How To Jump Start A Hyundai Ioniq?

No matter where you are, having trouble starting your car is frustrating. Like many hybrid vehicles, the Hyundai Ioniq has two distinct batteries. You might be unsure of what to do if the battery in your hybrid vehicle fails due to the car’s unique construction. Because we’ve done the research, we can advise you on what to do if the battery in your Hyundai Ioniq dies.

A Hyundai Ioniq can undoubtedly be jumpstarted. Your hybrid vehicle can be jump-started by:

  • Place two vehicles close together.
  • Connect the jumper cables after turning off the vehicles.
  • With the functional battery, start the vehicle. After then, try to start the other car.
  • Keep your car running so the battery can recharge.

There is also a 12V Battery Reset Switch included with the Hyundai Ioniq. Use this button before attempting to begin your car the conventional method.

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If you’re not careful, jump-starting the battery in your automobile could be dangerous. How to properly jumpstart your car, how long the Ioniq’s batteries endure, and other crucial details are covered in the following paragraphs.


I’m not sure if you can use the AMERICA-HEV ioniq to jump start another vehicle. Never, ever will I attempt. However, in the event that the first suggested solution—resetting the 12v battery—does not work, you can jump start your ioniq using a different car. The second suggested technique is to use another vehicle to jump start your ioniq. This process is described on pages 6-5 to 6-7 of the America manual.


Hyundai Ioniq: Only utilize a 12-volt power source (battery or jumper system) to jump start a hybrid vehicle if the 12-volt battery is discharged.

Can the Hyundai Ioniq be jumpstarted?

The Hyundai Ioniq is a fantastic vehicle that is simple to jumpstart! You can accomplish this in a number of ways. You can use the simple 12V Battery Reset button or the conventional jumpstarting technique using cords. Always exercise caution when jumping a battery because it might be harmful.

Can an Ioniq jump a different vehicle?

Registered. I used my Ioniq Sel to jump start my daughter’s car, proving that it is possible. Take off the cover that has a large red + on it. My positive jumper cable was connected to the silver terminal using

How is a Hyundai hybrid started?

Make sure the key is kept firmly against the power button and depress the brake pedal firmly. When you hear a beep after a short period, simultaneously depress the brake pedal and hit the start button. The dashboard will then turn on.

On a Hyundai Ioniq, where is the 12V battery located?

It is situated beneath the IONIQ 5 chassis and provides electric power to the traction motor. The vehicle’s regular electronics, including the radio, lights, door locks, power windows, etc., are all powered by the 12V auxiliary battery, which is situated on the left side of the electric motor room.

Can a Hyundai hybrid be jumpstarted?

Find the jumper button on a 12-volt battery. On the left side of the steering wheel is where it ought to be. To jump a 12-volt battery, press the button. Your Hyundai Hybrid will automatically re-start.

Can an Ionic be jumpstarted?

Using the Ionic Bluetooth app on your smartphone and the Emergency Start feature, you can jumpstart your car. There are no cables, hassles, or need to get out of your car—just a tap on your phone. You can keep an eye on your Emergency Start’s power, temperature, voltage, and current right from your smartphone.

Simply open your hood and push the manual power button on the Emergency Start if your phone is dead. It’s that easy. No need to call AAA or a buddy, no need to look up “how to jumpstart your car” manuals.

The Emergency Start is effective not just for cars:

  • Cars
  • Trucks
  • SUVs
  • ATVs
  • UTVs
  • Boats
  • Lawnmowers
  • plus more!

The Emergency Start should work for you unless your engine is a little diesel (4.0 MAX) or a 7.2L V8 engine.

The Emergency Start is permanently attached to the battery of your car, where it is charged and is always completely charged. It is simple, strategic, and always available when you need it. Additionally, you may transport the Emergency Start to another vehicle with ease if needed because it is lightweight (less than two pounds!).

With an IP67 rating, the Emergency Start is water-resistant. Additionally, the Emergency Start comes with a one-year warranty in case anything goes wrong.

By giving you all the information and feedback you require, as well as the quickest way to start your battery in an emergency, all from the smartphone app, this lithium battery stands apart from the competition.

How much does a Hyundai Ioniq replacement battery cost?

Best in Automotive Repair The typical cost to replace the high voltage battery in a Hyundai Ioniq hybrid ranges from $3,074 to $3,131. While materials are priced at $2,854 and labor costs are projected to be between $220 and $278.

Can a hybrid battery jump-start a car?

Can you jump start a hybrid car? is a question you might have if the battery in your hybrid automobile dies. Yes is the clear-cut response. This is one of the instances where hybrid cars and regular gas-powered cars have similarities. It’s crucial to understand how to jump-start a hybrid because the procedure isn’t exactly the same as it is for other vehicles. It might be quite harmful for you and your car if something goes wrong.

