Are Toyota Oil Filters Any Good

You would assume that the oil filter would be so straightforward that an aftermarket maker couldn’t possibly make a mistake. However, they can. Making short-term financial sacrifices can have negative consequences. Here are a few problems with oil filters that are of poor quality:

  • The thinnest metal is used for the filter housing. When the filter is activated, this is not a concern. But a too-thin filter housing will warp and crush when it’s time to take it off. Although it becomes a lot messier and time-consuming project, you can still get it off.
  • The oil filter gasket is made of poor-quality material. This is also unaffected by the filter’s installation. The oil filter, however, experiences numerous heating and cooling cycles. Leaks can occur when a cheap gasket becomes brittle and cracks.

You can rely on the housing on all OEM oil filters to be adequately sealed and sturdily constructed. Aftermarket oil filters do not come with the same guarantee. The aftermarket producer is free to choose the oil filter’s design and structure.

What brand of oil filter does Toyota advise?

According to a study commissioned by Olathe Toyota Parts, an online reseller of authentic factory Toyota parts, ThreeWix, K&N, and Toyota make the finest quality oil filters after a survey of more than twelve oil filter brands was conducted. More than a dozen oil filters were compared in the study based on a range of factors, including filter media surface area, component quality, and microscopic examination.

Toyota oil filters last for how long?

Your Toyota Camry’s oil filter will naturally last for more than 3,000 miles or three months, but frequently changed oil filters can endure typical wear and tear for up to 7,500 miles.

Toyota oil filters: Are they all the same?

Keep in mind that not all oil filters conform to Toyota’s exacting requirements. A non-Toyota filter element can not function as well and even clog, costing your engine money. Always specify a Genuine Toyota oil filter to save your engine (and your wallet).

Are OEM oil filters preferable?

The best oil filters are the highest quality. Whether or not the oil filter will last until the subsequent oil change depends on the caliber of the following parts:

Filter Housing Quality And Construction

The engine oil that passes through the filter is constantly exposed to the oil filter housing. Because of this, the housing must:

  • possess the capacity to endure tremendous pressure for an extended amount of time.

You will experience problems if you use an oil filter with subpar filter housing quality and/or workmanship. For instance:

  • When you attempt to remove a filter housing that is too thin, it may deform and crush.
  • The oil pressure might also cause a housing that is too thin to swell and shatter.
  • Low-quality materials can cause an oil filter gasket to become brittle and fracture. Due to the oil leaking out as a result, the engine is left without oil.

OEM oil filters always have sturdy filter housings of high quality. Consequently, you won’t ever have to worry about your oil filter leaking. The guarantee is not the same with aftermarket oil filters.

It is well known that aftermarket oil filters include gaskets and filter housing of poor quality. It might be challenging to distinguish between high-quality aftermarket oil filters and ones that are poorly made.

Pleated Filter Quality

The oil is cleaned by the pleated filter housed in the oil filter housing. Because of this, the part’s effectiveness depends on the pleated filter’s quality.

Up to the subsequent oil change, a pleated filter that meets the requirements below will work well for your vehicle:

  • standardized pleat openings
  • thick, superior filter material
  • Pleats packed closely

Chevrolet put quality first while designing its oil filters. Using premium, firmly packed pleated filters is a part of that. You may be sure that an OEM oil filter’s pleated filter will function properly for a very long time.

Regarding the pleated filter substance used in aftermarket oil filters, quality is not assured. To save a few dollars, many aftermarket producers employ filter materials of lower quality. The fact that aftermarket producers can get away with it is troubling. Since the filter cannot be opened to be examined inside, it is impossible to determine the quality of the filter material.

You’re going to experience problems if you employ an aftermarket oil filter made of inferior pleated material. It won’t take long for the cheap filter to become clogged and start returning unclean oil to the engine. Both engine wear and maintenance expenses will rise as a result.

You can only cross your fingers and hope that nothing goes wrong with your aftermarket oil filter so it lasts until the next oil change. The quality of the pleated filter is crucial. Purchase an OEM oil filter if you want to be on the safe side. You know for a fact that OEM oil filters are made of premium pleated filter material, thus that explains it.

Do oil filters actually matter?

