How Do BMW Paddle Shifters Work?

Pulling the left shifter down and the right shifter up will change the gears on a BMW’s paddle shifters.

What Function Do Paddle Shifters Serve?

Although they were influenced by racing, paddle shifters are used differently in road cars. They come in practically every price range, from a $25,000 compact hatchback to a $200,000 sports vehicle. If you’re considering the Honda Fit, Ford Ecosport, Veloster, Honda Amaze, Ford Taurus SHO, or the Volkswagen T-Roc for 2022, or any other vehicle, seek for paddle shifters in a nearby showroom.

With paddle shifters, the driver can choose ratios rather than utilizing the clutch pedal. What the automatic transmission is set up to do, well, automatically, is overridden.

One paddle conducts upshifts, and the other downshifts, and is typically denoted by +/- or Up/Down. This shifts the gear while the shifter is in D in the majority of configurations. Changes are made one at a time, but the model or transmission determines how rapidly each change can occur.

Hold one of the paddles—typically the right, upshift paddle shift—for a few seconds to end this override; the transmission will then switch back to fully automatic mode.

There are several automobiles from brands like BMW and Porsche that have two paddle shifters positioned on the steering column. The same function as a paddle may be achieved by a toggle switch on the gear shift in other cars.

If the computer detects any possibility of powertrain damage due to excessive revving, the fail-safe features in the majority of these systems will immediately override this simulated manual condition and prevent the vehicle from continuing in that gear. Some cars, mainly performance ones, allow the engine to reach redline in one gear before upshifting automatically.


  • While in “D,” shift the lever to the left. The screen will now read “DS.”
  • Spend some time driving in “DS” (sport mode) to get a feel for it. Despite having different shift points from “D,” the mode is still entirely automated.
  • Switch gears by using the paddles. When you select a gear in “DS” mode, the car will stay in that gear until either (a) you change it or (b) the engine RPMs are too high or too low. The vehicle will regain control in “D” mode after 15 to 30 seconds.
  • The engine computer will upshift if the RPMs rise too high and downshift if they fall too low if you forget you are in manual mode.
  • In contrast to a manual transmission, choosing the incorrect gear won’t result in harm to the vehicle. The engine computer will always maintain conditions within the engine’s acceptable range. However, you can torture your gas mileage to death.

What are the BMW paddles used for?

The transition from automatic to manual drive is as simple as it can be with BMW vehicles. You can steer the vehicle and choose the desired speed by using the paddle shifters. Sometimes you could be in a rush and want the car to accelerate.

Do paddle shifters speed up a vehicle?

By enabling you to stay in a gear without shifting up as frequently as the automatic gearbox would if you left it to it, paddle shifters can let you drive an automatic transmission vehicle more quickly. However, this isn’t always the case.

When I tried to maintain a lower gear to keep accelerating while driving a car with paddle shifters, the system ignored my intentions and moved up. When I first encountered that, I began to wonder what the purpose of paddle shifters in regular cars was.

It’s unlikely that switching to the paddle shifters will make much of a difference if you drive aggressively with your right foot on the gas pedal in automatic mode because today’s automatic transmissions are quite amazing.

What purpose do paddle shifters serve?


Drivers can effortlessly transfer ratios without using the brakes and deliver a livelier, smoother driving experience by pushing the paddle shifters that are situated behind the steering wheel.


With paddle shifters, you may quickly and safely change gear while still holding the steering wheel without having to transfer your hand to the gear lever. As you’re driving, you can upshift or downshift the transmission by using the paddle shifter.

Initially, a sequential transmission for racing automobiles employed the paddle shift. Although it has a structure very similar to a manual transmission, it allows for quick and secure gear changes by connecting the paddle to the transmission via mechanical or electronic components. The operation of paddle shifters is similar to how gears are changed in a sports vehicle or a race car.

More torque and speed are guaranteed when you make a corner and utilize a paddle shifter to shift into a lower gear. By pressing the left paddle shifter while driving downhill, you can slow down the vehicle without applying the brakes. To ensure you have enough power when the slope gets steep, you may quickly downshift when traveling uphill by using the left paddle shifter at a high rotation. Additionally, you may use an upshift to get your car out of the snow more quickly and a downshift to slow down in heavy rain without using the brakes, giving you more control over your car. Despite all the amazing technological advancements in automatic gearboxes, they occasionally struggle to read the road in bad weather. Paddle shifters make the ideal backups in this situation.

What occurs if both paddle shifters are held in place?

Holding it causes it to automatically shift into first gear when you come to a halt, eliminating the bucking and shucking that comes with operating in first or second gear at low speeds.

