What Is Toyota Lean Manufacturing System

The production method used by Toyota Motor Corporation, often known as a “Just-in-Time (JIT) system,” or a “lean manufacturing system,” has become well known and extensively researched.

The goal of this production control system, which was created as a result of years of continuous improvement, is to produce the vehicles that customers purchase in the quickest and most effective manner possible so that they may be delivered as soon as feasible. The Toyota Production System (TPS) was developed based on two ideas: the “Just-in-Time” principle, which states that each process only produces what is required for the subsequent process in a continuous flow, and “jidoka,” which is loosely translated as “automation with a human touch.” Jidoka prevents the production of defective products by stopping the machinery as soon as a problem arises.

TPS can effectively and swiftly build automobiles of sound quality, one at a time, that completely satisfy client needs based on the fundamental ideas of jidoka and Just-in-Time.

The roots of Toyota’s competitive strength and distinct advantages are TPS and its commitment to cost reduction. Toyota’s long-term survival depends on fine-tuning these qualities. These efforts will help us improve our human resources and produce ever-better cars that customers will love.

What is the Toyota Lean Manufacturing System?

The Toyota Production System establishes how we produce vehicles (TPS). It is a unique production strategy that seeks to reduce waste and maximize efficiency. a system that’s frequently referred to as “lean” or “just-in-time.

The two ideas of jidoka and just-in-time are the foundation of TPS. Jidoka is a term that can be translated from Japanese as “A technique for swiftly recognizing and fixing any problems that could result in subpar production is automation with a human touch. Just-in-time manufacturing involves streamlining and coordinating each stage of the production process to ensure that it only generates what is needed for the subsequent stage.

By putting these ideas into practice, we are able to create automobiles swiftly and effectively, each of which satisfies our strict quality standards as well as the unique needs of each of our customers.

The second part of the 20th century saw the development of TPS, which has profited from many years of continual innovation to boost our output speed and efficiency. Others have also acknowledged its worth. Not just manufacturers but other kinds of enterprises who wish to increase their performance efficiency have researched, modified, and used our system.

Jidoka is a technique for identifying issues and acting quickly to fix mistakes at any point in the production process. When there is a problem, the machinery will automatically recognize it and safely stop so that changes and inspections can be performed as needed. People on the exchange information on the “operators can carry on operating other equipment while watching the display board. The system contributes to the maintenance of high productivity and quality while assisting in the prevention of problems from occurring again.

At every stage of production, just-in-time manufacturing entails just producing what is required, when it is required. This entails zero waste, constant quality, and a smooth production process. It necessitates that at the start of production, the production line be fully stocked with all necessary components in the proper order. In order to prevent production from being interrupted or slowed down as parts are used up, new stock is provided at the appropriate time and in the appropriate quantity. The kanban system, which offers an automatic, real-time technique to supply parts at the line side and maintain minimal stock, is essential to the just-in-time process.

Toyota employs lean management in what ways?

“We always work to enhance our business processes using the Toyota Lean Management approach. We use difficulties and problem-solving as potent learning and performance-improving opportunities. We must first make invisible issues visible in order to do this.”

“To begin, we choose an area where we believe we can improve. By describing the difference between the present condition and the desired state, we attempt to characterize the issue as plainly as possible.

We think that if we state the issue clearly, we are already halfway to a solution.

Instead of concentrating on who is in charge, this is how we operate. Sharing responsibility is possible; being in charge prevents participation and collaboration.

We may begin gathering information to begin fixing the problem by identifying who is at fault. Therefore, problem ownership is how we enable our team to make decisions and open the door to significant change.”


We question “why” often in order to identify the fundamental cause of an issue when gathering data to address it.

We don’t ask who, but we do worry about why “Whoever would undermine the feeling of shared accountability for finding a solution. We don’t personalize issues because we think that issues rarely originate from persons.

The Toyota way is to identify the ineffective process, put the new process in place, then retrain employees.”


“Once we have developed the solutions to the issues, we also make an early decision about how we will oversee their execution. In the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle, it is necessary to determine who will follow up with a by-when.

The PDCA cycle assures that correct countermeasure implementation. We alter the countermeasures as we go, repeating the PDCA cycle, if the countermeasure is executed properly but the results are not what we need them to be.

Toyota Lean Management is a management concept that instructs team members on effective and long-lasting problem-solving techniques.

We teach the team how to think and take responsibility by bringing up the problems and then considering how to address them.

We have accomplished more than just problem-solving if the team can approach problems thoughtfully and effectively address them. For the sake of the business and our clients, we have established a performance culture.

In essence, we have developed leaders who further solidify our position as market leaders.

Toyota uses lean manufacturing; why?

