What Oil Does My Honda Accord Need?

High Mileage 5W-20 Full Synthetic Motor Oil, 5 Quart, from Mobil 1 (Part No. 120768)

What kind of oil will work in a Honda Accord?

The same kind of fuel is required by both of the Accord’s various engine configurations for this model year. That oil is completely synthetic SAE 0w-20. Consult the owner’s manual for the 2019 Honda Accord for more detailed information. You should check there to find all the information you require about your car.

Open the hood of your car if you still need some assurance. The oil type is frequently printed directly on the motor oil cap next to your engine. That may provide you some extra information.

Hondas require synthetic oil, right?

Can I run my Honda engine on synthetic oil? Motor oils made of petroleum are used to lubricate Honda engines throughout development, testing, and certification. Synthetic oils are permitted, but any motor oil used in our engines must adhere to the owner’s manual’s oil specifications.

Is 5W-30 an alternative to 5W20?

Yes. Using an oil with a greater viscosity, like 5w30, won’t cause short-term damage to your engine. To create uniform criteria for achieving realistic fuel efficiency and engine operating conditions, automakers collaborate closely with industry oil specialists like the SAE. These guidelines enable automakers to use particular oil grades and viscosities to achieve MPG and engine life objectives. The SAE claims that using low viscosity engine oil to increase fuel efficiency not only reduces frictional loss of the engine oil seal but also has no performance flaws.

Even though there are few practical differences between 5w30 and 5w20 in terms of fuel economy and engine wear, utilizing the recommended oil grade could void your powertrain warranty if the manufacturer. However, if your warranty is no longer valid, you can use any oil without any problems.

While using a thicker oil, such as 5w30, won’t cause your engine any short-term harm. It is advised that you, whenever feasible, abide by manufacturer recommendations.

What is engine oil 0W-20?

A winter viscosity multigrade SAE oil, 0W-20, lubricates your engine parts in cooler climates and offers outstanding cold start performance.

In cold climes, 0W-20 oil is very thin and flows very freely without creating any friction. It also runs very smoothly and lubricates crucial engine components at normal operating temperatures.

Additionally, this multigrade oil functions well even when the engine temperature is adjusted to relatively high levels. It may not provide as thick an engine protection barrier as 0W-30 or 5W-40 oil, but it is still regarded as a good option for seasons.

Your Owner’s Manual

Although it’s really easy, owners manuals are frequently disregarded. To find out the appropriate viscosity of the motor oil you should use, always consult your owner’s handbook. Use the 0W20 and 5W20 variations interchangeably, depending on the weather, if they are both on the list.


Given that both 0W20 and 5W20 motor oils operate in much the same temperature range, it is critical to think about where you will be using the car. The operating temperature range for synthetic oil is -40C to 20C for 0W-20 and -35C to 20C for 5W20 (5W20 synthetic oil). Being aware of these facts means two things:

  • In places like Florida when the temperature is above 20C/68F, you cannot use either 0W20 or 5W20.
  • If you reside in a region with extremely low temperatures, such as Alaska or Maine, it is preferable to use 0W20 oil.


The motor oil will flow more smoothly the lower the number is. At beginning temperatures, a 0W20 will be more fluid than a 5W20, but both will function similarly at normal engine operating temperatures. Keep in mind that engine oils naturally become thinner during heating and thicken while cooling.

Quality Testing

Any oil brand with the appropriate viscosity grade and the API donut symbol is acceptable. The oil has passed the testing required for SL service, as indicated by the starburst sign.

The API donut indicates that your motor oil passed the current SL service rating test after being tested by the American Petroleum Institute. ACEA (Association des Constructeurs Europeens d’Automobiles) is the counterpart of API in Europe.

Manufacturer Requirements

If your vehicle is substantially loaded, the machine designer would typically advise using an oil that has a high viscosity and is heavy like honey. However, if it moves quickly, a lubricant that can move out of the way and then move back in is preferable.

Fuel Economy

Despite the fact that both 5W20 and 0W20 (0W20 synthetic oil) can be used at 20C/68F, 0W20 is thinner than 5W20 at cold engine temperatures, particularly in the initial minutes after starting your automobile. Because it gives the car slightly higher fuel economy than the 5W20, new models specify it. The 0W20 model satisfies a turbo-diesel engine’s requirements as well.

How often should the oil be changed in a Honda Accord?

We advise changing the oil in vehicles utilizing synthetic oil every 7,500 miles or every six months, whichever comes first. Oil changes for traditional oil-powered vehicles should be performed every 3,000 miles or three months, whichever comes first.

Can you combine ordinary and synthetic oil?

Whenever you have a crucial question regarding motor oil!

You’ve arrived at the proper location. Because Jiffy Lube is an oil expert. Every day, hundreds of drivers are assisted by qualified Jiffy Lube experts in choosing the proper motor oil, including whether to use synthetic or conventional oil and whether it is OK to combine different types of motor oil.

