The paint code is A53 if you chance to have Platinum Bronze. I believe the codes for the other colors should be available if you search for the painted parts in the BMW online parts fiche.
For instance, the dark slate metallic matte paint is code 976 while the platinum bronze paint is code A53 in the platinum bronze scheme, code WN97.
I’m not sure if there is a significant change, however some trim is a silvery color, for which BMW uses numerous variations on the moniker “weissaluminum III 955”. There are a few colors that are not mentioned on Realoem (such ebony black), but the code will be the same if the color name is also used on BMW automobiles.
EDIT: The paint combination code can be found by entering the last seven digits of your VIN in this field. You can probably recognize the scheme on realoem by its name even without it.
I appreciate your responses. The bike is painted Alpine White (or Alpine White III), which isn’t listed as a 2016 color on the Colorite website. The painter has requested the paint code and a sample panel since I want to have my top box lid painted to match the bike. I can provide him a panel, which ought to be sufficient, but I’d also like to discover the paint code. The lone marking is a “Bosch” identification sticker on a component; there is nothing else on or under the seat.
But the VIN Number decoder, to which Ikarus gave a link, provided me with the information I required. Thank you very much.
The hardest thing for any thinker to do is to formulate a problem that can be solved. – Bertrand Russell
Without a letter, “300” seemed a little off, but it appears to be correct. I also discovered this from a car forum, which has alternative codes for several paint manufacturers and guidelines a store selling auto paints may use to mix their own paint.
In This Article...
paint on BMW motorcycles
For your BMW motorbike, ColorRite, a market leader in OEM-Matched Motorcycle & Powersport Paint for more than 25 years, offers a full variety of touch-up, aerosol, and professional sizes. Since 1988, dealers and enthusiasts have endorsed ColorRite paint products as the best available to guarantee an exact match and long-lasting finish.
Below is a list of paint alternatives if you know the name of your desired color. If not, we advise utilizing our paint selection to assure accuracy for your convenience. For your BMW S100RR, GS, R1100, R1150, R1200, F650, K1200, HP2, F800, K1300, Adventure, C600, C650, F700, and K1600 motorcycles, we provide touch-up paint.
Select the best touch-up paint for your BMW to complete the job correctly the first time. Call for ColorRite.
Discover Details, Specifications, and Pictures of Your
the Scheme Code; a code number that might or might not be the same as the Scheme Code
pinstripes). The Scheme Code is typically located under the seat on
How/Where to Find the Paint Code
If you’re looking for a paint that perfectly matches the color on your motorcycle, it will be very challenging to locate by simply browsing through broad shades of grey. Each manufacturer develops their own distinctive paints, which they occasionally apply to all models, a particular motorcycle, or a number of types. Paint codes were developed for this reason.
These make it possible for you to determine the precise color of paint you need to match your stock paint. This eliminates the concern that the paints will be slightly different hues if you only want to touch up or repaint a single area of your bike.
A paint that seems to be near to what you need won’t likely produce the results you want if you are completely repainting your motorcycle and want to keep the original color. A highly distinct overall appearance can be produced by even minor variations in the paint.
Because of this, it’s crucial to identify the motorcycle’s paint code before attempting to purchase paint for it. By doing this, you may be certain that each time you will receive the ideal hue.
So where is the paint code actually located? It can be far more difficult to locate the paint code on a motorcycle than on a car. Motorcycles lack a tag that specifies the paint code, but contemporary cars typically have one. I have worked on hundreds of motorcycles, but never once have I come across a paint code anywhere on the vehicle.
In the exceedingly unlikely event that a manufacturer does include the paint code on one of their motorcycles, they will position it in a location where it is not very obvious. The purpose of this is to avoid detracting from the appearance of the bike by placing a sticker where everyone can see it.
These covert paint codes can frequently be found under the tank or the seat. As a result, it cannot be seen when driving or parking, but it may be examined by taking out those parts. There are several places on the frame where these color codes can be concealed.
It will always be simplest to find the paint code by checking internet forums if your motorcycle does not have a real paint code indication on it or if you simply cannot manage to find yours. For instance, look up “1975 CB500T black paint code” and browse the boards. You will know you have the appropriate code if you notice a recurrent response.
It will take you hours to try to explain over the phone to someone from customer support in another nation how to receive this information straight from the motorcycle manufacturer. Calling the manufacturer should only be done as a last resort after you have tried every alternative remedy mentioned in the second paragraph above.
