Why Does My BMW Shake At High Speeds?

The most frequent cause of a car shaking at high speeds is the tires. Tires that are out of balance could be to blame if your car starts to shake violently after reaching 60 mph. Check for flat places to see whether the tires are out of balance.

Make sure that such tires are balanced. You will need to replace them if they are too badly damaged.

The pressure can be too low if you do not notice any flat patches. To find out if you have inflated the tires to the correct pressure, consult the manual.

Uneven tire wear and other flaws may also cause the car to tremble. If the tires have worn out unevenly because of a misalignment, the car may shake at low speeds. Aligning the wheels or, if the tires are seriously damaged, replacing them are straightforward fixes.

The reasons why the BMW 3 Series trembles at highway speeds and how to fix it

Driving your BMW 3 Series at highway or freeway speeds while experiencing cabin vibration or a shaky steering wheel can be dangerous in addition to being annoying. Such vibrations are signs of an underlying issue with your 3 Series that has to be fixed right away for road safety and comfort while driving.

Wheel imbalance, wheel alignment issues, tire damage, bent rims, damaged wheel bearings, and loose lug nuts are the most frequent reasons for the BMW 3 Series to shake when traveling at high speeds. Bad axles, damaged suspension or steering components, and inadequate tire pressure are less frequent causes.

Causes of the BMW X5 shaking while driving on the highway and solutions

Driving your BMW X5 at highway or freeway speeds while experiencing cabin vibration or a shaky steering wheel can be dangerous in addition to being annoying. These vibrations are signs that your X5 has an underlying issue that has to be fixed right away for road safety and comfort.

Unbalanced wheels, misaligned wheels, tire damage, bent rims, poor wheel bearings, and loose lug nuts are the most frequent reasons of BMW X5 shaking at high speeds. Bad axles, damaged suspension or steering components, and inadequate tire pressure are less frequent causes.

Check your rotors first.

The most likely cause of your steering wheel shaking while accelerating or driving is a warped rotor. This is usually an indication of a faulty equalizer or caliper. If the rotor was the source of your shaking steering wheel, it should be promptly fixed when you start driving again. Repairing the rotor should be a fairly simple procedure.

Warped Brakes

Your brake rotors may be warped if you feel the steering wheel vibrate as you brake while traveling at a greater speed. Many things can cause warping, such as overtightening the lug nuts and running through cold water with hot brakes.

A jammed caliper and an extensive buildup of brake pad residue are other potential causes of the issue. The steering wheel vibrates audibly while braking with only a slight bit of warping. The problem can usually be resolved by turning or replacing the rotor in addition to the jammed caliper.


The unbalanced tires are what’s causing the high speed (50+) trembling. You might have “thrown” a weight because most BMW wheels need tape weights. The alignment may also be off, and the inside shoulder’s wear and tear is what’s causing the tire to be out of balance. The reason I say this is because you claimed it was fine when the tires were installed but started shaking a month LATER.

Now, the rotors HAVE to be the cause of the shuddering when braking. If the brake pads squeeze the caliper and it’s deformed, you will feel it when you step on the brakes, as you claim.

Take it to a tire shop and have the tires inspected. Ask the staff if the tires have shoulder wear and whether they are worn equally throughout. Also, have the balance checked. However, make careful to check to see if they are out of balance by asking. Hope this was useful.

Out of Balance Tire

A technician must add weights in certain places around the rim in order to correctly distribute a tire’s weight so that it rotates without difficulty. Compared to other steering issues, the indications of an imbalanced tire on a BMW 3 are more distinct. Unbalanced tires are most likely to blame for a vibration that only occurs within a certain speed range and disappears over that speed range. If the vibration worsens as speed rises, there may be another reason for the steering issue.

The basic process of balancing the tires should be included in your regularly planned maintenance anyhow as it may solve a steering issue (typically every 3,000 to 6,000 miles). This method aids in ensuring that your tires wear uniformly, which prolongs the life of your tires while also preventing steering issues. Your car may vibrate as a result of unevenly worn tires, which would need replacing the tires. Another reason for vibration in tires is low air pressure, however this issue is readily fixed by simply filling the tires to the recommended pressure.

Why does a BMW tremble?

worn-out rotors and brake pads Your brake pads will eventually need to be replaced because they become worn over time. When you brake, they don’t make constant and smooth contact with each other if they are too worn or worn unevenly. Your automobile may tremble as a result of this.

Why does my car shake when I accelerate quickly?

