How To Reset Central Locking On Audi A4

  • Utilize the driver-side lock to mechanically lock the vehicle from the outside.
  • Five times, at one-second intervals, press the “unlock” button on the remote control.
  • After 6 seconds, click the remote control’s “unlock” button once more to check that the cleaning process has been completed.

Now that all memory positions have been wiped, remote control operation of the central locking system is not recommended.

Remote Control Synchronization

Any button on the remote should be pressed.

In the event that the vehicle does not lock or unlock:

  • Within 30 seconds, lock and unlock the car using the driver-side lock.
  • Now test the synchronized remote control’s functionality.

Remote Control Matching


The value in field 2 displays the number of remotes that have been matched as well as the memory positions they were in (for example, “0001” indicates 1 transmitter in position 1). [Done, Return] [Shut Controller, Return to – 06]

  • The ignition should remain turned on.
  • Use the new, mismatched key in the driver-side door lock to lock the car from the outside.
  • To go to the next memory place, repeatedly click the UNLOCK button on the new key within 5 seconds (for example, if the value in field 2 was 0001, you would need to hit the unlock button on the new key twice).
  • As you click the button, the vehicle may offer you some form of acknowledgement (lights flash, horn beep, etc.)
  • To unlock the door, wait five seconds and then press the unlock button on the new key.
  • Remove the old key and switch the ignition to the OFF position.
  • Press the new key to LOCK and UNLOCK.
  • Turn the ignition to the ON position after inserting the new key (do not start car).

In the example presented, the value in field 2 should now show 0011, demonstrating that the previous key is still matched in position 1 and the new key is matched in position 2.

Aim to always code new keys into vacant memory slots (where there is a zero in Group 003, field 2). When places marked with a “1” are used, the transmitter that was previously coded to that location will no longer function. [Done, Return] [Shut Controller, Return to – 06]

How is the central locking system reset?

Put the key in the ignition and turn the car on after pressing and holding the “lock” button on the car remote for one second. If the key is set to “Off,” all lights should be off.

Why won’t my Audi A4 lock?

To lock and open the door from different distances, make sure the fob’s battery is charged. It may be time to replace the fob batteries if you discover that, despite being quite close to the car, it is not responding to the queue to lock or unlock the vehicle.

Why won’t my central locking operate?

If all of the doors’ locks suddenly ceased functioning or responding, the key fob might be at fault. The fob might need to be replaced if the battery has died or if something is keeping it from delivering a signal.

The lock solenoid may be to blame if only one door lock is acting up. Each door’s solenoid in a central locking system will turn on the lock or unlock function.

A defective connection or broken wiring may be to blame if you notice that the locks operate erratically and on their own. The key fob’s ability to operate the locks will become sporadic as a result of this.

Uncertain about the cause of your car’s central locking system’s malfunction? Schedule a central lock diagnostic for your vehicle, and the mechanic will be able to inform you of the problem and the necessary repair.

Why won’t my car’s central locking operate?

Are your power locks locking your car when you leave or preventing you from getting into it? You must be aware of what is wrong and take action to stop it. There are five typical causes of a broken car door lock.

One of the most frequent causes of a malfunctioning automobile door lock is a dead key fob battery. If your locks aren’t working, changing the key fob’s batteries can be the answer.

If the battery is working properly, the issue can be with the key fob itself. When you take the fob to the car dealer, they can connect it to a computer and check to see if the programming is still valid. If the fob isn’t delivering a signal, it probably needs to be changed.

If one door is not functioning but the others are, there may be a blown fuse. The problem can be resolved by changing the fuse. This is a simple and affordable remedy.

One door not working while others do indicates that the solenoid for the door lock may be defective. The car door panel may need to be removed in order to replace it.

Whether the lock isn’t receiving electricity, hold the lock switch up or down and repeatedly open and close the door to check if the lock will function. If it does, you have a broken wire. If it occasionally works, you most likely have a broken wire.

Turning It Off and On Again

  • Pull the battery out by removing the remote’s cover.
  • pause for 15 seconds.
  • Reinstall the battery. swap out the cover.
  • See if it was successful.
  • If it did, fantastic.
  • If not, let’s try a couple different approaches.

Check the Battery

  • Pull out your spare working remote if you have one.
  • With the first remote, switch the batteries.
  • Did it work?
  • Great, a fresh battery is all you need.
  • Not at all? Let’s attempt a different approach.

