate and decelerate. So that the person following you knows what to expect, maintain a constant speed. When a gap opens, it will let them pass.
  • Avoid slamming on the brakes. It may feel good to slam on the brakes to let the motorist know you don’t like what they’re doing, but a collision won’t make the issue any better. If you must brake, do so gradually and steadily to give the vehicle in front of you time to slow down.
  • Keep an extra eye out. It can be challenging to foresee what someone who is attentively observing you will do next. Exercise caution when moving, and keep an eye out for traffic in all directions, not just behind you.