The oil filter in your car keeps debris and grime out of the engine, allowing it to function smoothly for a very long period. Oil filters also contribute to the oil’s longevity, extending the distance between oil changes. In some circumstances, such as when the filter is clogged or during extremely cold weather when oil thickens and can’t effectively travel through the filter, oil may bypass the filter to keep your automobile operating smoothly. This bypass is necessary for your car to function properly and to avoid serious damage, but it does let unfiltered oil enter your engine. Because this occurs occasionally, it’s crucial to maintain regular oil changes and to make sure your filter is functioning correctly at all other times.

Is it necessary to replace the oil filter every time you change the oil?

1. Every time you replace your oil, get a new oil filter. Every three to six months, most automobiles need to have their oil changed. Every time you get an oil change, replace the filter as some manufacturers advise because doing so keeps it from clogging too soon.

Is synthetic oil compatible with a standard filter?

However, if you use synthetic oil and adopt extended drain intervals, a traditional oil filter might not provide the necessary service life, forcing you to change it in the middle of the oil drain period, which is cumbersome.

Because of this, AMSOIL Oil Filters are made to last up to 25,000 miles before needing to be changed, matching the 25,000-mile Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil drain interval. The product code EA15K AMSOIL oil filters have a 15,000-mile maintenance interval.

Primary Oil Filter

The majority of automakers employ a complete flow filtration system that includes a primary oil filter, sometimes referred to as a full flow filter.

It is known as a full flow filter because, in contrast to other filters that only filter a portion of the motor oil used by your car, it can remove impurities from the entire volume of motor oil used by the engine.

Your motor oil may get thick in extremely cold temperatures, and most filters may limit the oil flow, making filtering challenging. This might seriously harm the engine.

The primary oil filter, in contrast to other types of filters, provides engine protection by allowing your motor oil to move through the engine more readily, even after thickening in cold conditions.

Primary Oil Filter Types

The most popular primary oil filter types to keep your engine oil clear and guard against engine damage are listed below:

This is due to the fact that this sort of full flow filter has no metal components and is frequently easily recyclable. For its simplicity of usage, the cartridge oil filter is also preferred. Additionally, if the cartridge filter is upright, your mechanic can typically inspect it without draining the engine’s oil.

This sort of primary filter is less environmentally friendly than a cartridge oil filter. A spin-on oil filter is perfect for folks who want to do their own fuel filter replacements because it is simple to replace and seldom ever needs any complicated tools. It employs a steel canister along with a paper filter element.

Let’s discuss the secondary filter types now that you are familiar with the major filter kinds.

Secondary Oil Filter

A secondary oil filter is the next major kind of oil filter. It serves to assist the full flow filter in your car.

Less than 10% of the motor oil consumed by your car engine is cleaned by this filter, which also gets rid of any pollutants your primary filter could have missed.

An additional layer of engine protection provided by a secondary oil filter can easily increase the lifespan of your motor oil.

When the oil thickens or the oil filter becomes blocked, a bypass valve, a type of pressure relief valve, is supposed to open. The aperture protects the engine from harm by allowing oil flow to bypass the oil filter via a central tube.

Observe: A secondary filter functions apart from a primary oil filter. You can always install one later if your automobile doesn’t already have one.

Let’s now examine the two different forms of secondary filters that can help your primary filter.

Secondary Oil Filter Types

The most typical bypass or secondary oil filter types are listed below:

A centrifugal oil filter is another name for the spinner filter. This secondary oil filter uses centrifugal force, as its name implies, to capture impurities in your engine oil.

Some spinning oil filters have a force that is 2,000 times stronger than the force of gravity. Because of this, this kind of bypass filter can remove even the smallest impurities from your motor oil.

A filter housing chamber and membrane are typically found in a spinner filter (filter medium). Your mechanic will only need to change the filter media when it becomes clogged; the filter housing chamber can still be used.

The base gasket is another crucial part of a spinning filter. It is intended to prevent engine oil leaks.

Since a spinner filter isn’t the most durable fuel filter, have the base gasket checked as well when you take your car to the shop to change the oil and fuel filter.

Another secondary filter that aids a full flow filter is a magnetic oil filter.

Although this secondary filter can remove metallic impurities from the oil, it has a poor capacity to hold grime or dirt.

The good news is that a magnetic oil filter does not require replacement, unlike traditional engine oil filters. To ensure that filtered oil continues to flow into your engine, simply get your magnetic oil filter cleaned on a regular basis by a qualified mechanic.

Let’s address some frequently asked questions concerning engine oil filters now that you are fully aware of the many types of oil filters.