Does My Hyundai Have A Timing Belt Or Chain?

Hyundai’s 2.7L V6 engines have a single timing belt, but its 3.3L, double-overhead camshaft engine has a timing chain for each camshaft plus a drive chain for the oil pump. At first glance, a timing chain design enables engineers to reduce spinning friction and shorten the length of the engine as a whole.

Photo 1: Hyundai plans timing belt replacements for its 2009 2.7L DOHC V6 Tucson engines at intervals of 58,000 miles or 72 months.

Whether you like it or not, contemporary technology controls how the independent import repair business operates today. As an illustration, the first “rubber” timing belt I ever saw was on a six-cylinder, single overhead camshaft engine made in the United States in 1968. We laughed a lot at the idea that these gear-toothed “rubber” timing belts would outlast the flimsy supplemental V-belts of the time given our experience.

But to our amazement, timing chains in our service bays were quickly replaced by rubber timing belts. Furthermore, since timing belt changes were frequently planned at intervals of 40,000 to 60,000 miles, rubber timing belts turned out to be a significant profit center. Later, to comply with some state-mandated emissions maintenance intervals, replacement intervals were increased to far over 100,000 miles.

Our two focal vehicles, a 2009 Hyundai Tucson with a 2.7L V6 and a 2007 Hyundai Sonata with a 3.3L V6 give good illustrations of how this shifting trend in engine design may effect how you might be conducting business.

Photo 2: The 3.3L DOHC Hyundai engine used in the 2007 Sonata features one chain for the oil pump and two chains to drive the camshafts. None have set intervals for replacement.

Which automobiles use timing chains rather than belts?

Timing chains are being installed in more and more vehicles. The majority of Mercedes and BMW vehicles come with timing chains.

A non-exhaustive list of vehicles that can have timing chains installed is provided below:

  • many BMWs
  • a lot of Mercedes
  • Every Cadillac
  • 159 Alfa Romeo
  • Corvette by Chevrolet
  • Duster, Sandero, and Sandero Stepway from Dacia
  • Jazz Honda
  • Skyactiv-G engine in Mazda
  • Every SAAB has a turbocharged engine.

You may physically inspect your car’s timing belt or chain by removing a cover at the end of the engine, consulting your owner’s manual, or asking your mechanic. The timing chain is easily identified by its metal links when the cover is removed with the proper tool, whereas the belt is comprised of rubber and is considerably more flexible.

Ask your mechanic, “How do I know whether my automobile has a timing belt or chain?” if you are still unsure.

You won’t typically need to replace your car’s timing chain. Poor lubrication is likely to have ruined a chain that has to be replaced.

If the timing chain is determined to be damaged, it’s critical that you hire a reputable expert to handle the repair. In extreme cases, the mechanic will even need to completely remove the engine to get to the timing chain. If the timing chain breaks, it may harm other engine components like the valves, making the repair more involved and pricey.

Are new Hyundai timing chains required?

When should a timing chain be changed? Unless there is a specific issue, the timing chain typically needs to be replaced between 80,000 and 120,000 miles. In higher mileage automobiles, chain problems are typical.

What is the price of a timing chain for Hyundai?

Best in Automotive Repair Hyundai Elantra timing chain tensioner replacements typically cost between $871 and $1,023. While materials are priced at $289, labor costs are predicted to range from $582 to $734. Taxes and levies are not included in this range, nor are your particular model year or special location taken into account.

When should a Hyundai timing belt be changed?

It should be replaced every 60,000 to 100,000 miles, but depending on your car and the belt’s maker, you could need to do it more frequently.

How long do Hyundai timing belts last?

Timing belts are typically changed every 60,000 to 100,000 miles as part of routine maintenance. Timing belts can break down before that time interval, however this component rarely causes issues for most cars.

The timing belt needs to be replaced right once if a technician discovers early wear during a previous inspection.

How much does a Hyundai timing belt replacement cost?

Belts don’t cost a much by themselves. Since many pieces must be removed in order to reach the belt, labor is where the true expense lies. Your best chance is to shop about and compare prices, but be prepared to pay anything between $409 and $919.

How frequently does the Hyundai Elantra require a timing belt replacement?

  • 60 to 90 thousand miles. Whether or not a problem is apparent, a timing belt that is installed in an engine must be replaced at the service interval dictated by the vehicle’s manufacturer, which is normally between 60,000 and 90,000 miles. The precise service interval should be stated in your vehicle’s owner’s manual.
  • Engine unexpectedly shuts down or won’t start. Timing belts may occasionally skip or break while the engine is operating.
  • erratic engine performance. The timing belt’s contoured, strengthened teeth engage the crankshaft and camshaft gears. The belt may stretch or the teeth may wear out after many tens of thousands of kilometers, which will cause the belt to shift positions on the crankshaft or camshaft gears. The engine will likely operate poorly or not at all if the belt jumps.
  • engine noise that is clanging or banging. The pistons and valves may clash in some engines if the timing belt has jumped, causing noise and damage. Interference engines are the name given to these engine types. The likelihood that a timing belt failure will result in engine damage will be reduced if your automobile has an interference engine by replacing the belt in accordance with the maintenance plan.

