What Is Increased Battery Discharge BMW?

Battery is unable to provide enough cranking amps if the message “Increase battery discharge” appears during starting. Low battery charge or a bad battery connection could be the cause.

Have you noticed this notification on your recent BMW’s dashboard? Why does that matter? Do you need to worry? What is the solution?

People typically drive shorter distances more frequently and with more accessories in colder weather (10degC) (battery consumers). The battery can be heavily drained by heat, heated seats, heated steering wheels, the stereo, and spotlights, among other things. People will drive 5–10 minutes to the grocery store, stop the car, go shopping for 30 minutes, and then get back in the car to repeat the cycle. When stationary at a stop sign, some newer automobiles even have a feature called engine Start/Stop that is intended to save petrol. This feature turns off the engine but leaves the other consumers on. When they go home and turn off the car, it goes to sleep after a few minutes and when they turn it on again, the notice “increased battery discharge” pops up.

It can be challenging to maintain the battery’s charge when there are so many energy consumers, especially during cold weather.

It takes a lot of electricity to drive short distances while using all of these car accessories. As a result, the battery starts to deplete to the point where the engine computer detects that its current charge start is below the necessary minimum. The automobile might start the following time, but it might not have enough time to recover until it is driven for at least 45 to 60 minutes. Due to low voltage, this might result in a torrent of fault codes flooding the vehicle computer. The accessories will eventually start to turn off in order to conserve the battery for the following start and to give the alternator time to finish charging.

Potential Causes

The most frequent causes of high battery discharge are an outdated battery, a broken IBS sensor, and a bad ground connection.

  • The battery is older than 5 years. lacking a charge.
  • a module’s high electrical requirements
  • Ground or a loose battery contact
  • IBS sensor is faulty.
  • The 12 volt outlet is used for plugging in electronic equipment.
  • flaw in the junction box
  • faulty DME or DDE
  • A defective EDC module in the trunk draws too much current.
  • CA (Comfort Access) module with a bug
  • The OBD2 port is where the scanner is connected.

Possible reasons for the BMW battery drain issue

The most frequent causes of an excessive battery discharge are an aged battery, a broken IBS (Intelligent Battery Sensor), or a bad ground connection.

The battery is older than five years. Avoid holding a charge high electrical usage from a single module defective battery contact Electronic gadgets plugged into the 12-volt outlet with a faulty IBS sensor DME (digital motor electronics) / DDE faulty junction box The trunk’s malfunctioning EDC module is consuming too much current. Scanner for faulty CA (Comfort Access) modules plugged into the OBD2 port

1- Age of battery:

The normal lifespan of a BMW battery is 4 to 6 years. When starting or during driving, you can experience greater battery depletion if your battery cannot maintain a charge. You typically get a few more alerts if the battery fails. Examining the low beam or high beam while the engine is off to see whether they appear feeble is an easy check you can make. The battery can be at blame if it’s dimly lit or the automobile struggles to start. A faulty cell frequently causes a BMW battery to die, even after two years.

Be aware that the battery might not charge properly or run out over night. Make sure the smart key is not too close to the car if your BMW battery continues dying while it is parked.

IBS sensor No. 2

IBS sensor malfunction may be to blame. The negative battery terminal is where the IBS sensor is mounted.

3. A poor connection

The warning message “increased battery discharge” might also be brought on by improper battery cable connection. Make sure the battery terminals are secure by checking them. especially if you replaced the battery before getting this problem notice. Remove the battery terminals and use a battery terminal brush to clean them if they are not loose. They may corrode, resulting in the error notice about increasing battery drain. Make that the IBS sensor cable, which is attached to the negative battery cable, is checked and cleaned. A defective alternator that isn’t effectively charging the battery is another potential issue.

4- Quick journeys:

You are not allowing your battery enough time to charge properly if you just use your BMW for short excursions. The battery charge can be decreased. If so, you can either take longer journeys (at least 30 minutes by car) once a week or connect a trickle charger to the battery overnight. Driving in the city also works to let the battery charge, so you don’t need to use the freeway. Limit your use of electronic consumers like heated seats. Additionally, turn off the daytime running lights. Thus, the battery will be able to charge more quickly.

5- Lighter socket for cigarettes:

This error message may appear if an electrical gadget or a high-power charger is plugged into the cigarette outlet. Ensure that you unplug any GPS or phone chargers from the 12 volt cigarette outlet. If you have a rear socket, make sure you check it.

