Can I Locate My BMW Key?

Nope. Even if there was a means to start reverse communication, there is nothing you could do to make it discoverable because the fobs lack a speaker.

Some vehicles, but not the i3, have two-way key fobs with some form of sound generator.

What It Does

The processors and keys of some automobiles can hold more data than those of others. More personal information is reportedly stored in the key fob of BMW vehicles than any other automaker.

Your car key is very much trackable to anyone nearby if it offers keyless entry and push-button starting capabilities. A signal that your key produces can be tracked, even hijacked, copied, and used to break into your car. Although it does not happen frequently, it does happen more frequently in our modern, technologically enabled environment.

Not simply the automobile keys are capable of storing data and being exposed. The internal computer, keys, locks, and immobilizer systems in current cars can all be hacked. Once the security is breached, a hacker has access to the vehicle and can then install viruses and tracking software, copy or decode keys, and even take your car. You may really use a very straightforward solution to stop key cloning and data scraping when it comes to your keys.

Can you track a missing key fob?

Despite being highly technological, key fobs don’t come with a built-in tracking feature just yet.

Fortunately, you have lots of third-party tools at your disposal to monitor your key fobs till then!

This is essentially a tiny keychain-sized fob that you can attach to your key fob (or your phone, wallet, vehicle keys, or anything else that has a propensity to disappear!)

These key trackers connect to your phone via Bluetooth; don’t worry, even the most affordable models typically have a range of several dozen meters.

Your key tracker might, depending on the manufacturer you select:

  • Make a noise to aid in finding it
  • GPS can be used to locate it.
  • When you are a specific distance away, notify you.

Once everything is set up, all you’ll need to do to find your key fob is pull out your phone and use the app that is included — no more frantic searching or needing to go back a step or two!


Guest Post from the MIT School of Engineering’s Ask an Engineer series

Maybe—but don’t get your hopes up—if it’s the proper kind of remote and you have lots of time and technical know-how.

You’ve once again misplaced your automobile keys. You’re certain they’re in your home, but despite looking under the refrigerator and between the cushions of your couch, you were unable to locate them. You have a keyless remote that appears to be in communication with your automobile, and you are wondering if there is any way to make it speak with you and let you know where it is. “Theoretically, it is feasible, according to electrical engineering and computer science doctoral candidate Phillip Nadeau, “but it depends on the kind of remote-entry system we’re talking about. Even then, it can be difficult based on the manufacturer and technologies employed.”

Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) and Passive Keyless Entry (PKE), the two primary categories of keyless remotes, operate in various ways. Only when you push a button on the remote control do RKE devices send a radio signal to your car. Nadeau says that “these gadgets are often solely outfitted with a transmitter.” Unfortunately, this prevents you from calling the remote. It can’t hear you any more than a skeleton key can.

Your chances are improved if you have a PKE remote. You don’t need to press buttons with PKE devices to lock or unlock your automobile. According to Nadeau, “the car transmits a signal that simultaneously powers the remote and requests a legitimate authentication code to open the car.” Similar technology is used by RFID card scanners to grant you entrance to a building without requiring you to take your ID card out of your pocket. A PKE remote, in contrast to an RKE device, includes both a transmitter and a receiver, allowing it to hear you call it using specialized radio equipment while you’re just acting like your automobile! Theoretically, you could create a special gadget that doubles as a radio transmitter and receiver, retransmitting the signal from your car and waiting for a response from your keys. However, if you have the technological know-how to build such a device, it should work. This is not a simple or cheap option.

According to Nadeau, as long as you have a lot of free time. “To elicit a response, the interrogator must be a short distance from the distant.” Most of the time, this proximity restriction is helpful since if PKE remotes had a long range, someone might steal your automobile while the keys are safely inside your home! However, it also means that in order to locate your keys, you will need to search every inch of your home with your tools. You might as well go back and rummage through that junk drawer one more time rather than spending the time and money developing some fancy radio equipment in order to find your keys.

written by aeronautics and astronautics PhD candidate Aaron W. Johnson. The question was sent by Suzan Atkinson-Haverty from Fitchburg, Massachusetts. For further information and answers to your questions, visit the Ask an Engineer page at the MIT School of Engineering.

Taking a Step Back

You should go back to the spot where you last used the key fob. Ask the proprietors, employees, or people nearby if they have seen your key fob by searching the area or getting in touch with them.

