How Long Does It Take For BMW To Deliver?

Expect 4-5 weeks for BMWs made in the USA (the majority of the X models) and 10 weeks for BMWs built overseas.

Delivery and a ton of paperwork are in Step 4.

The procedure is the same as when we previously ordered new BMW i3 vehicles. But the shipping takes much longer because it must board a ship, travel over the Atlantic, dock in a port in the United States, then be examined by BMW before being sent to the dealership. BMW ships its Leipzig, Germany-made BMW I vehicles to the United States via the port of Bremerhaven. Our first BMW i3 arrived at the port and boarded a boat right away, while our second BMW i3 had to wait for days for its ship to arrive.

Even though the epidemic is making for unusual times and BMW facilities are slowly ramping up production, I would suggest that ordering a new BMW for the United States should take between a month and two months, depending on where it is built (Spartanburg or Europe).

Sadly, BMW has decided to stop offering European delivery to American consumers, however Spartanburg Plant still offers factory delivery in the US. Because the plant tours are now unavailable due to COVID restrictions, I decided not to deliver to Spartanburg at this time.

Prior to the last generation of BMW X3s, BMW used to allow video tracking of your vehicle, but that feature was only available for one year. Overall, I experienced very little discomfort while ordering a BMW, and everything went much faster than I anticipated.


If you have a VIN, you are in the production queue, but technically, that VIN isn’t a manufactured vehicle yet; rather, it has just been assigned to BE produced. For this reason, you utilize the production number!

The genius lines are often stupid, but if you call and only say, “I don’t have a vin,” you can typically get your build day and a comprehensive status, but you have to contact the appropriate person.

However, keep in mind that if you obtain the VIN via the mygarage website, it is not yet an active VIN and will not function as input on any BMW system (for instance, if you attempt to download your owner’s handbook by entering your VIN, it will not recognize your VIN).

Build status, 3B

The construction process is divided into several steps:

  • Order fulfilled
  • preparation for production
  • exterior body construction
  • the painting booth
  • entering the production line
  • assembling going on
  • quality control
  • last assembly
  • able to be transported
  • ready for carrier assignment
  • sent from the factory
  • the port
  • During a trip
  • During the dealership
  • Delivered

Depending on where you entered the queue when the order was placed, the time it takes to start producing the car can range from one day to a week.

Order was placed early last week, however I haven’t yet gotten a build or order number. I was informed that it was still in the order bank.

Do any of the parts you used to create it come from Ukraine? For various BMW models, I think some wire harnesses are/were built there.

Due to supply chain concerns, BMW is ceasing manufacturing at its plants in Germany and the United Kingdom. I’m not sure if or when this would impact the Rosslyn or Sparenberg plants.

Where you are seems to make a major impact in how long US deliveries take. Delivery to the west coast may take a month longer than to locations closer to Spartanburg.

similar here What city and state are you in? What was the dealer’s projected delivery date?

a. New York. placed an early week order. ordered was reportedly in production yesterday. nonetheless, I have not yet been given a build number. About five weeks from now, I was told.

When you place an order and don’t immediately receive a production number from the dealer, I suppose that signifies they don’t yet have a real allocation and are awaiting one.

I experienced it with two different local dealers before finding a dealer from another state that had an allocation and could provide me with the goods in the actual manufacturing number.

N. Carolina. I placed my purchase on February 7 and received my construction number the same day. The event is planned for week 10 (next week). Last week, a VIN was assigned. Coming up fast!

I placed an order in the third week of January, received a build number, a vin number, and the car in little over 3 weeks from the time the order was placed.

I concur with the above. If you do not receive a production number, your dealer does not yet have a slot reserved for your specific vehicle. The allotment for each dealer differ based on factors like volume.

The car seems to have started production, but you don’t have a serial number for it, which I find odd. You ought to be able to obtain the VIN as soon as construction on it commences.

I placed my purchase in July, received a production number immediately, the car started production in less than two weeks, the final construction day was the first week of August, and the car was delivered to the dealership in under a month. In Wisconsin am I.

Regarding manufacturing time, physical location is completely irrelevant. It does affect delivery, though perhaps not in the most visible way. When your automobile is finished being built, it won’t be delivered to your dealership on a flatbed by itself. They load a transport truck once they have made enough vehicles for your neighborhood (which may not all be going to the same dealership). It won’t be waiting long at the plant if your car is the final one constructed to be loaded onto a truck. You might have to wait a few additional days if your automobile is the first one created and you have to wait for the construction of the half a dozen or more other cars that are going to your location. After there, it just depends on how long it takes the vehicle to get at its destination.