6- Freezing temperatures

Battery performance declines in cold weather. Additionally, you are more likely to use several consumers, such as the defroster, wipers, heated seats, etc. There is a considerable probability that you will experience the battery drain error if your BMW is powered by an old car battery.

What is a BMW enhanced battery discharge reset procedure?

Since BMW believes that telling You this information is crucial, there is no way to manually reset the message. The good news is that you shouldn’t be too concerned; your automobile is merely alerting you to the fact that the battery is depleting more quickly than it is charging. Turn off any unneeded equipment, such as seat heaters and the radio, and remove any phone chargers or other devices from the cigarette outlet as the first step in resolving issue. It may take up to 30 minutes for the notice to go, therefore you should make sure you keep the engine running throughout that time. This can happen when you stop at a red light or on chilly mornings, especially in northern locations with a lot of freezing weather. If you keep seeing this and your battery is older, it may be an indication that it will soon fail, so you should start making plans to replace it.

You must resolve the issue, which is typically brought on by a bad connection, in order to clear the BMW increasing battery discharge notice. Make sure the battery terminals are securely connected by inspecting them.


So, when I got in and tried to start my 2013 535i m Sport today, it sputtered briefly and then the caution indicator light and message that read “increasing battery discharge” appeared. drove 20 miles to a work meeting, returned, and everything was the same. Arrived home, parked, and repeated the process. I stopped by an Advance Auto Parts to see if they could help, and although the man checked my battery and informed me that my charge was low, he was essentially useless. Does this essentially imply that I need a new battery? I’ve driven the automobile, but it didn’t recharge the battery, so what would the alternative be?

A few comparable but distinct battery- and electrical-related messages are present on the F10 (and the difference is critical).

The battery is not what the “increasing battery discharge” notice refers to. When the ignition is off, it typically means that some vehicle component is consuming too much power, and the IBS and related systems had to shut down that portion of the electrical system to save your battery from dying.

You won’t get any assistance from Autozone. For a hint, you must read the unique BMW code logs. However, I would perform a complete electrical reset as my first step. Remove the battery for around 10 minutes, attempt to start the vehicle, and hopefully drain the power from every module to force a complete reset. Additionally, try charging the car with a plug-in charger once; it won’t hurt, especially if a malfunction has left it depleted.

This code has appeared at least once on my F10 in the past. The parking brake actuator module was defective, and it was replaced as part of the warranty.

Other alerts, such as “Charge Battery,” state that it only needs to be recharged (preferably by a plug in charger).

To be clear, even with a brand-new battery and flawless alternator, you could still receive this notice. It does not provide information on the battery’s voltage, charge level, or other characteristics.

What results in a higher battery drain rate?

The amount of power needed to charge the battery will drop as its charge level rises. As a result, the battery would discharge while the automobile was stationary if the alternator only produced 28 Amp and the vehicle required 50 Amp.

Battery discharge high: What does that mean?

High discharge rate batteries may typically be quickly charged. When a high discharge rate battery is being charged, the lithium ions are embedded in the negative graphite, but when the battery is being discharged, they are embedded in the positive electrode.

What impact does a discharged battery have?

permanent reduction in ability The cell with the smallest capacity may reach zero charge as the battery as a whole is being deeply depleted and will “reverse charge” as the other cells continue to push current through it. The memory effect is frequently blamed for the capacity reduction that results from this.

What occurs if the battery in a BMW dies?

After you turn off your BMW, your battery continues to run for a while. After you leave, it will continue to run your radio, lights, clock, and even the security alarm for the car. Electrical issues with your BMW could cause some components to turn off while others, like your lights, remain on, draining your battery. Be sure to check all electric gadgets are off when you depart your BMW.

The significance of battery discharge rate

Chain Life The batteries will last longer if you regularly discharge them at a lesser percentage than they would if you frequently drain them to their maximum DoD. The normal lead-acid battery offers 200 to 300 discharge/charge cycles, depending on the depth of discharge and ambient temperature.

How long is the life of a BMW battery?

You might be curious about how frequently to change your car battery to guarantee the finest performance around Corona, whether you own a brand-new BMW or an older model. A BMW battery will typically last three to five years. However, a variety of factors affect how long your equipment lasts.

What does a car battery discharge signify?

Like conventional cars, electric cars can have parasitic drain, broken batteries, and severe temperatures that induce battery depletion. Faulty charging is another possibility for the battery drain in your electric vehicle. A defective charger may be the issue if the battery in your electric vehicle isn’t charged.