Resetting Your Remote Starter

  • Take hold of all of your car’s remote starters.
  • Place your ignition key in and select Accessory (or press the start button once without pushing the brake pedal).
  • Your remote car starter’s Lock button should be pressed.
  • After turning it on for five seconds, turn the key back to the “off” position (or press the start button again).
  • Three more times will bring the total to four instances of the on-off cycle.
  • You’ll hear a sound (a “ding,” “ping,” or “buzz”) on cycle number four when you choose the Accessory position. Right now, programming mode is active.
  • Lock the remote by holding down the button (s).
  • Turn off the car in ten seconds.
  • Shut the door, exit the vehicle, and then try the remote.
  • If so, that’s excellent!
  • It’s time to call the dealership if it doesn’t.

Why is my Audi unable to recognize my key?

The key fob won’t be recognized by your car because the remote’s battery is dead. The actual remote is damaged or is no longer programmed to your vehicle. Low automobile battery voltage. The keyless entry system has to be fixed.

After changing the battery, does the key fob need to be reprogrammed?

A remote key fob needs to be associated with your vehicle particularly in order to be secure.

This stops people who drive the same make and model of automobile as you from using their remote to access your car. You’ll need to reprogram the fob if changing the batteries has erased this connection or if it was somehow disrupted in order for it to once again recognize your automobile.

Standard programming sequence

Your key fob can typically be reconfigured by following this typical procedure:

Instead of starting and then returning to the locked position, turn the key into the run position. Repeat this multiple times.

You’ll typically hear a chime or other sound when you’ve cycled the key enough times. At that point, you can push the lock or unlock button on your key fob to hear another chime.

Why won’t the door of my car lock and unlock?

Even the most basic entry-level econoboxes now come standard with power locks, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still issues with your car’s most fundamental security measure. In fact, keyless entry means that there are more components within your automobile than there would have been with conventional analog locks.

Here are six typical reasons why your door locks may not be functioning if you’re having trouble getting in and out of your car as a result of a power lock issue.

  • dead battery on a key fob. Your issue might be resolved by doing a quick key fob battery replacement. Batteries are commonly coin-type, however for a precise quantity, check your owner’s handbook. (Alternatively, take out the dead battery from the keychain; the battery’s size is usually printed there. To discover how to open the fob, you might need to consult the instructions or internet.)
  • broken fuse The next most straightforward answer might be a blown fuse. Checking your power door lock fuse before taking your car to the dealer could save you money on the visit. Fuse boxes are normally hidden behind a plastic panel under the driver’s side footwell and are typically easy to access; your owner’s handbook should direct you to their precise position. Following the removal of the fuse box lid, you should find a schematic illustrating the various fuses’ operations inside the lid or in the owner’s manual. Find the one that matches the door locks. To remove it, you might require pliers or tweezers (some carmakers supply a pulling tool on the inside of the fuse box lid). Check to see if the fuse’s small metal squiggle in the center is connected. A blown fuse will have a gap that is obvious. Make careful to use a new fuse with the same amperage to replace the old one.
  • malfunctioning key fob. Unfortunately, key fobs are a little trickier to use than regular keys. You’ll need to take the fob to your dealer for a diagnosis if the battery isn’t the problem. To determine if the key fob is still transmitting the right signal, they will attach it to a computer. The fob will need to be changed if not.
  • malfunctioning solenoids. A solenoid within your car doors receives a signal when you push a button on a key fob. The solenoid converts the electronic signal into a mechanical action, in this case moving a steel rod, which was previously accomplished by turning a key in a keyhole. The inner door panel must be removed in order to replace the solenoid in a door that won’t lock or unlock.
  • Broken rod or connection There is always the chance that one of the aforementioned rods or (more likely) the plastic connectors has cracked, even if this is less likely than an electronic problem. The inner and outer door handles and locks are connected to the switches on the door panel by a network of hardware. Plastic might become brittle and harden with time, or frequent opening and closing of the window can cause gunk to seep into the door and gather there. Similar to the solenoid replacement, this will need to have the inner door panel removed in order to diagnose and repair, however any issues will be obvious to the unaided eye.
  • Electricity issues. If none of the aforementioned solutions work, there might be an electrical issue. Every electrical component needs a logic board and a wire that leads to a power source at the end (the battery). Problems could be brought on by a broken cable or a faulty logic board. If the lock and unlock functions operate sporadically, there may be an electrical short in the system caused by worn-down plastic wire insulation. The wire can be broken if it has completely stopped working.