So, is it possible to combine synthetic and conventional oil? Yes. Mixing shouldn’t harm your engine if it’s something you do infrequently. To keep you moving until your next regularly planned maintenance check, let’s assume you wish to top off your oil. If the oil you use has the weight (or viscosity) indicated in your owner’s manual, mixing is acceptable.

Definition of 5w20 Vs. 5w30

The engine oil type 5w20 is distinguished by its oil weight of 20 in warm weather and a winter grade of 5. It has a lower viscosity than 5w30. While 5w30 has the same viscosity rating of 5 in the winter, it has an oil weight of 30 in the summer, making it thicker.

Working conditions for 5w20 Vs. 5w30

For use in cooler climates, use 5w20. As it moves swiftly and smoothly to deeper engine components with less friction, it makes it possible for a vehicle’s engine to start up rapidly. It immediately lubricates the components. In contrast, 5w30 performs well in warm environments. Unlike 5w20, it does not thin out quickly when exposed to heat. The engine components are therefore better protected overall when using 5w30 at operational temperatures.

Performance of 5w20 Vs. 5w30

These two engine oils function well in the environments for which they were created. Due to its low viscosity and reduced friction in the engine parts, 5w20 is a champion in colder regions with speedier engine starts. In hotter regions where a thick oil is required to resist the higher temperatures, 5w30 excels. Naturally, the engine will heat up more, necessitating a thicker oil. In colder climates, 5w20 is associated with higher performance and fuel economy, whereas 5w30 is associated with better overall engine component protection.

A 2004 Honda Accord needs what kind of oil?

There are several different kinds of motor oil, including synthetic, mixed, and traditional.

The viscosity, or thickness, is indicated by the first number on your motor oil container. Greater numbers indicate thicker oil. 10W-30 is thicker than 5W-30, for instance.

Winter performance is indicated by the W, which also defines how the oil will function in a cold start scenario. Therefore, 5W indicates that this sort of oil flows better at cold temperatures.

Fortunately, not all drivers need to be aware of this information! You only need to be aware of the optimal oil kind and rating for your car.

Most gas stations and auto supply businesses carry 5W-20 motor oil. Considering that your car can hold slightly over four quarters worth of oil, be sure to buy enough to fill the reservoir. Oil holds well, so you may put the extra in a secure location until you need to fill it off again.

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Do I need to use conventional or synthetic oil?

Yes, synthetic oil is superior to regular oil for engines. While conventional oil, or mineral oil, can provide enough lubrication, it cannot match the overall engine protection and performance offered by synthetic oils.

When opposed to the less refined base oils used in conventional oils, synthetics use higher grade base oils, making conventional oils:

  • easier to oxidize and acidify
  • Less stable chemically
  • faster to degrade and lose protective properties

In general, full synthetic motor oils outperform traditional and synthetic blend motor oils in terms of engine protection and performance. The sophisticated complete synthetic motor oils from Mobil 1TM are precisely developed with an additive system that offers performance advantages over conventional and synthetic blend oils by:

  • minimizing wear
  • preventing sludge and deposit accumulation
  • safeguarding against extreme temperatures
  • preventing oil deterioration

Therefore, all of the chemistry that is developed in a lab has a significant impact on the road.

Is complete synthetic oil more durable?

Better at Higher Temperatures: Because synthetic oil doesn’t thicken as much in high temperatures, it lasts longer than regular oil.

When should I use oil that is fully synthetic?

The drawback is that synthetic motor oil can be two to four times more expensive than normal oil. So you don’t need it unless your owner’s handbook specifically says synthetic.

  • Standard motor oil might never get warm enough to burn off moisture and contaminants that can build up if you frequently make short excursions. That might speed up the decomposition of conventional oil.
  • Synthetic oil helps protect the engine from strain and won’t wear out as rapidly as traditional oil if you live in an area with extremely cold winters or extremely hot summers, or if you tow or haul large objects with your car.
  • if your engine is elderly and prone to sludge buildup When oil degrades, a gunky residue is left behind that might obstruct oil tubes and cause an abrupt engine shutdown. Several engines from brands including Chrysler, Toyota, and Volkswagen, among others, were particularly prone to sludge buildup in the early 2000s. This problematic sludge is less likely to form while using synthetic oil.

Even though synthetics normally last for more miles, routine oil changes are still vital, and you shouldn’t wait longer than the manufacturer recommends—typically every six months or a year.

When synthetic is used, your oil will last longer and need fewer changes. That has significant environmental advantages as well because spent motor oil is a significant source of harmful waste in water.

Since I’ve been a journalist for so long, I’ve always loved vehicles. Los Angeles is a city where driving is required, even if you’re just walking a few doors down the block. I’m a major fan of good storytelling, as well as movies, music, and television.