How Much Does It Cost To Maintain A BMW 328I?

Remove the Band-Aid now. Every 10,000 miles, BMW owners may anticipate paying between $150 and $400 per service. A significant service may cost up to $3,000 or more. In the end, owners spend more on maintenance and repairs than most brands, between $1,000 and $1,700 annually.

You may always purchase an extended warranty, either directly from BMW or through a third-party service contract, if you’re concerned about future ownership costs. Standard BMW maintenance expenditures are not covered by a car warranty, but it will cover pricey items that are more prone to break over time.

We’ve combed the market and selected a handful of the top third-party extended vehicle warranty companies because there are many possibilities for extended coverage. These are businesses who did well in regards to things like price, standing, and customer support.

To help you reduce your out-of-pocket vehicle ownership costs, compare the best BMW extended warranty packages above.

BMW 3 Series Upkeep Prices

During its first ten years of use, a BMW 3 Series will require roughly $13,219 in maintenance and repairs.

This costs $1,258 more than the industry standard for luxury car models. Additionally, there is a 40.39% likelihood that a 3 Series will need a significant repair within that time. This performs 0.83% worse than comparable cars in this category. The following graph shows how these expenses and the likelihood of repairs will rise over time.


How much does it cost to maintain a BMW 328i?

Costs of BMW 328i auto maintenance and repairs A BMW 328i is expected to cost between $95 and $3273 in maintenance and repairs, with an average cost of $347.

How much does a BMW 328i’s yearly maintenance cost?

Costs of annual maintenance for a BMW 328i xDrive Depending on your service provider, the estimated cost to maintain a BMW 328i xDrive is $887** annually. ** The price is determined using our most recent data, which may not be accurate for all vehicles.

Is a BMW 328i dependable?

Ratings for the BMW 328i’s dependability are average. Though one of the most dependable BMW vehicles, it performs poorly when compared to other midsize cars in its class. It received a 2.5 out of 5 rating from RepairPal, placing it 30th overall out of 32 automobile brands.

How many miles are there in a BMW 328i?

But how far is a BMW 3 Series capable of traveling? When maintained properly, you can anticipate your 3 Series to endure between 200,000 and 250,000 kilometres.

How frequently should the oil be changed in a BMW 328i?

How often should an oil change for a 2016 BMW 328i be required? Generally speaking, synthetic oil needs to be changed every 7,500 to 10,000 miles. One of the most important and significant services for your car is an oil change. For conventional oil, BMW advises having your 2016 BMW 328i’s oil and filter replaced every 3,000 to 5,000 miles.

What are typical BMW 328i issues?

  • From the lower engine area, oil leaks.
  • Fan resistor in the last stage of the blower may fail.
  • Mirror on the outside can extend too far.
  • Vibration and/or noise Due to Low Refrigerant Level in AC System.
  • Power steering hoses may fail in multiple places at once.
  • Water Pump Might Expend Coolant

Is repairing a BMW affordable?

BMW owners spend, on average, $968 annually on maintenance and repairs, according to RepairPal. BMWs are costly to maintain compared to the $652 industry standard. The maintenance costs of BMW are comparable to those of other German luxury models like Mercedes-Benz ($908) and Audi ($987).

The cost of owning a BMW varies based on the car. Compared to its normal commuter line, BMW’s high-performance M line and SUVs are more expensive to maintain. One of the reasons the BMW 3 Series is so well-liked is that it’s one of the most cost-effective versions to maintain.

Using information from RepairPal, the following table compares the cost of maintenance for a select BMW models:

You’ll be glad to learn that a few BMWs include a free maintenance term. Under BMW Ultimate Service, maintenance is included for four years or 50,000 miles on vehicles from the 2015 and 2016 model years. BMW Ultimate Care offers three years or 36,000 miles of maintenance on models made in 2017 and after. If you’re wondering how the two plans differ, BMW Ultimate Service covers more wear and tear and maintenance-related items than BMW Ultimate Care.

Free maintenance programs can initially reduce the cost of ownership, but you’ll need to be ready to pay maintenance and repair fees once the program has ended.

Do BMW 328Is require premium fuel?

I recently purchased a secondhand BMW 328i from a local man, but I neglected to ask him what kind of gas the car requires.

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A BMW 328I requires premium gas with an octane level of 97 or higher.

In fact, the BMW 328I is one of the rare cars for which BMW mandates premium fuel usage rather than just suggesting it.

Regular gasoline doesn’t typically have additional compounds present in premium fuel, which is for engines with superior performance. If you don’t use the proper fuel in your BMW 328I, it could result in poor fuel efficiency and perhaps engine damage, which is nearly always very expensive to fix.

