It’s unlikely that the headlights would rank highly on a list of the safety features in your Toyota Camry. Nevertheless, they are crucial. In the dark, they enable you to see the road in front of you and warn other drivers of your presence. You should occasionally change the bulbs in your headlights. Learn more about when to do this and how to do it below.
Your Camry could have one of a few different types of headlight bulbs, depending on the year it was manufactured. Some lights will start to dim as they get older. If you’re in a dark place, you should be able to see this. Additionally, from the exterior of the car, it may be simpler to notice. Regularly check the status of your light.
Halogen lights are used by all vintage Camrys. Normally lasting a thousand hours, they gradually fade with time. The brightness of older headlights might decrease by up to 20% in just two years. Halogen lights may still be used in more recent models, although they won’t be as sensitive to dimming.
LED lights are used in some of the newest Camry variants. These have a lifespan of up to 50,000 hours and hardly ever need to be replaced. HID or Xenon lighting have been used in other versions. These have a 2,000 hour lifespan.
Use the VIN search tool at your preferred auto parts retailer if you are unsure of the sort of headlights your Camry has. This will assist you in locating the appropriate parts for your car.
On a Camry, changing the headlight bulb is simple. Nevertheless, depending on the model year and trim package you have, the exact steps may differ slightly. For precise directions, refer to your owner’s manual.
Open the hood first, then look for the headlight assembly. A cable going to the back of the headlamp should be visible. There are two lights on the majority of Camry models: a main headlight and a high-beam light. Only one light is used for both tasks in some contemporary car models.
Turn the bulb assembly and the cord in the other direction from clockwise to remove the current headlight bulb. The assembly should rise out in a straight line after roughly a quarter turn. Press the tiny button to disengage the connection between the bulb assembly and the power wire. Place the replacement bulb assembly there and tighten the connection clockwise. Your Camry’s headlights now have fresh bulbs.
Although it is rarely necessary, replacing the entire headlamp assembly is also simple. Just unplug the bulbs, remove the headlight assembly’s screws, and lift it out.
You are prepared to begin now that you know how to change a headlight on a Toyota Camry. You must first get the proper headlights. To locate the correct part, refer to your owner’s manual. As an alternative, search for the appropriate parts using a VIN lookup tool. Based on the VIN, these tools can interpret your make, model, year, and trim. The best element can be purchased the simplest way possible.
In This Article...
Will an AutoZone headlamp be replaced?
To be clear, buying a headlight or tail light for a vehicle at AutoZone is pretty simple if you have the part number for it or simply know the make, model, year, and occasionally even the trim of the car. When you visit a dealership or repair facility, labor is frequently added to the cost of the headlamp.
If your headlamp is easily accessible to the installer and is in most cases, Autozone will replace it.
Are you able to replace a headlight bulb on your own?
Fortunately, changing a headlight is frequently simple. The majority of the high-intensity discharge (HID) or light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs used nowadays are easy to swap out. They are secured by rotating bayonet-style retainers or tiny wire clips. They can be removed from the wiring, rapidly pushed out from behind the headlight housing, and replaced with a functional bulb. But before you can replace a headlight, you must figure out what kind of bulb you require. Your owner’s manual should be your first port of call.
How long do the headlights on a Toyota Camry last?
A high intensity discharge (HID or “Xenon”) bulb may operate for twice as long as a typical halogen headlight bulb, which can last up to 1000 hours.
O’Reilly does it install headlights?
While you wait, at no cost to you, our parts specialists can swiftly and easily change wiper blades because they are experts at changing headlamp and taillight bulbs.
How much should a headlight replacement cost?
How you complete the work will affect your labor costs. often refers to the installation’s overall cost. The typical cost could range from $75 to $400 if you replace the full headlight assembly yourself. If you take it to a car repair shop, the headlight assembly replacement cost will be between $250 and $1,000. Most aftermarket auto parts stores estimate that the cost to replace a single high-intensity discharge bulb can be $100 or more, while the price to replace a whole headlight assembly ranges from $250 to $700. Depending on the type of headlight bulb you select for your car, the cost to replace a headlight unit might range from $15 to $200.
Does Walmart do headlight installation?
One of the worst feelings is needing auto repairs when money is tight. You’ll be relieved to learn that Walmart Auto Care Centers can indeed replace your car’s lights.
Installing new headlights at Walmart Auto Care Center costs $7.50 each light, not including parts, while restoring headlights costs $25 per car.
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