The wheel turns with the paddle shifters, right?

They obviously move with the steering wheel when there are paddles affixed to the wheel. Consequently, they turn with the wheel as you turn it. When paddles are positioned on a column, they remain stationary no matter how the steering wheel moves.

Use of a clutch with paddle shifters

The “Getting to Know” quick reference manual for this week concentrates on the use of the paddles that some cars have behind the steering wheel.

To increase user involvement, paddle shifters are two levers located behind the steering wheel that enable drivers to manually adjust the gear of an automatic transmission. The paddle on one side shifts the transmission up a gear, which is typically signified by a “+,” while the paddle on the other side shifts it down, which is frequently denoted by a “-.” No clutch pedal is present to operate the levers. In addition to having a manual mode “M” on the gearbox guard where you can push and pull the lever to upshift and downshift, some vehicles with paddles also have this feature.

Simply put, paddle shifters are a group of electrical switches that are turned on by pushing either the right paddle or the left paddle. Depending on which paddle was used, this mechanism instructs the electronic control unit (ECU) of the transmission to shift gears.

Many automatic transmissions just shift gears in response to speed, while others fail to take into account the actual road or terrain. Therefore, when faced with various driving circumstances that can call for a varied gear selection to maximize performance, a driver can take control of the gears by using paddles.

Towing a trailer or navigating mountainous terrain might also benefit from paddle shifters. When driving downhill on a steep incline, the engine can stop more effectively, protecting the brakes and reducing the risk of brake overheating. The driver’s hands never have to leave the steering wheel when shifting gear, which improves control. Additionally, some paddles may allow the driver to upshift in order to lessen wheel spin if it is challenging to acquire traction in the snow.

Are paddle shifters safe to use while driving?

When using paddle shifters, many vehicles’ automatic transmissions can be switched to manual mode to simulate manual gearshifting. The paddles can be utilized whenever the transmission is in drive for other automobiles.

Do paddle shifters outperform manual shifters?

When driving at highway speeds, selecting a higher gear can produce a smoother ride, better fuel efficiency, and fewer engine revs, which results in a quieter, more comfortable ride. You can accomplish all of these things with paddle shifters without the fuss and effort typically associated with manual gearboxes.

Can paddle shifters be used to skip gears?

If you didn’t know, a downshift allows you to skip one gear. Press the left paddle twice quickly. While the shifter can also be used, it is more difficult,

The value of paddle shifters

Do Paddle Shifters Have Any Use? More control over your car is the key benefit of paddle shifters. You can change with just a flick of your finger, eliminating the need to constantly reach for the shifter. Due to this, the entire journey is seamless, intense, and far more driver-focused.

Can paddle shifters be redlined?

Paddle shifters are used Similar to a manual car, you can transfer gears between 1500 and 2500 RPMs for everyday driving. However, if the rev limiter permits, you should drive it to the redline to release all of its power.

Can the use of paddle shifters damage a transmission?

My automobile has seven gears and paddle shifters. I have a tendency to shift quickly, going from sixth to third, for example.

I used to immediately change from fourth to second gear while I was operating a manual transmission car. My manual car’s gearbox wasn’t harmed back then. But will I harm or prematurely wear out the transmission if I do it with the paddle shifters on my present vehicle?

In contrast to manual transmissions, an automatic car cannot go straight from sixth to third. Before getting to third, you must go via fifth and fourth in the order.

The computer controls the actuator in an automated manual gearbox, such as a double-clutch transmission, and makes all the decisions.

There is no risk of shifting to a lower gear if the speed exceeds the ratio because the system is computer-controlled.

If you flip the paddle repeatedly while traveling at 80 km/h, it will never move from sixth to first.

It also functions for upshifts. If the speed is too low, the transmission won’t let you choose a high gear.

In other words, paddling quickly down (or up) won’t harm your car’s drivetrain.

When should I use paddle shifters to upshift?

  • Before the engine reaches the bottom limit of the higher gear, you shift up.
  • Before reaching the top of the lower gear, you downshift.
  • While the other paddle is being held down, you press one.
  • You simultaneously press the two paddles.
  • While still, you attempt to shift into third or a higher gear.

When using paddle shifters, when should you downshift?

Before reaching the top of the lower gear, you downshift. While the other paddle is being held down, you press one. You simultaneously press the two paddles. While still, you attempt to shift into third or a higher gear.

When using paddle shifters, at what RPM should you upshift?

When to utilize paddle shifters depends on a number of things, including the weather and the state of the roads and the amount of traffic. For beginners, there is a general rule of thumb, though. Look to shift when the rev counter needle drops between 1,500 and 2,500 RPM when using paddle shifters.