Make sure you know what you’re doing if you need to jump-start your hybrid in a pinch to get it going again. First, turn off both vehicles as well as anything else that uses power, including your radio, air conditioning, and any GPS equipment you may have. Any of those that are left on while getting a jump start run the danger of being damaged by the electrical surge.

Open the hoods of both vehicles as you would for any normal jump-start after making sure everything is off. Next, connect the positive terminal on your hybrid with one end of your jumper cables, and the terminal with the same color on the other car. From that point on, things change a little. One end of the additional cable will be attached to the negative terminal in the operational vehicle. Consult your owner’s manual to find the proper location as it will depend on the model of your hybrid.

You need to start the functioning car and let it run for a while after the cables are securely linked. You can start your hybrid after a little delay, and everything should function normally. Make sure you unplug the cords in the reverse direction from how you connected them.

Can one hybrid vehicle start another one?

  • Avoid overusing your hybrid vehicle’s jumper cables on other vehicles as this can harm the electrical system.
  • Turn off your headlights and inside lights, then engage your parking brake.
  • Disconnect the hybrid system and take your key off.
  • Fuse block cover, hood, and special jump-starting terminal cover should all be opened.
  • The exclusive jump-starting terminal should receive the positive clamp (red) jumper cable.
  • Connect the vehicle’s discharged battery’s negative clamp (black) to a stable, solid, unpainted metallic point.
  • Make sure all unneeded lights are turned off and that the vehicles are not touching if the booster battery is put in another vehicle.
  • When boosting a car, always utilize a battery that is the same or better in quality.
  • Allow the jumper cables to be attached and the discharged battery to rest for five minutes. Then, with the gas pedal barely depressed, run the engine of the car that is boosting at roughly 2,000 RPM.
  • Turn on the “ready” light and start the hybrid system.
  • After the negative cable, disconnect the positive cable.

How do you start a car in an emergency?

  • Place the vehicle you’ll be using for a jumpstart next to the vehicle with a dead battery, close enough for the cables to reach. The cars shouldn’t be in contact with one another.
  • Switch off the engines of both vehicles.
  • Clamp the positive cable’s first end to the positive clamp on the dead battery.
  • Now have a buddy attach the other end of that cable to the positive clamp of the other battery.
  • Next, attach the negative cable to the good battery’s negative terminal.
  • The other end of the negative line should then be connected to a ground on the car that has the dead battery. The engine block or similar metal surface far from the battery can serve as this. While doing this, take care not to touch the cable’s two ends together.
  • Launch the emergency vehicle that is supplying the electricity.
  • With the weak battery, start the vehicle. Check your connections and tighten or clean them as necessary if it won’t start.
  • If the problem vehicle does manage to start, let it run for at least 20 minutes to give the battery time to recharge before turning it off.
  • If it still won’t start, there might be an additional issue. For assistance, dial a nearby service station.
  • Reverse the order of the cables’ disconnection.

Need jumper cables for electric vehicles?

Many things remain the same despite how different EVs are from their gas-powered cousins. With the exception of the few Teslas that have already entirely shifted to lithium-ion batteries, the 12V battery is still a vital part of every automobile on the road and is probably the finest illustration of it.

Keep a set of jumper cables in the trunk of your EV like you would have done in the past. Just keep in mind that the jump-start method for electric vehicles is a one-way street; you can take power but not give it back.

Even though it’s awful, EV owners should be aware that these acts of kindness put your own car in danger. Your karmic balance may be improved by attempting to jump-start someone else’s car, but your financial account won’t feel the same after the dust settles.

What happens if the battery in your electric car dies?

Response given by. The short and easy answer is that if you’re driving an electric car and it runs out of juice, the car will stop and you’ll need to call roadside assistance to have it towed to the closest charging station.

Why do 12 volt batteries come with electric cars?

  • The low voltage systems in your electric car that are always in need of power, such the ECU, locking system, and 4G modem, are powered by 12-volt batteries.
  • Because using 12v batteries for low voltage accessories is easier, less expensive, and safer than using 400v or 800v primary batteries for electric cars.
  • The majority of 12v batteries are lead-acid, however Tesla now employs a lithium-ion 12v battery, and other automakers are likely to do the same.

A 12v battery shouldn’t be necessary for an electric car with a large lithium-ion battery, according to logic, but the majority of electric cars do.

You may have also noticed that the 12 volt battery is an outdated lead-acid model whereas your electric vehicle has a cutting-edge lithium-ion battery.

Why? Because electric automobiles need to run their electrical systems constantly, just like cars powered by internal combustion engines do. The most effective way to power them is with a 12 volt battery because they need such a low voltage.

All 12v systems could be powered by the primary battery pack, but doing so would necessitate a voltage change and make the battery management system needlessly complex. Simply using a 12v battery is less expensive and safer.