How To Change BMW Steering Wheel?

1. Start by removing the battery. Under the black cover in the trunk’s passenger side is where you’ll find the battery. Loosen the nuts on the negative and positive terminals using the 10mm nut driver (to be safe). Move the cables away from the battery terminal and disconnect them to prevent contact.

2. Take a peek under the steering wheel’s spokes. On either side, there is a small slit in an indentation. You should insert your flat-head screwdriver here.

The air bag retaining springs can be compressed with a tiny flathead screwdriver. When you come into contact with the spring, gently feel around with the screwdriver tip. The spring retracts when you press in. The screwdriver should be inserted slightly higher than the 3:00 and 9:00 spokes to get the best results when determining the ideal angle to compress the spring (see the pictures). To prevent damaging the airbag holes, please take your time. Examine images. During this procedure, it is simple to become frustrated. Make an effort to document the procedure well.

3. Make careful to make strong contact with the spring while pulling forcefully on one side of the airbag’s edges. Repeat on the opposite side. You may need to flip sides often since one side will occasionally clamp back down.

4. By pulling up on the yellow and green connectors, detach the airbag.

5. Disconnect the two wires that are attached to the clock spring within the wheel. When removing one, a locking tab needs to be depressed and the smaller wire carefully taken out.

6. To remove the middle bolt, use the 16mm ratchet and extension. If the wheel has never been taken off previously, it could be quite difficult. It might be best to get a friend’s assistance to hold the wheel firmly while you use leverage to remove the bolt (so as to not harm steering column).

7. When you install the replacement wheel, remember to line up the two markers at the 6:00 position (steering column and wheel).

8. When removing existing trim, make a note of the locations of the screws. Replace the old wheel’s wires, spring plate, and trim.

9. Reattach the wires to the airbag and clock spring. Make sure the cables are connected properly by taking note. Additionally, check that wires are not in the path of the two sizable springs that clamp the airbag. Push the airbag back into position.

10. Reattach the battery.

Note: The information above is available as an Adobe PDF file that you may view, download, or print: PDF for BMW steering wheel removal

Are you able to change a steering wheel on your own?

You should be able to clearly see the central lug nut holding the steering wheel in place after unplugging the wires. Most of the time, you can remove it using everyday equipment.

But occasionally, because the center lug nut pattern could differ, you’ll require a specific set. But getting rid of it shouldn’t be that difficult.

Is a new steering wheel expensive?

The price of a new steering wheel can range from $70 to $75. Depending on variables like the brand and model of your car, labor charges can change. If you are knowledgeable enough about DIY auto repair, you can replace the steering wheel on your own to save some money.

Are aftermarket steering wheels forbidden?

You may lawfully replace your steering wheel with an aftermarket one if your vehicle was manufactured before the early 1990s and hence didn’t come equipped with an airbag. Although there isn’t a specific legislation prohibiting you from replacing your steering wheel if your automobile has airbags, you risk receiving a penalty if the airbag is ever discovered to have been removed.