Even if it takes time, this approach has potential. If you leave your car key fob at a restaurant, for instance, there’s a chance that one of the staff members will have found it and will be ready to give it to you.

My BMW key fob’s battery has to be changed.

It’s easy to replace the battery in fobs that include removable batteries:

  • Slide out the internal key blade by holding the button at the fob’s base.
  • Utilize the tiny gap around the fob’s edge to pull off the backplate.
  • Replace the battery with a comparable model, either a CR2450 or a CR2032, depending on your fob.
  • Return the internal key blade and clip the backplate into position.

Older rechargeable fobs and diamond-shaped keys are glue-sealed and cannot have the battery changed. The fob can get hurt if you try to pry the backplate off in this situation.

Where are my BMW keys?

So, you’ve misplaced your BMW key fob and need a new one. What you must do is as follows: Go to a nearby BMW shop like BMW of Bloomington. The 17-digit VIN number of your car, which may be found in the driver’s door jamb or close to the front of your windshield, will be required by the technician.

What should I do if my BMW key fob is lost?

Even if you decide to go to the dealership, the cost of the replacement process there can surprise you. Your car will be reprogrammed to accept the new fob and key after a new key is ordered and arrives. You will incur labor expenses, including the price of the key, throughout the process. Depending on your model, the price may rise to $1,000.

BMW key fobs—can they be tracked?

Nope. There is nothing you could do to make the fobs detectable even if there was a means to start reverse communication because they lack a speaker.

How can I locate my misplaced auto key fob?

  • There are several techniques to look for a missing key fob:
  • You should go back to the spot where you last used the key fob.
  • Most locations have sections that deal with forgotten things or lost and found bins.

Can a BMW key be deactivated?

You can deactivate your BMW key fob from the comfort of your home via a remote cable coding session. It is a quick process that doesn’t last longer than 30 minutes. If you don’t already have one and add one in the top Option box, we will send you a coding cable once you place your order. It should reach you in two to seven business days. Once you have it, you can plan a coding session during the time that works best for you. Simply connect the connection and adhere to our technician’s instructions during the session, and he will handle the deactivation process on your behalf.

On all current PCs and many Macs running Windows or MacOS, a cable coding session can be undertaken. Learn what is needed for the cable coding session.

Can a locksmith create a BMW key?

A recent news story claimed that 30% of car owners lose their keys every week. Even while it may occasionally be a little inconvenience, vehicle owners can avoid having their day ruined by it with a little advance forethought. Obtaining a backup key is the most effective approach to make this happen.

Every year, cars get more technologically advanced, and what was once just a basic metal key keeps evolving into a smart fob with a variety of features. You have three choices for getting a new or replacement key for your BMW:

  • You can cooperate with your neighborhood BMW dealer.
  • You can work with a neighborhood locksmith business that has the skills necessary to duplicate and program BMW keys and fobs.
  • You can obtain a “blank” replacement key and fob online, then take it to your neighborhood dealer or locksmith to have it programmed and cut once it arrives.

You will need to have your own personal identifying information, such as the BMW’s VIN and the year and model, in order to use any of these choices. In addition, you’ll need to have identification from the government and documentation showing your identity as the car’s owner. It may seem obvious, but having the necessary information on hand will speed up the process of procuring a replacement key if you find yourself in need of one after locking yourself out. The situation might become less stressful as a result of this.

The dealership may require you to tow your car there so they may make your replacement key if you opt to use them in an emergency and need the replacement key right away. They can come to you if you choose a trained local locksmith, which will save you time, money, and stress.

Can I locate my car keys with my phone?

Since phones are one of the most common items we misplace, having a tool to help you locate your misplaced phone is essential.

Top tracking tags that are used in conjunction with a “find my keys” app typically function both ways, enabling you to use them to locate an iPhone or Android device as well.

As long as the phone’s operating system is compatible with the tracking software, the tags can ring any model of phone. When you download the locating app from the App Store or Google Play Store, it will tell you if your phone will function, so don’t worry if you’re unsure.

How can I find my BMW that was stolen?

The VIN number is the quickest way to track down a stolen vehicle. Likewise, if a stolen car doesn’t have a tracker, you can check the security camera footage or get in touch with the insurance provider.

We’ve created a guide to assist you in selecting a car security camera for overnight observation.

Important information regarding what to do when your car is stolen is provided in the table below.