How long does it take a BMW from Germany to arrive?

From the date of drop-off, it will take every vehicle between 6 and 8 weeks to travel from Bremerhaven, Germany, to the East Coast and 8 to 10 weeks to travel from Bremerhaven, Germany, to the West Coast, where it will then be delivered in its whole. Be advised that leaving your car somewhere other than Germany will cause your arrival to be delayed.

How soon after the factory does BMW leave?

3-6 weeks to the US, provided it is rapidly loaded onto the boat, which priority 1 automobiles typically are. Following another 2-3 days at VPC, another 2-3 days are needed to go to Florida. Add additional week or two if you had ED. Realistically, early August would be the longest and middle July would be the fastest. Simply keep track of which boat it boarded to have a better idea of where it is.

How can you tell if your vehicle is a Priority 1 vehicle? My CS has been in “Quality Check” since the freaking 8th of June.

On the west coast, I was hoping to have by the beginning of August, but I’m confident it won’t happen right now.

Ask your dealer for your VIR, which should indicate that you are a Priority 1 if your car was a customer-ordered vehicle.

Since you received a CS, it is probable that it will remain at quality check for some time if US emissions, safety, or any other number of production-related issues need to be resolved at the factory. I wish you quick delivery!

Mine required 18 days. sent from the factory on 6/10. Accessed dealer on 6/28. I acquired it today. The My Garage, in my opinion, continues to be a few days behind schedule. My automobile is still shown as being in transit.

How long does it take for a BMW to arrive from Germany?

BMW makes it incredibly simple to ship your BMW back home once your holiday in Europe is over. The following will be covered:

  • Inland Transportation in Europe
  • Boat Insurance
  • Duty and Clearance at Customs
  • Port Processing, S.
  • Fees for Wharf and Handling

There are 12 drop-off points spread over Europe:

  • Austria’s Vienna
  • Belgium’s Antwerp
  • Lovely, France
  • France’s Paris
  • Germany’s Bremerhaven
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Bremen, Germany
  • Bayern, Germany
  • Stuttgart, Germany
  • Netherlands, Amsterdam
  • Switzerland’s Geneva
  • Switzerland’s Zurich
  • Italy
  • Bologna ($662.52)
  • Tuscany ($783)
  • Genoa ($590.25)
  • Milan ($698.67)
  • ($975.74) Naples
  • Rome ($951.64)
  • ($662.52) Venice
  • (638.45) Verona

You would need to make a reservation and pay additional fees to drop off your automobile in Italy. Additionally, the car must be returned three days before the insurance expires.

Then, every vehicle is transported to a German port at Bremerhaven before being transferred to a port in the United States. While West Coast people must wait roughly 8 to 10 weeks, East Coast residents can anticipate their automobile in 6 to 8 weeks. Any vehicle delivered outside of Germany may require an additional week.

The vehicle will need clearance from the Department of Agriculture and U.S. Customs once it has arrived in the country.

How long does it currently take to get a new BMW?

Currently, the average lead time for new BMW orders is between 20 and 24 weeks. In addition to the four to six weeks of transit time that some models require, which is included in the average, lead times for electric and plug-in hybrid models are longer due to very high demand.

The firm informed us that while new-car inventory at BMW dealers is smaller than it has typically been, buyers may still browse what is offered online. Most new automobiles that are in stock can be delivered in less than two weeks.

How lengthy is the production line for BMW?

two to three weeks approx. The precise date the car is anticipated to be finished by will be provided if you email or phone the BMW genius number. How long did it take from the moment the order was received until production started?

How long does it take to receive a new car?

The typical time frame for a new car to leave the factory and arrive at the dealership is six to eight weeks. Now, however, because of a lack of semiconductor computer chips and production issues brought on by Covid-19, that wait has significantly lengthened for some manufacturers and models.

Up to 1400 computer chips may be needed in new automobiles to control a variety of devices, including active driver safety systems, infotainment screens, and electric windows.

The tremendous decline in automobile sales and the enormous rise in demand for computers and other electrical devices in 2020 drew chip production away from the automotive industry, which is the cause of the chip shortage.

This was made worse by a sharp increase in new car sales in the latter half of 2020, which caught many automakers off guard and left them unable to produce as many vehicles as there was demand for.

How lengthy is the BMW quality check?

Three days is unusual because the “Quality Check” procedure usually takes one day. Fortunately, the unfinished cars are kept inside until they are finished.