How Long Do BMW Brake Discs Last?

What is the lifespan of brake pads and rotors? The answer may vary based on your driving habits and how often you drive your automobile. The lifespan of brake pads can range from 30,000 to 70,000 miles, depending on the quality of the brake pads. Because they are denser, your rotors will last about 70,000 miles.

The Time Between Replacements

The general recommendation is to replace your brake pads every 50,000 miles. But this is only a generalization, and a number of variables could change that figure.

The suggested interval between replacements may vary depending on your driving style, the brand and quality of the brake pads on your BMW, and the brake pads’ actual material. It’s advisable to discuss the ideal mileage for your particular car with a dependable repair.

When should I have my BMW’s brakes replaced?

Since BMWs are built to perform, we comprehend your desire to drive your coupe, sedan, or small SUV to their absolute limits. But it’s vital to keep in mind that how you drive has a big impact on how long your brakes last. You’ll probably need to repair your brake pads and rotors more frequently than drivers who smoothly coast to a halt if you frequently make abrupt stops. The environment you reside in also affects how well your brakes work; stop-and-go city traffic is harder on brakes than open rural roads, and hilly regions with steep downhills wear brakes out more quickly than a flat suburban landscape.

How can you tell when your BMW’s brakes need to be serviced? Brake pads should typically be replaced after 50,000 miles, but because driving styles and surroundings differ, it’s important to be aware of additional warning signs.


I’ve looked through a number of posts, and it seems like there is a significant range in terms of how long the original brake pads and rotors last. The onboard computer system informed me that I have approximately 12,000 miles left on the front and 16,000 miles left on the rear when I had 40k miles on my original pads and rotors.

Every 20k miles or so, my ancient E39 530i needed new brake pads and rotors. I don’t think my driving habits have changed.

How many miles can you get out of the F10’s brakes? The pads of the F10 probably have a different composition thanks to BMW. Compared to the very dark brake dust I had with the E39, my brake pad dust is very light.

How durable are BMW rear brakes?

How durable are BMW brake pads? Depending on how you drive, BMW brake pads typically last between 30,000 and 70,000 kilometers. You’ll need to have an examination more frequently if you commute in heavy traffic and use your brakes frequently.

How frequently ought brake discs to be changed?

Brake discs should typically last for more over 50,000 miles, although a variety of circumstances can shorten or lengthen their life. You might get up to 80,000 miles out of one set if you keep them in good condition and drive safely. However, because brake discs can degenerate in as little as 25 to 30,000 miles, it is always worthwhile to keep an eye on them.

It is important to pay attention to your brake pads as well. They experience much more wear and tear than the metal brake discs your car uses since they are much softer. As the wheels spin, braking discs apply pressure to the brake pads, creating the friction necessary to slow the car down. This depletes them.

The lifespan of brake pads can vary, just as that of the discs, with an average set lasting 50,000 miles. You can extend the life of your braking discs and pads by frequently inspecting their quality.

What is the price of BMW brakes?

Depending on the type of brake pad selected, BMW brake pads can cost anywhere between $150 per axle and $450 per axle. In extremely rare circumstances, they can even be higher if the manufacturer demands that a certain brand of brake pads be supplied for your BMW.

When should brake discs and pads be changed?

How Much Time Does It Take to Replace Brake Discs and Pads? Regardless of whether you need the front or rear brakes changed, a complete brake pad and disc replacement takes between 1 and 3 hours. It takes 30 to 1 hour to change brake pads independently.

Which brake pad manufacturer does BMW use?

BMW does not manufacture its own braking mechanisms or brakes. BMW has agreements with other suppliers, just like many other parts used in production. According to Investopedia, BMW purchases its brake calipers from Brembo. Members have been actively contributing to the Quora Forum. They also educate us on the fact that BM does not produce brake discs, brake calipers, or brake pads. German company Otto Zimmermann Bremssceiben GmbH produces the discs. Swedish, French, and certain Chinese companies produce a large number of additional braking system parts. Along with the Brembo contract, Bendix, ECP’s Pai, Textar, ATE, and MD friction, these are also available. The model and the parts employed actually dictate everything.

What does it cost to replace the brake pads on a BMW?

The cost of new brakes depends on your BMW model. Depending on the brake pad material, replacement brake pads can range in price from $150 to $300 per axle on average. Your brakes’ other components, including the rotors, may have been impacted by any prior damage to the brake pads.

What leads to the wear of brake discs?

Brakes wear down over time for a number of reasons. The brakes will become less effective with regular usage, and corrosion may result from occasional use. A bigger vehicle or frequent braking while traveling downhill will also cause brakes to wear out more quickly.

