How To Turn Off Mute On BMW?


Do both of you possess Logic7 or not? Just curious as there is an outdated service bulletin that only relates to L7-equipped vehicles with nav systems.

SIB 65 10 05 “SITUATION: The client reports that the audio system resets, the speakers start to crackle, or the audio system loses all sound output (Central Information Display blanks out briefly). The rotary knob cannot be used to activate or deactivate the mute symbol. After the car goes into sleep mode, the audio can be restored.”

Unfortunately, it seems that the only way to fix the problem is possibly by replacing the CCC under warranty, so hopefully you still have it.

How can the radio be turned off in a BMW 5 Series?

Yes! The master radio button, which occasionally doubles as the volume control knob, can be used to switch off the radio in your BMW 5 Series. This won’t completely turn off your radio; it will merely mute it. Although the station is still visible, no sound will be heard.

Choose another audio source, such as a CD or your phone, if you’d prefer to totally switch off your radio. This won’t disable your audio system, but it will disable the radio so you can connect to an other sound source.

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The identical issue affects my 2006 M5. It occasionally occurs, is extremely unpredictable, and is difficult to replicate for diagnosis at the dealership. If I turn off the car, remove the key, leave the car alone for five to ten minutes, then restart it, the problem seems to go away. It’s a bothersome quirk, to put it mildly. I’ll monitor this thread closely. Regards for the post.

Hello, I’m driving a rental G31 while I wait for a new G30 to arrive (see sandstorm thread elsewhere)…

Is there no easily reachable mute button? Nothing that I see unusual on the steering wheel?

More frustratingly, it appears that the only way to silence the microphone during a call is through the central control knob, and even then, it needs to be moved twice. The loss of this functionality seems like an odd omission given how much time I spend on conference calls in the car, where I want to be able to mute unless I’m speaking. The scroll button on the steering wheel of the A6 displays the options to end call, hold call, or mute call, making it incredibly convenient and practically at your fingertips.

I only recently purchased the G31. Have I missed something, or is everything as it seems?

I’m fairly certain that holding down the volume button on the steering wheel will mute the audio.

I have Apple CarPlay, so I can mute calls. I then just press the mute button on the iDrive controller or utilize the touch screen. It only takes one press in each case.

Yes, you’re correct; upon closer inspection, it just requires one press, however this time it’s on the central controller rather than the steering wheel. I think the design is really bad.

There is no way to mute using the steering wheel’s volume controls; long presses just increase or decrease the volume.

Has anyone else’s music suddenly gone to mute at random? I’ve only had the car since last Thursday. I’m not referring to RTI because I’ve disabled it.

I was out getting coffee when it happened. When the music suddenly stopped playing, I assumed it must have been for some sort of alarm, but I couldn’t find any.

Are you using Spotify or Deezer to play music? perhaps experiencing stream signal loss?

No, it’s not like that; instead, the music just sporadically mutes, requiring me to tap the tiny speaker symbol once more to turn it back on.

It’s only happened a few times, but each time it’s random and makes no sense. I believe the person who said that it might be an accidental gesture is probably right.

Are you using gesture control? Your hand must be moved in a specific way to silence.

You’re right; I have gesture control turned on. I’ll attempt to turn it off. So you can make a gesture to mute?

Yes. I kept experiencing the same issue. I believe you can mute the iDrive screen by making a specific motion with your palm or finger. drove me crazy till I understood.

You can employ a variety of gesture controls. While volume is most useful, the driving assistance may perform the majority of the tasks by being asked.

Is there a way to turn the radio off while you’re using the sat nav directions and listening to the radio? I am aware that I can turn the radio off, and since the sat nav guiding volume is adjustable, it continues to speak. I was unable to locate the off switch.

I don’t understand your question. What’s the difference between shutting off the radio and muting it (you’re using the round volume knob, right?) Other than getting rid of the radio sound, what else are you attempting to accomplish? In light of how the iDrive functions, I believe I am asking, “What do you mean by off?” I’m not sure whether there might be another choice for what you’re attempting to achieve, but the knob is the only off switch I’m aware of.

