A simple new video demonstrating how to repair the tailgate handle on a Toyota Tundra from 2000 to 2006. This Tundra is a 2004 DoubleCab model, however it applies to the majority of Tundras from the first generation.
Tools required:
The first-generation Tundras frequently experience this issue. Occasionally, the handle will fully separate, rendering the tailgate impossible to open unless the inside access panel is taken off. Fortunately, despite the broken handle on my 2004 Toyota Tundra, the tailgate could still be opened. The access panel is secured in place by 8 screws. You will require a T-30 torx bit to remove these, as I specified in the list of necessary instruments. Once the panel has been removed, you can unlatch the tailgate from both ends by pulling on the two metal rods. Two 10mm bolts hold the plastic handle in place. The two bolts on my truck were unfastened because the metal inserts had separated from the plastic casing. Two plastic clips that are simple to remove without the need for tools hold the metal pull rods in place. Simply turn the clip, then remove the metal pull rod.
You merely need to take out the key cylinder from the original tailgate handle and put it in the new handle. In the video, you can see exactly how I did it. Just a short word, though: the new clip looked too frail to secure the lock cylinder in place, so I used the retaining clip from the old handle. Even while the new clip on the new handle may have been perfectly functional, I felt more at ease switching it back to the original clip.
It is prepared to be put back in after the lock cylinder has been installed in the new tailgate handle. In order to install the two 10mm bolts, you must clip the handle in place using the rubber gasket piece on the handle. Please be careful not to overtighten these bolts to avoid damaging the new handle you just purchased. The metal pull rods must be clipped in next, after which the handle must be tested to ensure that it functions properly. Testing the lock mechanism with the key is also a good idea.
You can reinstall the access panel as soon as the latches on both sides of the bed are released by the tailgate handle.
How is a tundra tailgate latch removed?
No parts are mentioned.
- Tailgate Handle in Step 1.
- Pulling the cables inward after removing the panel will release and lower the tailgate.
- Pull the cable from the insert after removing the rubber bits from it.
- Utilize your 5/16 inch.
- Push the black clip in to release the handle.
- Reinstall the new tailgate handle.
How is a tailgate cap taken off?
There are numerous justifications for removing your truck’s tailgate cap. You could want to get a new one or an other kind of cap. Whatever the cause, you may complete the task quickly and easily at home. It isn’t difficult.
- a fabric
- the drill
- Denatured booze
- a range of metal drill bits in diameter
- 5/16″ hex key
- T30 Torx fastener
The four Torx screws holding the cap to the tailgate must first be removed. Either a ratchet or a drill can be used. You should have your tailgate closed for this. To avoid damaging the screws, slowly turn them in a counterclockwise direction.
2. Remove the cap itself after removing all four Torx screws. You might need to exert some energy to remove this because it will be taped down. Open your tailgate and begin lifting it off from one side. Protect the painted surfaces of the tailgate with one of your hands.
Removing the tailgate cap will be considerably simpler if you do it after your truck has been sitting in the sun or somewhere warm.
3. Remove the old tailgate stud mounts by drilling them out. As you drill, hold the 5/16th wrench behind these mounts to stop them from turning. Use the smallest drill bit you have to start, then go up in size. Take cautious not to harm the tailgate in any way.
4. After drilling the mounts out, clean the tailgate to remove any impurities or adhesive remnants. Be thorough when using your rag and the denatured alcohol. The replacement cap’s ability to adhere to the tailgate may be hampered by any residue that remains. Make sure to clean the interior of the tailgate as well as any other sides.
5. Adjust the tailgate cap. Before attempting to stick the new cap down, make sure it fits and sits properly. When you’re ready, remove about a foot of the adhesive cover from the new cap and install it, making that the adhesive covering can still be pulled on. Peel more of the adhesive coating off the new cap as you make your way along the tailgate and apply firm pressure to adhere it to the tailgate.