Consult your owner’s manual for the manufacturer’s recommendations if you ever need to know what kind of fuel your BMW 328i or any other car you may ownatakes.

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What does a BMW oil change cost?

How much does a BMW oil change cost? BMW oil changes typically cost between $135 and $175, with parts and fluids accounting for roughly $90 to $110 of that total and labor making up the remaining percentage.

Which 328i year is the most dependable?

Your budget will be the most important consideration when deciding which of the top 3 series to purchase. Models of the current 3 series have been arriving at dealerships from 2019, following the announcement of the generation in 2018. An M340i will be your finest option if you want to get a new 3 series. This offers you a lot of the performance you demand from BMW and is just one step below the M3.

The 2006–2011 generation of the BMW 3 series gets the highest overall reliability rating if you’re looking at a used model. You’ll have a durable vehicle if you buy one of the 328i sedans or coupes from this era. From 2006 to 2010, the N54 motor, which was a powerful but fragile powertrain, was installed in the 335i of this generation. BMW upgraded it to the N55 motor in 2011 and addressed many of the issues.

How durable is a 3 Series BMW?

A BMW 3-Series can travel how many miles? This is a perfectly legitimate question to ask when looking to buy a new or used 3-Series. After all, you undoubtedly want to maximize your financial investment. We’ll examine this subject in great detail in this blog, but let’s start with a succinct response first:

A BMW 3-Series typically lasts between 200.000 and 230.000 kilometers. About 0.95 times a year, an unscheduled repair on a 3-Series is required, with a 12% chance that the issue will be serious. Furthermore, annual repair expenditures for BMW 3-Series customers average $773.

Having said that, our work is by no means over. First, we’ll go into greater detail below regarding how many miles a BMW 3-Series can travel. Next, we’ll show you the annual cost of a 3-Series as well as the highest and least expensive production years. We also talk about the typical issues that a car could encounter. Read on!

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How much does a BMW tune-up cost?

The usual cost of a tune-up for a BMW is between $200 and $400, but if you also require an oil change, the cost may exceed $500. BMW advises having your car tuned up every year or every 10,000 kilometers.

Some of the most well-known luxury and high-performance vehicles are made by BMW. You certainly adore your BMW, but repairs and maintenance may be quite pricey. While tune-ups are an investment, having your BMW tuned up on a regular basis can help stop smaller problems from becoming bigger ones.

Is 150k miles for a BMW a lot?

In order to wrap up this article, let’s review everything we’ve covered. In general, BMW vehicles get good gas mileage. They typically reach their maximum range of 150–250,000 miles. Therefore, anything in the range is considered to have a mileage that may be too high to justify owning the car. But when they reach 60–80,000 miles, the majority of BMWs fall into the high mileage category. Therefore, it is clear that there is still a long way to go before you reach the “too high” point.

With all of that in mind, purchasing a high mileage BMW might be a wise financial move because you’ll receive a great car that’s dependable, has plenty of miles remaining in the tank, and is much less expensive.

I’m Scott, a huge fan of BMWs and a long-time owner of these incredible vehicles. I’m here to chronicle my encounters with BMWs over the years and, hopefully, to be of use to others.

Do BMW oil changes cost more money?

Response given by. You are correct! An oil change for a more cheap automobile will often cost between $35 and $75, while an oil change for a BMW will typically cost between $135 and $175. There are three reasons why prices differ: oil type, components, and labor

How far can a BMW travel?

With the right care, almost any BMW has the ability to last up to 200,000 or even 250,000 miles, and there will always be outliers that go even longer. It’s simple to get off to a good start because every new BMW comes with free factory-recommended maintenance through BMW Ultimate Care.

How often should the oil be changed in a BMW?

Even the owner’s manual for your BMW suggests getting your oil changed every 15,000 miles. Additionally, the instrument panel reminder lights on the majority of BMW vehicles are programmed to alert the driver to replace their oil at this time. However, changing your oil more frequently can improve engine performance and longevity.

How frequently should BMWs be serviced?

About every 5,000 miles, or in a year or two, you’ll bring your model in for maintenance. No matter how long you drive on the roads around Philadelphia, the BMW Maintenance Schedule is designed to keep your car running at its peak.

Does a BMW require premium gas?

No matter what model you have, BMW advises only using premium unleaded fuel. That’s not to say that your BMW won’t run on inferior fuel, but premium unleaded fuel will keep its quality over time, allowing you to constantly drive at peak performance.