The radio is not turned on when you start the car. If I choose navigation, I only have a satellite navigation system (it is still switched off). After turning on the radio earlier, I want to be in this state. Even if I can’t hear it, I’d still like it to be silenced if at all possible.

Instead of turning the TV’s brightness to dark and lowering the volume before going to bed, I turn it off.

It might sound nitpicky, but since I am aware that the state exists, I want to be able to place the iDrive back there. I inquired since I couldn’t find a switch to turn off the radio alone.

Mute just on my E60; X3 and perhaps other BMWs have the same feature, I believe.

This happened because I wasn’t yet aware that you can adjust the radio and sat nav volumes independently. I wanted the radio off because I needed to concentrate and was lost, but I didn’t want to miss the voice of the sat nav. Mute functions, but I find it odd that you can’t turn it off. One, it uses up resources and the CPU.

Simply depress the audio volume slider or knob in the center to mute the radio. This should silence your radio or CD, but it won’t silence your navigator’s companion (it gets lonely occasionally).

Thanks. I ultimately figured that out and discovered the mute button, but I still believe that you should be able to turn it off rather than muffle it while the navigation is still on. I’m just awkward, though!

Do you mean to press and hold the button to turn off rather than mute? Does that not turn off everything, including the navigation? I’ll try once again after checking.

How is a BMW muted?

Simply click the mute button. The term was shortened to yo using the letter “M.” By turning the stereo’s volume knob while not on the steering wheel, the sound is muted.

How can the radio be turned off in a BMW 3 Series?

By pressing the Voice Command Button and saying “Display Off,” you can switch off the display but not the iDrive System.

As previously mentioned, all you have to do to “switch off” the radio is hit the volume button on the device. Yes, this merely “mutes” it, but since the radio and all other audio systems are managed by the iDrive, the radio cannot actually be turned off until the CD, AUX, or other component is selected.

The issue is not with my speeding. The Slow Folks in front of me are the ones who cause accidents!

Anyone who is familiar with navigation who knows how to “remove destination”? For instance, if I were traveling home from out of state but already knew where I was going, I would prefer not to hear the obnoxious navi any longer. Thanks

Put an end to the direction. To the left of the map, there should be an icon with an arrow pointing to a dot. In the event that you choose that, the guidance will be invalid.


Alternatively, you can choose the speaker icon in the button stack that runs down the left side of the map to just silence the voice instructions while keeping the assistance active.

Getting Rid of Navigation:

It’s absurd that you have to select Navigate to the same location before you get the option to Cancel.

You don’t have to do that, I suppose. Push the iDrive knob to the left to choose the button column in the map display, turn it to the top icon bearing a flag, click it, and select “Stop guidance” to stop the navigation. Another useful tip obtained from reading the manual, you guessed it!

How does the BMW X3 handle music pauses?

It is impossible to pause the music. With button #6, either shut off the radio/CD player or end the app. My phone’s saved music always started playing as soon as I connected my iPhone 4 to my X3 through the USB connector. Anyone anyone having this problem

Why is there no audio source available on my BMW?

The profiles, phone integration, etc., all appeared to be working as expected on the system. However, there was no audio, and when the volume rocker (located in the center of the console) was scrolled, it said “no audio source.”

Thought there might be a problem with my profile, but while she was driving, my girlfriend also encountered the same difficulty.

Simply push and hold the media screen’s volume rocker dial in the center console of the BMW ix until it turns black (10 to 30 seconds), and then wait for the system to restart itself, which will take a few minutes.

I stop driving my BMW, why does it shut off?

Modern BMWs come with the Auto Start Stop feature. Fuel conservation is the primary goal of auto Start/Stop.

The engine shuts off if you stop at a red light or are stuck in traffic. The ignition and all other interior lights stay on. The moment you lift your foot off the brake, the engine restarts on its own. The restart of the BMW engine takes roughly one second.

BMW’s auto Start/Stop feature can be disabled. Even if you turn off the engine and park the car, BMW will remember the status of the Auto Start feature. In other words, your BMW will know if you turned on Auto Start when you get back in.