A manufacturing facility must pay a hefty price for overproduction because it interferes with the efficient flow of materials and lowers quality and productivity. Because every item is created just when it is required, the Toyota Production System is also frequently referred to as “Just-In-Time manufacturing.

What distinguishes lean from the Toyota Production System?

TPS represents actual business demands that are shared by the majority of firms, whereas lean may not always reflect these needs (for example: maximize customer value, perfect processes, and perfect value).

Toyota still employs lean production, right?

Toyota still performs admirably when it comes to putting lean practices into effect, but less and more of that advantage currently comes from TPS and more from implementing lean product development techniques. These best practices in turn give TPS synergy.

How is Six Sigma applied by Toyota?

TPS is similar to a Lean Six Sigma approach that has been turbocharged. All of the standard TPS Six Sigma’s tried-and-true and clever procedures have been charged with incredibly driven team members.

The result of such potent Lean Six Sigma team members is TPS, which fosters a high-performance culture and enables individuals to realize their full potential. While the company benefits from higher profitability, market share, productivity, and great customer happiness, it also bestows artistically.

This Six Sigma technique was developed by Toyota Motor Corporation to provide the best quality, lowest cost, and quickest lead-time by removing wastes. Generally speaking, Jidoka and Just-in-Time are the two pillars of the Toyota production system (TPS). People frequently use the word “House” as an example. TPS is increased and maintained by cycles of dependable work and higher standards.

Waste can be reduced in a number of ways, including through the use of idle machinery, time, and inventory. Most businesses do waste between 70% and 90% of their current resources. Therefore, TPS places a strong emphasis on identifying this waste and then using specific Six Sigma techniques and methods to get rid of it.

Which three guiding principles govern the Toyota Production System?

The three fundamental problems of Overburden, Inconsistency, and Waste, or “Muri,” “Mura,” and “Muda,” respectively, are the primary targets of the Toyota Production System. In theory, process improvement should operate as follows:

– A method is developed that is simple to replicate and yields results quickly, eradicating inconsistency in the production line (Muri).

Because there are fewer errors, there is less stress, or overburden (Mura), as a result of the decrease in inconsistency.

– The absence of stress also significantly reduces waste (muda), which is thought to take the following eight forms:

  • Overproduction waste (this is the worst kind of Muda)
  • current time wastage (waiting for responses or products or parts)
  • Transportation waste
  • Overprocessing waste
  • waste of inventory/stock
  • Inefficient movement
  • Wasteful production of subpar goods
  • underused workers are wasted

The four fundamental Toyota processes are what?

The Toyota Way was released in 2004 by Dr. Jeffrey Liker, an industrial engineering professor at the University of Michigan. Liker refers to the Toyota Way as “a system meant to give the tools for employees to continuously improve their work” in his book. [5]

According to Liker, The Toyota Way’s 14 principles are divided into these four groups: Long-term thinking, the correct procedures, the development of people, adding value to the company, and persistently addressing fundamental issues are the four pillars of organizational learning.

What are the Toyota Production System’s four main objectives?

The appropriate procedure will result in the right outcomes. To reveal issues, establish a continuous process flow. To prevent overproduction, use the “pull” mechanism. Equalize the burden (heijunka). Work slowly rather than quickly.

Kiichiro, son of Sakichi, created the automotive division of Toyota Loom Works

Toyota first embraced some Ford production techniques as well as “autonomy,” but due to numerous production issues and Sakichi’s desire for process improvement, he came up with methods centered on waste reduction (divided into muda, muri, and mura), as well as the creation of “kaizen” workshops.

Very difficult post-war context in Japan

The economy struggled after World War II due to low demand and a lack of replacement parts. Toyota promotes the Jidoka’s rationale of early problem detection and avoidance of repairs. However, productivity is still lownine times that of American automakers.

Le tournant

Kiichiro left his position in 1950 to protest the bank-imposed layoffs. Taiizo Ishida took over and reformed the business with the aid of Kiichiro’s cousin, Eiji Toyoda. Eiji, together with a group of engineers that includes Taiichi No, is on a 12-week study tour to the United States where he sees numerous American factories. Although Eiji and Taiichi are impressed by the American model, they are also aware that it must be modified for the Japanese market because there is not enough demand to take advantage of scale effects. Then they create “Just in Time,” where actual demand, rather than a projection, determines the production schedule at every level of manufacturing. They create the Kanban system with carts at each station that only contain the bare minimal amount of parts, starting with the downstream (the customer).

The implementation

However, the adoption is very gradual, largely because operators must be multi-skilled and must overcome their resistance; according to Taiichi, Toyota’s factories were not implemented in all of them until 1962.

Toyota Production System (TPS) refers to these technologies, which have considerably aided Toyota’s success.