If the engine starts to visibly vibrate as you travel at greater speeds, there may not be enough power, gasoline, or oxygen reaching the engine. Checking and replacing the spark plugs, fuel filter, and air filter are all recommended.

BMW engines tremble?

The typical price for an engine shaking, pulsing, or vibrating inspection on a BMW 328i is $95; this includes $0 for parts and $95 for labor. Prices may change based on where you are.

Give an example of a BMW 328i engine that is trembling, pulsating, or vibrating.

Concern should be expressed if there are any unexpected shaking or vibrating forces originating from the engine. It might be something as easy as worn or damaged engine mounts, something major like internal engine damage, or something simple like outdated spark plugs generating inconsistent power delivery.

What causes my car to tremble at 80 mph?

You’ll likely feel a vibration coming from the engine compartment if the engine in your automobile isn’t receiving enough air, gasoline, or spark to operate properly. When your car speeds up or rumbles within a certain speed range, this problem shows up as jerks and shaking.

Check and replace your fuel, air, and ignition components on a regular basis to help avoid this problem. Your engine won’t get the necessary fuel or oxygen if your filters are clogged or unclean.

On the other hand, if your car vibrates when you stop at a red light or park with the engine running instead of at a specific pace, your engine mounts may be broken and need to be replaced.

What causes my car to tremble at 35 mph?

Hello. When you experience a vibration at a faster speed like this, a balance problem is typically to blame. One or more of the tires may be slightly out of round or the tire balance may be incorrect. Hub caps are not the problem here. The hub cap’s bendability prevents this from happening. I would advise getting the alignment examined as well because it can possibly result from improper alignment. A wheel hub with rust or one that is not rounded can potentially be the culprit. The wheel might not be seated properly if it has corrosion. Consider using YourMechanic to have this issue examined; a qualified mechanic will visit your house or place of business and determine the cause of the vibration.

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What causes my car to tremble at 75 mph?

A: When I travel between 65 and 75 mph, my automobile trembles. Although I got the wheels adjusted, the issue persisted. New tires were advised by my brother-in-law. The tires appear to be in good condition. What might be a problem?

A: I would first advise having the tires checked and rebalanced. The shaking is typical of an unbalanced tire. Metal weights are used to balance the tires. Weights may eventually drop off. One of the tires may also be damaged and have a cord separation, which might be the cause of the vibration and result in a tire blowout. A tire issue can be ruled out by having the tires examined.

How come my car is trembling at 60 mph?

Have you ever been driving your car when it began to shake so violently that you thought you were on a ride at an amusement park? Here are three typical issues that might make a car shake.

  • Tire-related issues are the most frequent cause of shaking in cars. The steering wheel may tremble if the tires are out of balance. When traveling at 50 to 55 miles per hour, the shaking begins (mph). Around 60 mph, it gets worse, but as you go faster, it starts to get better.
  • Rotor shakes can occasionally be brought on by brakes. “Out of round” brake rotors may be to blame if your steering wheel rattles when you apply the brakes. Your brake pedal will also feel this vibration.
  • When a brake caliper sticks on, this is another frequent issue that can result in swaying. When this occurs, the steering wheel will begin to vibrate between 45 and 50 miles per hour. The quicker you travel, the worse it will grow, and when you stop, you’ll smell burning.

By buying high-quality tires and having all of the tires thoroughly inspected when your car is in for preventative maintenance, the tire issue can be prevented.

By including brake caliper service when your brakes are due for maintenance, the brake issue can be prevented. This is crucial for cars with more than 75,000 miles on the odometer. Additionally, as part of a routine preventative maintenance program, have all of your brake pads inspected, just like you would with your tires.

In fact, you may prevent or anticipate these issues by according to your manufacturer’s recommended schedule of maintenance. The brake and tire inspections are typically carried out at the same time as an oil change. This will be carried out at the six-month vehicle check-up for clients whose cars have very low mileage.

Strange tire wear patterns and out-of-round wheels might also indicate the source of vibration problems. The brake caliper is stuck if one of the front or rear brake pads (out of four) is wearing down faster than the other.

Your car may tremble due to a variety of additional factors. Please utilize our website’s Noise Vibration and Harshness (NVH) diagnostic form. This will make it easier to swiftly and effectively solve the issue at hand. Alternately, you may click the icon below to obtain a form we created just for this issue. You can take one of them to your local auto shop to assist in accurately identifying the issue.

Why does my car tremble when I exceed 70 mph?

Wheel stability When your automobile rattles when traveling between 50 and 70 mph, your wheels are probably out of balance. The steering wheel will cause vibrations to go over the seat and through the vehicle’s floor.