  • Friction causes brake pads and discs to get thinner as they are utilized.
  • Vehicle manufacturers stipulate a minimum thickness, and the discs must be replaced when they become too thin.
  • Replaced discs and brake pads must be done simultaneously.
  • Brake parts are susceptible to corrosion.
  • Surface rust on front brakes is quickly removed by the friction of the brake pads against the discs.
  • Rear brake discs that aren’t used as frequently can rust, especially in light vehicles or vehicles that are only utilized for short distances.
  • Rear drum brakes usually don’t have corrosion issues.
  • If strong braking is not applied, light corrosion may be removed, but if it is not, the corrosion may worsen and eventually cause surface pitting.
  • Heavy cars’ brakes will deteriorate more quickly.
  • The most wear is caused by hard braking from high speed, like on motorway slip roads.
  • Driving through a lot of stop-and-go traffic increases brake wear.

Brake discs are they covered by the warranty?

  • The consumer’s disappointment upon learning that the back discs had rusted after such little use may be understood, according to the ombudsman.
  • The discs in the back were hit differently from those in the front, according to the car manufacturer, who also indicated that rust might be brought on by inactivity.
  • Even when they are covered by a guarantee, brake discs are regarded as a wear-and-tear component, thus the vehicle manufacturer is not responsible for replacing them.
  • The maker of the vehicle owed the consumer nothing more because they brought up their issues three years after the manufacturer’s warranty ended.
  • Additionally, because the manufacturer hadn’t sold the automobile directly to the buyer, the customer’s complaint concerning the caliber and longevity of the brake discs couldn’t be prosecuted against them.
  • As a result, the ombudsman disregarded the client’s complaint and concurred with the adjudicator’s conclusion.

How can I tell if I need to replace my brake discs?

You need to use your senses of sight, hearing, and touch to inspect your brakes to make sure they are in good condition. All of information put together can help you determine whether to replace your brakes for a more comfortable and secure driving experience.

If you observe any of the following symptoms, your brakes may need to be replaced:

squeaking sound

Under normal driving circumstances, some brake squealing is to be expected, depending on the state of your brakes, the brake pads’ materials, and the weather. A strong screeching noise, however, is a sign that the brake pads might need to be replaced. Some brake pads have an internal semi-metallic layer or an external sensor that makes a screeching noise when it’s time to change the brake pad. Even when the brakes are not being applied, you can still hear this screaming sound. At this point, if you wait too long, the screeching sound will be replaced by a grinding sound, which indicates that the brake pads have worn out completely and may result in further costs if the brake disc is harmed.

Alert signal:

When your brakes require maintenance, some cars include a warning light on the dashboard to let you know. As a rule, sensors last about as long as brake pads, thus they must be replaced at the same time. As not all vehicles are equipped with brake pad sensors, it is best to verify your owner’s manual before relying on this method.

vehicle veering to one side

While you’re driving, if your car feels like it is tugging to one side or the other, it may have worn out brake pads, stuck caliper guide pins, or both.

Visual check:

Visually inspecting your brakes on a regular basis, such as every 10,000 miles, is a good idea. If your car doesn’t have sensors, this is crucial. Through the spokes of the car’s wheel, you may visually inspect the brake pads. Brake pads must be replaced if less than 3mm of them are visible.


If your automobile vibrates when you brake, your brake discs may be abnormally worn or have been thermally damaged as a result of hard braking.

How much does replacing brake discs in the UK cost?

Your front brake discs and pads need be replaced at an average price of PS224.00. The price might range from 140 to 400 PS.

Back brake disc and pad replacement typically costs PS249.00. Once more, such prices can go from 140 to 400 PS.

It is reasonable to claim that your car’s brakes are its most crucial safety component.

The complexity of contemporary drum and disc-based systems keeps growing, as does their effectiveness and dependability.

A brake disc, calliper, and pads or shoes are all parts of a disc-based system; the lining on these adds to friction. When the car brakes, brake fluid enters the caliper and forces the brake pads against the disc, stopping the vehicle. Almost all braking systems function in a similar manner.

What is the price of replacing disc brakes?

What is the price of replacing the brake rotors and pads? Each rotor might cost anywhere from $30 to $75. For each axle, labor costs between $150 and $200 to replace the rotors and pads. The cost of brake pads and rotors per axle ranges from $250 to $500.

Should brake discs be replaced with pads instead?

The lifespan of brake discs varies from vehicle to vehicle, just like it does with brake pads.

Pads and discs may occasionally need to be changed and replaced at the same time, but discs often outlast pads.

Eventually, front brake discs will become excessively thin, which could cause overheating and a reduction in effectiveness. A brake disc’s necessary thickness is determined by the manufacturer.

What results in scoring of brake discs?

Disc Brake Scoring On the disc’s friction surface, this is the location where score marks are visible. They can be brought on by a number of things, such as excessive brake use, shoddy brake disc construction, corrosion of the disc surface, improper or inappropriate pad material, or contaminated brake pads.

Are worn brake discs a failure on a MOT?

Before you should discard a brake disc or drum, it must be considerably worn. Being worn less than what the manufacturer recommends is not a cause in and of itself.

a) Drum or disc brakes:

(i) noticeably and visibly worn (ii) unstable, fragmented, or in any other way liable to fail