If you still have one key, you must bring your car, one piece of personal identification, one form of address identification, and the V5C logbook to your selected BMW Center*. You will need to make arrangements for your automobile to be delivered to your preferred Center along with the necessary documentation if you have lost both keys and are unable to access the vehicle.
* A photocard driver’s license cannot be used for both address identification and personal identification.
To keep you safe, our Centers are required to adhere to these security precautions. Additionally, you’ll have to sign for your new key upon picking it up.
In This Article...
Can you track a missing key fob?
Despite being highly technological, key fobs don’t come with a built-in tracking feature just yet.
Fortunately, you have lots of third-party tools at your disposal to monitor your key fobs till then!
This is essentially a tiny keychain-sized fob that you can attach to your key fob (or your phone, wallet, vehicle keys, or anything else that has a propensity to disappear!)
These key trackers connect to your phone via Bluetooth; don’t worry, even the most affordable models typically have a range of several dozen meters.
Your key tracker might, depending on the manufacturer you select:
- Make a noise to aid in finding it
- GPS can be used to locate it.
- When you are a specific distance away, notify you.
Once everything is set up, all you’ll need to do to find your key fob is pull out your phone and use the app that is included — no more frantic searching or needing to go back a step or two!
Step 5
A call from the BMW dealership letting you know your replacement key has arrived should be expected. You can either pick up your replacement key there or ask the service manager to send it to you.
- Before requiring you to replace the entire engine control unit, BMW would only let you order nine replacement keys. Your BMW’s engine control unit replacement could cost $5,000 or more.
- vehicle’s license plate number
- driving permit
- registration for vehicles
- Avoid calling a locksmith to assist you in finding your misplaced key. While a locksmith might be able to help you get back into your car, interfering with the sophisticated locking mechanism could result in long-term damage.
How to Proceed if You Lose Your BMW Key
Every BMW currently on the road has advanced anti-theft technologies installed since more than 20 years ago. Before the vehicle can be started, their system checks to make sure the key fob and appropriate key are present.
What occurs then if your BMW key is lost? You have a choice, but using a locksmith rather than going to the dealer will have a very different financial effect. Below are some tips on how to deal with headaches in Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn, and the surrounding areas of New York City.
Guest Post from the MIT School of Engineering’s Ask an Engineer series
Maybe—but don’t get your hopes up—if it’s the proper kind of remote and you have lots of time and technical know-how.
You’ve once again misplaced your automobile keys. You’re certain they’re in your home, but despite looking under the refrigerator and between the cushions of your couch, you were unable to locate them. You have a keyless remote that appears to be in communication with your automobile, and you are wondering if there is any way to make it speak with you and let you know where it is. “Theoretically, it is feasible, according to electrical engineering and computer science doctoral candidate Phillip Nadeau, “but it depends on the kind of remote-entry system we’re talking about. Even then, it can be difficult based on the manufacturer and technologies employed.”
Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) and Passive Keyless Entry (PKE), the two primary categories of keyless remotes, operate in various ways. Only when you push a button on the remote control do RKE devices send a radio signal to your car. Nadeau says that “these gadgets are often solely outfitted with a transmitter.” Unfortunately, this prevents you from calling the remote. It can’t hear you any more than a skeleton key can.
Your chances are improved if you have a PKE remote. You don’t need to press buttons with PKE devices to lock or unlock your automobile. According to Nadeau, “the car transmits a signal that simultaneously powers the remote and requests a legitimate authentication code to open the car.” Similar technology is used by RFID card scanners to grant you entrance to a building without requiring you to take your ID card out of your pocket. A PKE remote, in contrast to an RKE device, includes both a transmitter and a receiver, allowing it to hear you call it using specialized radio equipment while you’re just acting like your automobile! Theoretically, you could create a special gadget that doubles as a radio transmitter and receiver, retransmitting the signal from your car and waiting for a response from your keys. However, if you have the technological know-how to build such a device, it should work. This is not a simple or cheap option.
According to Nadeau, as long as you have a lot of free time. “To elicit a response, the interrogator must be a short distance from the distant.” Most of the time, this proximity restriction is helpful since if PKE remotes had a long range, someone might steal your automobile while the keys are safely inside your home! However, it also means that in order to locate your keys, you will need to search every inch of your home with your tools. You might as well go back and rummage through that junk drawer one more time rather than spending the time and money developing some fancy radio equipment in order to find your keys.
written by aeronautics and astronautics PhD candidate Aaron W. Johnson. The question was sent by Suzan Atkinson-Haverty from Fitchburg, Massachusetts. For further information and answers to your questions, visit the Ask an Engineer page at the MIT School of Engineering.
