Why Do Honda Civics Get Stolen?

Honda Civic 3. We enjoy the Civic’s smooth ride and roomy inside, but that isn’t the reason it’s one of the most often stolen vehicles in the country. Because Honda Civics are so prevalent and because they share parts with other Honda models, they are a prime target for thieves looking to steal parts.

Are Honda Civics frequently stolen?

Finding your automobile gone from its parking space is the fastest way to spoil your day. And if you own a Honda, you should understand that this is not a frivolous concern. The Honda Accord is ranked as the #1 automobile among thieves in the 2016 Hot Wheels survey from the National Insurance Crime Bureau. 52,244 Accords were stolen in 2015, with the most common years being 1994, 1996, and 1997. The Honda Civic comes in second with 49,430 thefts, with the top three model years being 1997, 1998, and 2000.

It is clear that thieves are aware of which vehicles are the easiest to sell, which is undoubtedly a dig at Honda. To stop your Honda from being stolen, you can do a number of things, like:

  • Don’t encourage burglars by leaving valuables like laptops, cameras, or telephones in your car.
  • Lock your vehicle: Always keep your automobile locked, even when you’re inside it.
  • Immobilizer Theft-Deterrent System: The Honda Accord and Civic models come standard with an immobilizer theft-deterrent system. An ignition key with a transponder incorporated in is used by the system. A transponder code on the automobile key must correspond to a code in the car’s computer. The engine won’t start if they don’t line up.
  • Although not infallible, steering wheel locks deter thieves, who will probably move on to another vehicle without one.
  • Transceiver: Install a radio frequency transceiver in your car so that authorities can track down a stolen vehicle.
  • Glass: Have the vehicle’s windows individually be inscribed with your VIN. It deters burglars since they don’t want to spend the money to replace all the windows.
  • Never leave your keys in a parked car. Avoid leaving the car with the sunroof or windows open. Never let your car idle when you are not looking after it. Keep the title to your car hidden from thieves. Avoid leaving your automobile in a dark or high-crime location.

When you visit our Honda dealership for a test drive of the Accord, Civic, or another outstanding model, we’ll be pleased to show you how the Honda Immobilizer System works. Your pleasure is given top attention by all of our personnel, as you will discover.

Why do thieves target Hondas?

Due to their larger engines and higher ground clearance, which makes the converters easier to steal due to the elevated height, thieves target Honda vehicles. On the illegal market, Honda catalytic converters are worth about $1650.

How can I prevent someone from stealing my Honda Civic?

Simply pulling one of the relays or fuses that is connected to the starter or fuel pump is one of the simplest and most efficient ways to prevent theft of your Honda or Acura. Simply open your car’s hood and find the fuse box if you’re unsure which fuse to pull. The diagrams for each fuse should be located underneath the fuse box once you remove the cover off.

The starter and fuel pump fuse(s) can then be easily disconnected. The fuse that powers the ECU is another one to pull so you can be sure the car won’t start. This is a smart strategy because most thieves won’t know to check the fuse box for missing fuses and probably won’t have any spare fuses with them to start the car.

Are Honda Civics difficult to steal?

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau’s annual report, more than 7,500 Honda Accords from 1997 and 7,500 Honda Civics from 1998 were stolen in 2016.

Because there are so many of them on the road, the Accord and Civic have consistently topped the National Insurance Crime Bureau’s yearly list of the most stolen vehicles in the United States.

Both models again topped the list in 2016. However, the data, which the NICB obtains from the FBI, reveals that while newer models are stolen at far lower rates than older models, older models are still being stolen. The top 25 2016 vehicles that were stolen the most didn’t even include the Honda Civic.

According to NICB spokesman Frank Scafidi, the improvements in anti-theft technology are mostly to blame.

According to Scafidi, after Honda released the first generation of smart keys in 1998, the number of thefts significantly decreased.

Honda declined to comment on the specific report, but it did note that it introduced secure chip keys for the Accord and Civic in 1998 and 2001, respectively.

Which Honda Civic is the most easily stolen?

The Honda Civic is at the top of the NICB’s top ten list of popular targets for auto thieves. The most frequently stolen model year is 1998. In reality, 6,707 of the 45,062 Civics seized in 2017 were made in 1998.

One source claims that silver is the most popular vehicle color for theft, followed by black, white, gold, and green. First of all, kudos to you if you own one of these vehicles for maintaining its performance and condition. Being able to still operate a car that is 20 years old is astounding. Be careful, though. Never forget to lock your Civic, and never run it while conducting a brief errand. Criminals can be interested in your vehicle.

Why do Hondas get stolen the most?

2020 will see 34,144 thefts overall.

We enjoy the Civic’s smooth ride and roomy inside, but that isn’t the reason it’s one of the most often stolen vehicles in the country. Because Honda Civics are so prevalent and because they share parts with other Honda models, they are a prime target for thieves looking to steal parts.

