How To Get A Porsche Over Rev Report?

In ranges 4, 5, and 6, automobiles with 0% overrevs typically work nicely. Typically, hitting the rpm limits results in Range 1 over revs. Ranges two and above are mechanical over revs but remain within the engine’s internal safety limits. Ranges 4-6 are major and could one day be devastating. A Range 4 or higher vehicle will not be CPO’d by Porsche.

Remember that each rev lasts 0.00833 seconds at the rev limiter (7200 RPM), so that your 13,991 Range 1 revs at the limiter took 116 seconds to complete, 63 Range 2 revs took 0.5 seconds, and 21 Range 3 revs took 0.2 seconds.


That’s why I’m concerned, haha. The Porsche dealer who performed the PPI claimed that the stage 5 and stage 6 over revs were improbable, but I’m not sure how much trust to put in a dealer I’ve never done business with.

It is implausible since you must pass via ranges 1, 2, 3, and 5 in order to hit range 6. It doesn’t make sense because the counts of 2 and 3 are substantially lower than those of 5 and 6. Consider the values to be a pyramid. Some ECUs read the counters incorrectly.

Are there rev limiters on Porsches?

Engine rev limiters for Porsche Early Porsche 911s featured mechanical sliding ignition rotors with engine rev limiter devices whose primary purpose was to cut power in the case of an engine RPM over-rev.

What occurs if you rev your engine too high?

By allowing a valve to remain open for an excessive amount of time, over-revving can harm your valve train and result in valve float. When a valve is stuck halfway between open and closed, it experiences valve float. There will be a sudden loss of electricity as a result.

Can the Porsche’s soft limiter be disabled?

It is physically impossible to remove this electronic command module, which restricts the amount of RPM in order to protect your engine from damage.

On a Porsche 911, where is the DME relay located?

The DME relay is situated next to the DME box beneath the left front seat of 911s from 1984 to 1989. It is installed in the fuse box on 911 models 90 and higher. The relay really consists of two relays that run consecutively from one another.

What RPM is too high?

The redline for an engine can be anywhere from 100 and 12,000 RPM, depending on the manufacturer. When an engine overrevs, also known as “over-revving,” a valve may stay open longer than usual, which can harm the piston and valvetrain. Valve float may cause a loss of compression, a misfire, or a collision between a valve and a piston. A connecting rod could potentially be thrown by the engine between the crankshaft and piston. The engine will thereafter require maintenance or replacement.

An Overrev report is what?

What it says it is, an over rev, is just that. It exceeds the maximum number of engine rotations per minute that the engine manufacturer has judged safe by one or more. They commonly happen on downshifts in vehicles with manual gearboxes when the road speed and the gear tooth ratio are out of phase.

Is hitting the rpm limiter okay?

The rev limiter prevents damage to the engine. The computer prevents the distributer from sending spark to the spark plugs on some pistons when you reach the rpm level when the rev limiter engages. This prevents the engine from revving higher and damaging internal components. In order to prevent one piston from being overloaded with raw fuel, the computer varies which pistons do not receive spark throughout each rotation. While continually bouncing the automobile off the rev limits is not a good idea either, the rev limiter does not harm your engine. Before shifting, hitting the rev limiter slows down your run and wastes fuel.

Do excessive rpm harm engines?

You put your car and its engine under extra, needless stress when you rev your engine. When it’s cold outside, it’s crucial to do this because revving your engine before it’s warmed up can be extremely harmful because your car’s oil hasn’t had time to circulate and properly lubricate it.

What happens when the rev limiter is reached?

A hard limiter stops combustion and instantly drains the engine of all its power by either cutting the spark or, more frequently, the fuel. That is why hitting one has such a powerful effect. When the engine speed slightly decreases, power is restored; however, when it reaches the limiter, power is again interrupted.

What occurs when an engine reaches its redline?

Redlining your car frequently can seriously harm your tires as well as your engine. It can be relatively simple to redline (accidentally or on purpose) while using manual gearboxes or shift modes, which eventually leads to your engine wearing out too soon.

How can I shift the gears on my PDK?

You draw both paddles in the CS and then release. It will go to neutral. To put it in gear, you must press the gear selector.

When you pull both paddles in the GT3, the vehicle is in Neutral the entire time you hold the paddles. The PDK dumps the clutch when the paddles are released. Since you can utilize it mid-corner for some tail-wagging fun, it’s more enjoyable with the GT3.

Is PDK preferable to manual?

For the fastest lap times on Los Angeles track days, the Porsche PDK offers quicker acceleration and immediate reaction as compared to manual transmissions. Although the PDK transmission was first designed for racing, it also has a lot of other benefits.

Is PDK trustworthy?

Compared to other dual-clutch gearboxes, the PDK transmission is relatively dependable, but its service life is mostly dependent on regular maintenance and adherence to the manufacturer’s operating guidelines.

Why 7000 rpm is the upper limit?

Diesel engines peak at about 4500 RPM, whereas gasoline engines often reach their redline at 7000–8000 RPM. This is so because diesel engines were never intended to operate at high RPMs. They burn more slowly than gasoline and prioritize more torque over higher RPM.

What purpose does a soft limiter serve?

A soft limiter will provide much more constant power delivery, preventing the vehicle from jerking as power is supplied. This presents a modest disadvantage while accelerating slowly because the car just just hits the limit before it begins to accelerate again.

Three key advantages come with acceleration from greater speeds:

  • The limiter permits smooth linear delivery of all available power, so there is no performance loss for the vehicle.
  • There will be a brief period when the driver notices a little decrease in power before it begins to increase again if the limiter is set too low. This doesn’t really affect speed acceleration or maintenance, but it might result in a loss of position at a crucial junction on a racetrack.
  • Because power is provided rapidly and the limiter does not create additional wear or damage to the gears, it will reduce general wear and tear on other parts, increasing repair intervals.

Describe a DME sensor.

All components and conditions influencing the engine’s operation are picked up by the DME sensors. The analyzed data is subsequently converted into instructions for the fuel injection and ignition systems. Air flow rate, air density, air temperature, vehicle speed, and accelerator and throttle position are just a few of the more than 1,000 data points it gets per second. It checks the incoming data for accuracy and contrasts it with how the rest of the system responds.

If the sensor is broken, inaccurate data is given, and the DME substitutes the incorrect data with a predetermined, acceptable value. To prevent harm to the engine, DME will halt the supply of fuel to this cylinder if the spark plug in the Volkswagen is faulty or breaks. You may experience that when accelerating because this can alter how much power your engine produces.

The Volkswagen’s electrical system is also managed by the DME. The sensors are used to monitor the battery’s charge and power usage. It ensures long battery life by inspecting the battery cells, allowing the engine to start easily when needed.