How To Reset Car On Lift Symbol BMW?


Hello, I have a BMW E90 318i that I recently changed the oil and brake fluid in, and I also reset the service intervals.

Now, instead of any other text of symbols, the red automobile on a lift symbol appears at startup, and the handbrake exclamation mark is always on. There are no fault codes as a result of the diagnostic check I ran. Is there a solution to this or is this a common problem?

Tom K.

You might try to study any saved check control messages because the automobile on a lift might be a general service issue notice.

Button 1 is the little lever on the turn signal stalk, and Button 2 is the button at the end of the stalk, according to the 2007 On Line handbook, page 83:

1. Pull up the indicator lever and press button 1

Click button 2.

3. Press button 1 to see whether there are any further messages.

4. Push button number 2.

How can my BMW 3 Series be reset?

The mechanic will reset the computer in your BMW after the service is complete so it can record your mileage and let you know when the car will need maintenance again in the future. However, the techniques listed below can help you if you maintain your own car but are unclear of how to reset the computer system.

  • With the engine off, turn the key to the ON position.
  • For TEN seconds, press and HOLD the ODOMETER button. It can be found at the Instrument Cluster’s extreme bottom LEFT corner.
  • The dash screen will display FGSTNR along with a number. Your chassis number is this (See image example).
  • The LAST FOUR numerals are added. Ex: 3+4+5+6= 18 (taken from the image above). Your UNLOCK CODE is going to be 18.
  • Press and hold the ODOMETER button one more until the FGSTNR clearing area appears (you will still see numbers in the top section).
  • Press the odometer button until the upper Menu area (entering code menu) reaches 19 after the bottom area has cleared; When you do, the text will appear at the bottom: Press the odometer button to enter your unlock code after turning the lock on (from the example above) This is seen in the bottom portion.
  • The screen will appear as in the image above after a little period, at which point the menu will once again appear at the top. To access the number 21 menu, press the odometer button (also theentering code menu).
  • On the screen’s bottom, it will say: RESET? To complete the reset, press the odometer button.

Your BMW’s computer has been restarted! The existing settings must now be added again, or new ones must be added.

**NOTE: Slowly repeat the procedures if you are unable to reset the BMW computer on your first attempt. If you’re still having trouble, ask the dealership for help or refer to your car’s owner’s manual.

On a BMW, how do you reset the red exclamation mark?

Start the engine, then move through the obc until you find the word RESET next to the “flat tyre” sign. To choose, press the stalk’s tip. A tick should display after about 5 seconds of pressing and holding; just drive away, and it will reset itself. Don’t wait for any confirmation because there are no other signs that it has done it.

All owners and aficionados of BMW’s 1 and 2 series have their own forum community. Join the conversation regarding performance, customizations, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more!

How are the BMW warning signs reset?

Find the tiny odometer button in the instrument panel’s lower left corner. until the service message shows, press and hold. When the message says “Reset,” let go of the button and press and hold it once more.

How can I reset my BMW now that the battery has been changed?

One of the vehicles with the most advanced intelligent operating system in the world is the BMV. Therefore, the first thing you must do after every hit or replacement of an object in the car is to restart the entire vehicle.

This setup enables the computer to anticipate your next replacement requirement and alert you to it. After changing the battery, resetting the BMW computer is a quick and easy process.

  • First, turn on the controller again.
  • Step 2: Press “Trip” to activate it and make it light.
  • Step 3: Hold down the “trip” button while continuing to press and hold it until the “Reset” button shows up on the screen.
  • Reset in Step 4

What does BMW mean by “vehicle on a lift”?

As a result, they changed the oil once more in November and the car on the lift icon appeared. Express 11/16/2010 05:17 Tee212 first posted the content. indicates that the vehicle has to be lowered because it is excessively high.

BMW: What does the car-on-ramp light mean?

Car on ramps indicates that a vehicle inspection from bmw is required. Red signifies urgency and cannot be ignored. should explain all of the warning lights in the manual.

What does the yellow car on a BMW mean?

Service Vehicle: Your BMW will soon need maintenance if this light is yellow. When your BMW is due for maintenance, the light will turn red.

How can I restart my automobile once the battery has been changed?

My car’s battery needs to be changed, but I’m not sure how to restart it after doing so. How can I restart my automobile once the battery has been changed?

In less than two minutes, find out if your auto insurance is being overcharged.