It’s important to keep in mind that almost all vehicles still have actual keys that may be used to lock and unlock the vehicle. It can be a backup that came with the car or be concealed in your key fob. If nothing else, you can use that to lock your car for peace of mind until you or a qualified mechanic can fix the problem.

Why won’t the key or remote work to open my car?

It can be quite aggravating and even hazardous if your key fob won’t open the door to your car, especially if you have a young child or pet locked inside. Here are a few explanations for why your smart or remote key fob isn’t opening the door, along with solutions.

Any of the following could be the source of your issue if nothing happens when you push the unlock button on your remote control or key fob:

Your remote control or smart key fob’s battery is either dead or too low to maintain a strong signal. Replace the battery by opening the fob.

Your vehicle’s receiver(s) for the keyless entry system may not be receiving the signal from the key fob. When pressing the unlock button, try holding the fob close to the door handle. If it opens the door, there might be an issue with the key fob’s battery, the keyless entry antenna, or the wiring.

The unlock button on the key fob itself can be problematic. Try the panic, trunk release, and lock buttons. If the other buttons function properly, a faulty unlock button is the issue. You’ll require a fresh key fob (which will have to be programmed to your vehicle). The fob may be damaged, the keyless entry antenna, or the wiring may be at fault if none of the other buttons function after you have tried a new battery in the fob.

Your key fob’s entry code is missing. Every time you use the key fob to unlock or start your car, the rolling code that many automobiles employ changes. It can be necessary to have the fob reprogrammed by a car dealer if a communication error has corrupted the coding inside.

The electric door locks might be broken. The power door locks could not be able to unlock due to a problem with the wiring or control circuitry or even a blown fuse. To find the defect, the electrical system will need to be further diagnosed.

Your car’s battery is nearly dead or very low. Before the power doors may unlock, the car battery may need to be changed or given a jump start. Of course, you won’t be able to open the hood until you find another way to enter the car.


You either have a faulty fob or a problem with the keyless entry system or power door locks if nothing happens when you push the unlock button on your remote entry key fob after trying to replace the battery inside.

Try using a spare smart or remote entry key fob to unlock the door if you have one. If it functions, you must get a new key fob to swap out the other one. If the spare breaks, the automobile, not the key fob, is at fault. The automobile may need to be towed in order to be diagnosed and repaired at a service center or car dealership.

Look inside your key fob to see if there is a secret key if getting into your automobile straight away is necessary. A hidden emergency door key is present in the majority of automobiles with a keyless entry system and Smart fob (Start button in place of an ignition switch and conventional key). The key can normally be removed from the fob by pressing a small release catch or button on the back of the device. The door can then be unlocked with the key.

There is typically a “hidden” key slot underneath the handle trim close to the edge of the door if the door handle does not have an evident keyhole to accept the emergency key or a valet key. The handle trim’s bottom may have a tiny slot in it. To remove the trim cover, insert the key into this slot. Some coverings can be removed by sliding them to the right or up. You should be able to see the key slot for the emergency key to unlock the door once the cover has been removed.

The next course of action would be to call the police if your key fob does not contain a concealed key or if you are unable to locate the emergency key slot to unlock the door. They are competent at unlocking doors and breaking into automobiles. To open your door, they’ll use a Slim Jim, a long, thin instrument. To catch and release the lock mechanism, the tool is pushed into the door between the glass and door panel.

The driver’s door glass can be broken out with a rock or other hard object if everything else fails, no cop is present to assist you in getting inside your car, and you have no choice but to get inside by any means necessary (for example, to rescue a tiny child or a trapped pet on a hot day). the door by reaching inside and doing so.

Prevent Thieves from Hacking Your Key Fob to Unlock Your Doors

The ability to ping your key fob for a signal from the code has been developed by car thieves. The device has the same range as your key fob, so it can hack your fob from up to 30 or 40 feet away, whether it’s in your pocket or at home. Your fob replies to your car in code when it detects the bogus signal. The thief captures the signal and uses it to unlock your doors later on. The criminal can steal your automobile if the fob is also used to start the engine.

Wrapping your key fob in aluminum foil while your car is parked is the most effective technique to “foil” would-be auto thieves utilizing this trick. Alternately, keep your keychain inside a closed metal container, such an Altoids can or an old coffee can with a metal lid. To prevent your fob from being hacked, the metal enclosure must completely enclose the fob. This will block all radio signals.