What Oil Does A Audi A3 Use

For normal driving conditions, you can use oil with a viscosity of SAE 5W-40 for gasoline engines in all temperature ranges. If the viscosity grade is not readily accessible, you can use 5W-30 or another grade as long as it satisfies the appropriate Audi oil-quality requirement. Use SAE 5W-30 for diesel engines.

What type of oil will work in a 2016 Audi A3 2.0 T?

All TEMPS….5W-40, 5W-30, 0W-40, 0W-30 – Use a viscosity grade appropriate for the climate, season, and driving conditions where the vehicle is used if synthetic oil that satisfies the applicable Audi, Volkswagen oil quality standard with the recommended viscosity grade is not readily available in your area. Verify that the oil satisfies the requirements for Audi and Volkswagen.

Which oil does Audi suggest?

Audi recommends using Castrol EDGE Professional LongLife III 5W-30 engine oil for your Audi vehicle since the two companies regularly collaborate to produce engine oils to improve performance and save fuel consumption.


An innovative complete synthetic engine oil, Castrol EDGE 5W-30 LL with Fluid Titanium is suited for use in a variety of cars, including those equipped with Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF). giving you the self-assurance to expect the highest engine performance from the most advanced technology now available, highly built engines that run with tighter tolerances and need a high level of protection and low viscosity oils.

Is 5w40 a viable alternative to 5w30?

Using 5w30 oil:

For 5w40 oil:

This essentially indicates that each oil is equally viscous at lower temperatures and will remain so at a temperature of 30C, but that 5w40 oil operates better at higher temperatures than 5w30 oil, being effective up to ambient temperatures of 50C as opposed to 30C.

In comparison to, say, 10w40 oils, 5w40 and 5w30 motor oils have winter viscosity grades of five, making them effective down to temperatures of -30C and more viscous at extremely low temperatures.

As a result, 5w40 oils are probably utilized in higher-performance engines that operate at higher temperatures and loads than usual, such as those used in vehicles driven in metropolitan environments, which frequently sit in traffic, or in vehicles traveling at very high speeds, for example.

5w30 oils are a fantastic option if your vehicle is not made to be driven at a high rate of speed or if you drive more cautiously and sustainably. These typically perform better for certain engine parts like oil pumps, can clean the engine better, and have longer lives because they operate at lower temperatures.