Your best and quickest options will be online forums and your nearby vehicle paint supply shop.
Where is the BMW paint code?
Look for your BMW color code label under the driver’s door jam or under the hood of your vehicle. The areas that are most likely are: under the hood on the driver’s side. close to the strut towers
Where can I discover the paint code for my motorcycle?
No, looking at your bike’s VIN won’t reveal the paint code. However, since you will be able to determine the right year of your bike from its VIN, it will help you identify what it is.
The motorbike vehicle identification number (VIN) is a 17-digit code made up of letters and numbers that identifies your motorcycle by its country of origin, bike manufacturer, vehicle type, model, year of manufacturing, and production line number. Discover how to decode the year of your motorcycle with our Honda Motorcycle Vin Year Decoder blog and find a detailed explanation of what a motorcycle VIN is and what it tells you here.
The VIN’s fourth through eighth characters, together with the tenth character, are the components that will help you determine the paint or color code of your bike. The motorcycle’s model is identified by the fourth through eighth letters and digits of the VIN, while the tenth digit denotes the year of manufacturing.
Consider the VIN JH2 RD07A 9 T M 001234 as an example. The XRV750 Africa Twin model is represented by the fourth through eighth characters, “RD07A,” and the tenth number in this example is “T,” which stands for 1996.
To get the color code for your Honda motorcycle, look at the list below. You use the following chart at your own risk. Contact our parts experts here or through our online chat support if you need any help placing an order for painted genuine Honda motorbike part(s).
What is the paint code on my BMW VIN?
This information is typically printed on the driver’s side door jamb or under the hood by the strut tower on your VIN sticker. Call your neighborhood BMW dealership and provide them with your VIN if you are unable to locate it; they should be able to look out your paint code for you.
Where can I discover the Harley Davidson’s color code?
- There are many more colors in the paint firms’ databases that “might” be compared, but I only added those that matched the years and color names. I relied on Harley history and authors of books about Harley production rates. Although I was quite certain that several hues had names that were similar to the years, I chose not to add them.
- I created this table because I felt it was necessary. There aren’t many websites with Harley Database color codes. Visit Tk’s website as well; it’s fantastic and has been very helpful to me.
- The final three digits (often a letter) of the touch-up paint guides are the Harley codes.
- There is no guarantee that a crossover will match just because there is one. Every paint business has an odd Harley database.
- Always use a spray out card while experimenting with these colors because I have not sprayed any of them out.
- I didn’t want to utilize a move over bar to access the rest of the table, thus the font is small so I could put all the data I had. You deserve to see everything in this table because I worked hard on it, so I didn’t apply a filter on it:D. However, I did add a hover effect to every other line:D.
- To search this page, press the “F” button while holding down the CONTROL (Ctrl) button.
- House of Kolor Flakes are put on top of VIVID BLACK to create the “Hard Candy” colors. Those will be crossed over at a later time.
- I could one day be able to purchase a Harley if enough of you guys share this page.
- The table is not exhaustive, but it is the best one currently available because no one is willing to provide lists; instead, they prefer for you to click through 800 pages before you find what you’re searching for to increase the number of visitors to their website. Please return periodically so that I can add more when I locate them.
- I appreciate you visiting, and I hope this information is helpful to you as I spent two years working on it.
Can I use my VIN number to get my paint code?
The VIN on your automobile can tell you a lot about it, but it can’t tell you what color it is. Where can one find car paint color, then?
Most cars include a list of color codes in the driver’s door jamb. There is usually a tag there that contains details about the car, including the color of the paint. These placards list two paint codes: an interior paint code and an external paint code, which are occasionally referred to as “trim” and “paint,” respectively.
The paint codes can occasionally be more challenging to locate. Check your owner’s manual if you can’t find any information on the paint code in the door jamb. The location of the color code signs is typically indicated, eliminating the need for guesswork.
Where is the BMW leather’s color code?
BMW leather dye colors are branded with the manufacturer’s color name and are matched to the BMW OEM color. Contact your local BMW dealer with your VIN number, and the parts department should be able to give you the color name if you don’t already know it. As an alternative, you might be able to check up information on your car using an online VIN decoder that can reveal details about your trim package.
Please be aware that color representations on different monitors may differ. These samples are regarded as a close representation of the real color. For a precise color match, please refer to your manufacturer’s color code.