  • To allow the engine control systems to detect any potential issues, drive the automobile for at least 10 kilometers.
  • The check engine light will illuminate if there are any problems, and the electronic control module is probably to blame.
  • If it doesn’t turn on, everything is fine.

Check out Jerry app if you want to look at a good strategy to enhance your auto insurance policy now that the battery has been changed. We all can quickly provide you with individual quotations from leading insurers, leaving you with the decision of which plan best suits your needs. Once you choose one, we will all even assist you with switching!

What does it signify when a red automobile is on a lift?

My 2015 28i X1 recently developed the red car on a lift caution light. Based on my investigation, I’ve come across some contradictory advice for different BMW models. Some claim that this is a serious issue that has to be addressed right away by BMW, while others assert that it just denotes the need for a vehicle inspection or brake pad wear. Only when I turn the key fob on do I get the light. Only a couple of times in the past week, and after I start the car, it goes gone. The onboard computer’s system recommended service still indicates 3500 kilometers before I need to bring it in for the service light, according to my check. The front pads are displaying 19,000 km and the rear pads still show 10,000 km. I have 44,500 kilometers on the car right now.

Just to check if anyone else has encountered similar difficulties, I wanted to get some comments from some E84 drivers.

I wouldn’t stress over it. It indicates that something needs to be serviced. It’s past due if it’s red. When I was due for brake fluid maintenance, it happened to me. Start the car and it would only last a few seconds before leaving. I put it off for about two weeks because I wanted to do other work that was due at a later time. Simply browse the service menu to discover if any dates or kilometers are approaching that are past due.


This is the two-year vehicle inspection. Take it in for free maintenance if the dealer is offering it. They will make any necessary changes. most likely cabin filter

Does my BMW require reprogramming after a battery change?

Let’s first focus on what BMW battery registration genuinely is before delving into the procedure. Battery registration, to put it simply, is the process of notifying your car that a brand-new battery has been installed. Importantly, it must be done every time you replace the battery in your BMW, model year 2002 or later.

The car adapts the amount of energy required to recharge to operate at peak levels as your battery ages and gradually loses its ability to charge. The battery needs more charging the older it is. By registering your battery, you can inform your engine control module (also referred to as DME — Digital Motor Electronics) that a new one has been installed. As a result, the vehicle will reset the old battery statistics and won’t attempt to overcharge the new battery under the assumption that the old one is still in place.

In addition to registering, you must also code your BMW computer. No matter how different or similar your new battery is from your previous one in terms of specifications, it will still be necessary each time you change it.

Can I operate a BMW with the check engine light on?

A constant glow normally denotes something less serious, but a check engine light that flashes suggests your car’s engine is seriously damaged and needs quick repair. We strongly advise not operating your BMW while the check engine light is flashing and setting up BMW servicing right away.

What does a BMW inspection light mean?

When there is a problem with the vehicle, such as an oil leak in the brakes, an issue with the engine belt, a malfunctioning microprocessor chip, or simply when the vehicle needs system maintenance and repair, an inspection light will appear on the speedometer.

Should I reset the car after changing the battery?

Yes. Your settings will need to be reset. The dealer will typically do it for free, but no guarantees can be made. If you replace a battery and anything was connected to the old one, such as the hose you mentioned, you must reinstall it. Everything is always put back on the same way I took it off. If you find yourself in need of help, think about calling YourMechanic. One of our mobile specialists may visit your house to service your batteries and make sure it was installed correctly. Thanks for reading, and good luck.

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How does a BMW’s coolant light appear?

To keep your engine from overheating, coolant fluid absorbs the heat from your engine and distributes it through the radiator.

When coolant levels are low, this yellow warning light will illuminate to prompt you to top them off.

Avoid taking any lengthy trips without enough coolant; instead, stop as soon as you can and top it off to prevent major damage to your vehicle. Before topping off, let the engine to cool. Get your car serviced if this light appears frequently to be sure there isn’t a leak.

What does a mini’s caution light for a car on a ramp mean?

electronic malfunction. A failure of the vehicle electronics is indicated by the dashboard warning light on the automobile on a service ramp stand lift and the symbols under it. The vehicle can no longer be operated without first being inspected by a mechanic.

What does a yellow caution light on a ramp mean?

The first thing to check, along with erasing error messages from the car, is whether the brake pads are worn down enough to damage the sensor on them.

Given that I recently had my front brake pads and calipers rebuilt, I think the problem is with the wear sensors. Either the wear sensors are broken, or something has been knocked, is a possibility. I will let you know after getting it examined tomorrow.