Which is more expensive, the chain or the timing belt?

Timing chains are significantly more durable than timing belts. Timing belts use rubber belts similar to your car’s serpentine belt in place of a heavy metal chain. However, a timing belt is hidden under the timing belt cover and difficult to access, unlike your serpentine belt, which is simple to alter.

Even worse, your timing belt needs to be replaced every 100,000 miles. Even though it may seem like a lot, the average cost to replace your timing belt can approach $900, making it a costly repair that you really don’t want to deal with.

However, if you put off the replacement and the timing belt breaks, you risk destroying your engine and incurring replacement costs in the thousands.

Timing chains are more expensive than timing belts, which is why some cars use them instead. Timing belts are far less expensive even if timing chains are much more reliable. This enables the producer to make some cost savings throughout production.

With addition, timing chains used to be much quieter than timing belts, but this is no longer the case in newer cars.

Timing chains deteriorate?

If your timing chain is worn out, little metal pieces may come loose and land in the oil pan. When you get your oil changed, if your mechanic finds tiny metal fragments in the oil as it is being drained or in the filter, it may indicate that your timing chain is beginning to fail. However, a number of additional problems could lead to metal shavings in the oil. Contact your manufacturer or service provider as soon as you notice metal in your oil for an inspection, accurate diagnosis, and suitable repair.

A timing belt’s lifespan is 200 000 miles.

That concludes our examination of the timing belt’s nature, operation, and significance. Can a timing belt travel more than 200 000 miles? Not at all. And to be honest, unless you have a junker that you don’t mind giving up, you really shouldn’t try this out in person. Expect severe engine damage if you continue to drive your automobile with a timing belt that is worn out, installed incorrectly, or otherwise flawed.

The cost of replacing your timing belt is by no means a cheap one. You’ll have to pay several hundred dollars, or in some cases nearly or more than a thousand. But this is little compared to the $2,000, $3,000, or even higher needed to rebuild a broken timing belt-related engine that has failed. Who would have thought that this tiny piece of rubber could fail and give you such heartache?

What occurs if my timing belt snaps while I’m on the road?

Some engine parts can malfunction without causing significant harm. Without any issues, you can drive to your mechanic and get the part replaced. But with a timing belt, this is not the case. The camshaft will stop turning when the timing belt snaps, but the crankshaft will continue to rotate at 1000 revolutions per minute. Because of this, the pistons will keep rising and falling in their cylinders and, occasionally, may hit the valves. The pistons, valves, and cylinder heads will sustain damage when this occurs, and because to how quickly it occurs, the damage will be almost immediate.

It is crucial to pay close attention to your engine and make sure it is operating smoothly. Take your car to a repair right away if you begin to notice any of the aforementioned symptoms. It can be nothing, only require a quick correction, or indicate more serious issues that could develop into the dreaded timing belt failure while driving. Come to Professional Auto Repair’s shop and let us examine your timing belt and other parts to ensure that your car is working properly.

What is the price of changing a timing chain?

How much does it cost to replace a timing chain? Timing chains can be changed by a professional for $1,600 to $1,800 or you can do it yourself for $600 to $800. The cost is significant because it’s challenging to replace this component.

Timing chains: How long are they?

A: Generally speaking, a timing chain should last the lifespan of an engine if the oil was changed routinely and the engine has a timing chain.

What signs or symptoms point to a timing chain failure?

  • When the engine is running or idles, there is a rattle. Unusual rattling noises when the engine is started or when the brakes are applied are a common sign that a timing chain in a car is damaged.
  • Engine Misfire.
  • Engine oil with contamination.
  • Check Engine indicator.
  • Having trouble starting the engine

When should the water pump and timing belt be replaced?

According to the manufacturer’s recommendations, which are typically every 60,000 miles, the timing belt and water pump must be replaced. To save money and effort, most individuals choose to replace both parts at once. This is because it takes a lot of labor and time to disassemble the engine to access to these parts, so replacing them all at once will save you a ton of time if you do it yourself and a ton of money if a garage does it for you.

Do Hyundai Elantra models from 2008 have interference engines?

A. This year’s engine An interference engine is what Elantra is referred to as. This implies that if the timing belt snaps, the pistons and valves will collide and seriously harm the engine.