Which car is the most difficult to steal?

The Tesla Model X is one of the most difficult cars to steal, despite being the less expensive brother or sister of the Tesla Model S.

In addition to GPS tracking, the vehicle has a Sentry Mode that enables it to record its surroundings even when it is not in use.

Mercedes Benz GL 550 by TAC

You won’t need to be concerned about armed thieves because the Mercedes GL 550 from the Texas Armoring Corporation (TAC) has a (literally) impenetrable shell. You’ll just need to relax while you wait for reinforcements.

Which car is the simplest to steal?

Do you see a pattern here? Toyota Camrys are no exception to the rule that the most popular cars are the ones that thieves target the most. Criminals who steal the autos and sell the universal parts for a profit find their universal parts to be catnip. Beware if you drive a 2007 model: The most frequently stolen model last year was the 2007 Toyota Camry.

  • A popular model is the 2007
  • Stolen items total 15,656.

Car alarms—do they deter theft?

Fuller responded in response to a question regarding the usefulness of car alarms, saying that “good alarms with motion sensors, nosy neighbors, and security cameras can dissuade auto thieves, who will simply go to other places where they can avoid those exact things. Carlock, on the other hand, claims that 80% of auto thieves are capable of

How can an automobile be made virtually hard to steal?

Keeping your vehicle secure: Preventing auto theft tips

  • Secure the doors.
  • Take the car’s keys out of the ignition.
  • Never keep an extra key next to your car.
  • Snap the windows shut.
  • Always park in well-lit places.
  • Install a theft-prevention gadget and an audible alarm system.
  • Install a mechanism to disable vehicles.
  • Place a tracking device in place.

Does spinning your wheels deter robbery?

9. Rotate the Wheels. Turning your wheels makes it very difficult for a burglar to steal your car’s tires or your car in its entirety, especially when you’re close to a curb. Because it is frequently difficult to remove the lug nuts on turned wheels, they are more difficult to steal.

What makes the Honda Civic so well-liked?

The Honda Civic has been one of the most popular automobiles for many years and is still at the top of the rankings today for a variety of factors.

Because it is a dependable and fuel-efficient vehicle with a variety of body types and trim levels, the Honda Civic is well-liked. The Civic has received multiple awards throughout the years, making it a well-liked choice for anyone looking for a premium vehicle.

When deciding between Civics, there are a few things to take into account, such pricing and highway noise level, but overall it’s a great car that will serve you well for many years. In this post, we’ll examine the Honda Civic in more detail and discover why so many drivers around the world now favor it.

What do auto burglars seek for?

The majority of thieves are opportunists. They will spot something in a car, and if it is unlocked or no one is nearby—that is, if the likelihood of being apprehended is low—they will use the opportunity to take anything they can in the hopes of finding something valuable.

For as little as a few dollars in spare change, cars can be broken into. A good few hours invested in a little money here and there by the offender can really mount up.

You have to fix the broken window in the meanwhile, or you’ll feel as though someone is invading your personal space.

You may dramatically lower your risk of having your possessions stolen by taking precautions to safeguard your car before leaving it outside at home (where the majority of car crime occurs) or leaving it parked while you’re out.

If a criminal steals into your car, having money exposed from the exterior can also leave other valuables there open to theft.

Make sure anything important is hidden from view or placed in the trunk of your car before you leave it—the less there is for thieves to steal, the less there is to steal. Keeping gadgets, gym bags, and handbags hidden might lessen the likelihood that your car will be stolen into.

Large blankets, jackets, or towels spread over your car seats might give the appearance that something precious is inside your vehicle, which can deter theft.

Utilize the boot

Ensure that nothing can be seen inside your automobile if someone is looking in.

If your automobile has a visible GPS unit, it can attract a would-be burglar to break in. Suction marks on the windscreen or an empty GPS mounting device can be enough to convince a criminal that your car contains valuables.

While your automobile is unattended, it’s crucial to conceal your GPS and any accompanying devices from sight.

The most frequently taken “popular” thing from autos is the number plate. In Victoria, the prevalence of stolen license plates is very high. In addition to being inconvenient for the owner of the stolen plates, number plate theft frequently leads to additional crimes.

Installing one-way, anti-theft screws to your license plates is a quick and easy technique to stop license plate theft. It is simple for you to install these screws, but thieves find it challenging to remove them, making it more difficult for them to steal.

Don’t tempt the opportunistic thief when it comes to your automobile and your house; instead, make the prize seem tiny and the danger large.

Chop Shops

Stolen cars frequently wind up in a chop shop since their pieces may be worth more than the whole thing. In a chop shop, a mechanic disassembles the car and gets rid of any parts, such the engine or transmission, that have your vehicle identification number (VIN). Any spare parts could be offered to salvage companies or other mechanics.