Your BMW key can you track it?
Nope. There is nothing you could do to make the fobs detectable even if there was a means to start reverse communication because they lack a speaker.
Can you find misplaced car keys using an app?
To track your key should it go missing, a number of apps can be synced with the key finder. Additionally, these apps are particularly compatible with smartphones, making it simple to find a lost key or key fob. Such apps are widely available, like the Chipolo app with Tile Mate.
Install the Tile app on your iPhone or Android device after purchasing your Chipolo application and attaching the Tile Mate key tracker to your key. Simply open the Tile app and choose the keys icon if you misplace your keys. This will activate the key tracker on your keys, making it simple for you to find them.
Is it possible to find a misplaced key fob?
Car key fobs make it easy to get into your car. Car key fobs, however, frequently become misplaced due to their small size. Although losing the tiny device can be annoying, is there a simpler way to locate it? Here are some helpful hints for tracking down a misplaced car key fob:
- Examine your pockets.
- Look inside your vehicle.
- Examine the area surrounding your car.
- Look through your bag or handbag
- Ask someone to help you
- Follow your path back.
- purchase a key finder
Sometimes retracing your steps or searching the area around your car will yield the lost car key fob. In this article, I’ll provide you advice on how to locate a misplaced car key fob, as well as how a key finder might be of use. I’ll also go through ways to stop losing your key fob all the time.
What should I do if my auto key fob is lost?
You must report your stolen car keys to the police and make contact with them in the event that your car keys are stolen. The investigating component of it should be handled by the police. For replacement car keys or car locks in the interim, get in touch with your car dealer, a locksmith, or a technician.
The specifics of what to do in the event that your car keys are stolen are covered in the later sections, but if there is one method to manage stolen car keys, it is calmly.
What if my automobile keys were lost?
So, if your car keys resemble the ones pictured above, you probably drive an older vehicle than I do. And guess what? We also have the most straightforward solution in case we ever lose our car keys! Well, it is straightforward and easy to get into such a car even without a key, just like the key and the mechanisms aren’t complicated. You may easily get a replacement key created by calling a locksmith if you ever lose your conventional car key! If your automobile won’t accept the key made by the locksmith, you may occasionally need to purchase a new ignition lock cylinder and key from the automaker. However, since ancient cars and their keys are entirely mechanical, this doesn’t happen very often.
The cost of a BMW key fob
The price of a 2020 Toyota Sienna fob was comparable. Dealers, however, gave prices as low as $150 to replace a key fob for a 2017 Honda Accord. A number of BMW retailers claimed that the additional security features built into the 2020 X5 key fob justifies the roughly $500 they spend to replace and program one.
BMW may operate without a key fob.
You won’t be able to use keyless entry or remote unlocking if your BMW has Comfort Access if the battery in your key fob has died. You can still enter and manually start your automobile, though.
Press and hold the key release button at the remote fob’s base while unlocking the door of your car, then slide out the internal key blade. This can be used in place of a standard key to unlock your car. You can locate a little hole on the bottom of the handle if the keyhole is hidden on your car door. Use the key blade to pry off the trim panel and expose the keyhole by inserting it into the hole.
Once you’re inside, put your remote key fob in the ignition slot or, if your car doesn’t have one, press it up against the steering column’s key markings. If your key fob dies, you will still be able to start your BMW using the start/stop button on the dashboard.
How does the BMW car locator operate?
BMW Find My Car Thankfully, the My BMW remote app can locate your vehicle for you! The My BMW Remote app uses the GPS location of the vehicle to find your car while you are far away and provides driving instructions to your BMW.
Can a metal detector locate car keys?
Will a metal detector discover keys is one of the most frequent queries that detector owners have. Of course, it is inconvenient to lose your keys. Therefore, having a tool that can assist you in finding it might be very helpful.
Thank goodness, a metal detector can locate keys. Since the majority of keys are made of metal conductors, a detector can easily find them. However, it would be beneficial if you had a general notion of where you lost them.
Your missing keys can be easily found using a metal detector, whether they are buried in snow, dry leaves, dirt, or sand. In addition to keys, this device can locate a wide variety of objects. (source)
Can you file an insurance claim for misplaced keys?
Around 16 million drivers often lose their keys, according to the RAC. Your insurance may cover you if your keys are stolen or lost, but it’s unlikely that it will cover the costs if a family member or friend loses their keys.
To file a claim with your insurer if they have been stolen, you must notify the police of the theft and obtain a criminal reference number. Your insurance company won’t pay you if your car is stolen and you leave your keys in the ignition. It is fraud to tell your insurer that they have been stolen while lying.